Made the top 3K for the month yay! Also I got the friend bug in arena so someone's random Luneth was with me for my last 5 fights haha made those easier than normal
Guys, what do you think about x4 Exdeath's in arena (with a Cecil)
I have 4 Exdeaths, just wondering if worth (I probably lose 1/60 matches on average atm)
Guys, what do you think about x4 Exdeath's in arena (with a Cecil)
I have 4 Exdeaths, just wondering if worth (I probably lose 1/60 matches on average atm)
if your going full mage, 3 exdeath and 2 tanks is the best bet. If the enemy strike first and you have the bad luck of them chaining all the good skills, at least thanks to the tanks you will have 2 exdeaths alive for your turn for 4x Meteor.
That was kinda my plan... Four Dualcasts with four Ultimas. I feel like if I don't get first turn I might lose one or two of my mages thoug unless I got some serious Mage Amour.
Three dualcasters with Ultima is still gunna be hurtin'. That's like 6000 Dmg a turn if they survive. Although... This plan is still months away. lol
woa you guys
a month ago most of you were in the 470-550 ATK range
today you are all freaking 600+, some even reached 700 ATK. GAF stays winning
Okay, redpill me.
How do I TM farm on iOS and macOS.
with gilgamesh is easy to break the 700 ATK cap, its accesible to everyone with a Gilga.
yeah, but the only gilga in my FL is blazed
the rest of you all have 650+ atk luneths and lightnings, and a 700 atk elza. Impressive as fuck
Made the top 3K for the month yay! Also I got the friend bug in arena so someone's random Luneth was with me for my last 5 fights haha made those easier than normal
Arena monthly reset earlier than announced?
It says ends at 2016/11/30 2359. It's still 1600 right now.
Arena monthly reset earlier than announced?
It says ends at 2016/11/30 2359. It's still 1600 right now.
yeah, but the only gilga in my FL is blazed
the rest of you all have 650+ atk luneths and lightnings, and a 700 atk elza. Impressive as fuck
I didn't get to enjoy that bug, but I had the same cakewalk team for like 12 consecutive fights at 1.50. Was really nice.
GMT, not PST :/
I'm still trying to get the timezone correct in my head as I swear my brain processes it like pig latin for some reason.
You've been red-pilled. Welcome to hell.
Note that this is an *Android* emulator. Which means you need to download FFBE from the Google playstore inside your Android emulated environment. As long as you've linked the game to Facebook, this is not a problem, just link your Facebook in Android and your game will seamlessly transfer betweeen devices. The only thing that doesn't transfer is Lapis. So if you want to Lapis refill on Android, buy some Lapis from your Android account and use it only for TM farming refreshes.
I didnt put my gilga because is not lvl 100 yet Y_Y
But, when it does (god bless 100 gigantuars) it will be like this:
Gilgamesh 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Dark Helm +14ATK+20DEF
Body: Force Armor +51DEF+13SPR+10%Fire/Ice/Lightning
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 5853 MP: 172 ATK: 744 DEF: 262 MAG: 169 SPR: 150
Edit: and didnt put any pot because thats saved for orlandu sama
I think your Elza will still be the most useful unit for the community until everyone has access to better debuffs (6* WoL pls).I didnt put my gilga because is not lvl 100 yet Y_Y
But, when it does (god bless 100 gigantuars) it will be like this:
Gilgamesh 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Excalibur +120ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Dark Helm +14ATK+20DEF
Body: Force Armor +51DEF+13SPR+10%Fire/Ice/Lightning
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 5853 MP: 172 ATK: 744 DEF: 262 MAG: 169 SPR: 150
Edit: and didnt put any pot because thats saved for orlandu sama
Ah damn. We have to take note of 2 time zones now :/
I hope i didn't fell off the top 3k. I was at 2.1k 8hrs ago.
Which would you guys recommend between 3 summoning tickets vs a trust moogle?
Equally important. The usefulness of them are dependant on the kind of player you are.Which would you guys recommend between 3 summoning tickets vs a trust moogle?
Has anyone gotten the gold trophy for crafting abilities or items? I don't really know where to grt so many crafting materials, especially the crysts
Has anyone gotten the gold trophy for crafting abilities or items? I don't really know where to grt so many crafting materials, especially the crysts
My Exdeath still not having dual cast is really a burden in the Arena, Gumi please remember that the enchanted maze exist!
My Exdeath still not having dual cast is really a burden in the Arena, Gumi please remember that the enchanted maze exist!
Dual cast Meteor + 6* CoD Barrage tear through everything.
Still working on CoD, but my ExDeath reached dualcast last night (and I finished him this afternoon).
Shaking my head, as dual Meteor in the arena is just stupid. Alone, he can almost ensure that everyone is dead on the second turn, and can completely ensure everyone is dead by turn three. On my team, only the best HP-stacked opponents survive turn 1 now, and no one has even come close to surviving turn 2. As I stack enough HP to ensure I can survive turn 1, that means I practically guarantee myself a win every time by default.
i can tell you this: i put my cloud of darkness full mage. Has 460 MAG and with Thundaga she does 950-999 to all enemies.
Its not necessary to overflow ATK or MAG in arena, because at certain point, the damage will be still 999, no matter if you have 500 MAG or 600 MAG. So i think 3-4 exdeaths with ultima is not neccesary. A exdeath with ultima or meteor will do still 999 damage.
So dont burn out yourself farming 4 ultimas and focus on other equipment.
woa you guys
a month ago most of you were in the 470-550 ATK range
today you are all freaking 600+, some even reached 700 ATK. GAF stays winning
the aftermath is a disheveled Cecil.Dual cast Meteor + 6* CoD Barrage tear through everything.
Sadly, never pulled a Chorizo for Blade Mastery.Sucks that it's so integral to certain builds, but maybe eventually!
Is it just me or do non-friend units' LB not fill up?
Is it just me or do non-friend units' LB not fill up?
Not just you.
One of the restrictions that comes with using guest units instead of friends
Not just you.
One of the restrictions that comes with using guest units instead of friends
Yup. Non-friend helpers are not allowed to use their limit breaks.
^ someone else pls confirm if this is true
So I went to put even more pots on my Fencer and this is what I saw...
Apparently, when you max that specific stat the pots are greyed out.
What happens if you only need 3 points, but the pot gives 5?