Oh god if all these Final Fantasy leaks are true I will be in heaven. Please be real....probably won't be though.
Sure. Just add GAF in your name or message. I'm deleting all non GAF friends on my list![]()
Oh god if all these Final Fantasy leaks are true I will be in heaven. Please be real....probably won't be though.
What leaks? I'm interested.
port of the psx port of chrono trigger and FFVI coming to PS4!
Only FF XI would be the only FF to not be available on PS4 after that, since the leak talk about XIII trilogy, it's pretty amazing.whoa whoa whoa FFVI, PS4???
Oh god if all these Final Fantasy leaks are true I will be in heaven. Please be real....probably won't be though.
Yeah.... I'm super mega skeptical of this.
Square sells all of these games seperately on all sorts of platforms, shy of toaster ovens.
Why would they give all of that up for a single disc collection? That doesn't make business sense, unless none of them really sell at all anymore and the collection is full price retail.
Also, the glorious return of low-poly FF13 dog in 1080p60? Why.gif
Yeah.... I'm super mega skeptical of this.
Square sells all of these games seperately on all sorts of platforms, shy of toaster ovens.
Why would they give all of that up for a single disc collection? That doesn't make business sense, unless none of them really sell at all anymore and the collection is full price retail.
Also, the glorious return of low-poly FF13 dog in 1080p60? Why.gif
hey guys, im lost as to what TM I should get next. plz help
What I got:
-Blade mastery
Whats in the oven: Excalibur, Sakurafubuki, Power of creation, genji gloves
I have no clue which TM to add to my team
what I have that could be interesting to TM:
- Doublehand
- Gungnir
-Romadan pistol
-More excaliburs
-Kaiser knuckles
-Maybe minerva bustier??
seriously, no clue which one to go for. I would go for the kaiser knuckles but I dont have a snow yet, without his TM they dont look worth it... Maybe I should pull until I get snow. Help anyone?
depends of what you want to do.
I think that one must have first a super mega op unit, and then diversify to the rest, because only 1 op unit makes the difference than 5 units with 1 or 2 TMs.
So, you will have the following:
dual weild
blade mastery
And soon you will have:
Excalibur, sakura, PoC, Gengi gloves
So, your gilgamesh should be after that:
Dark Helm
Force Armor
Genji glove
Hero ring
Blade Mastery
Power of Creation
Do you have gaffgarion? because if you do, then bracer is a must.
Do you have karls? because if you do, his TM is a must too
If not, then i can say your gilgamesh is finished at this point, so you must ask yourself, what unit you want to make next?
You want a secondary high damage unit? or Power your Refia?
Is there any point having more than 2 Dual Wields / Genji Gloves?
sadly didnt get any gaffgarions or karls
the second char id feel like powering would be my lightning for sure, but without bracers /BM even with high atk TMs should would feel meh... I can get her a gungir and romadan pistol tho
port of the psx port of chrono trigger and FFVI coming to PS4!
Romandan Pistol
Black Cowl
Minerva Bustier
Hero Ring x2
Atk+10 x4
No black cowl either tho
What about Cecil? What are good tank TMs?
Magi Staff
Aegis Shield
Any Helmet
Hanzo Gaunlet
Equip Staff Materia
Melody of Life
They better work on those load times... CT on PS1 was a nightmare.
Bruh I will buy FF13 collection in an instant in all its shitty glory.
because if you dont have enough "fuck lightning" in 1080p, now you can say it in 4k and HDR!
Them whales team, haha.
I'm loving Ffxv. Put in 40 hours in four days so far. Skipping sleep to play this. Currently on mission 3, lev 5 bounty hunter, max fishing and lev 7 on cooking, photography and the other skill. Lv 43 with 100k in the bank. Trying to complete all the bounties and quests before I advance the story. Over 120k gils saved up too.So played some FFXV tonight
First impressions are not good
How many techs do I need to make the winged saint?Got all cactuars and winged saint baking, that went pretty quick considering the drop rate. I can give up the moogle, so just gonna focus on tickets and quartz and some mats I think.
Did daily pull, got my first Miyuki
Decided to go for broke and use a summon ticket, got my first CoD
Since I have CoD now I decided to go kill the trial boss for the mace, having 2 breaker units is probably what made the fight pretty easy
So played some FFXV tonight
First impressions are not good
So back to exvius i go. I think ive decided that im gonna grind the rest of this week for the moggle and cactuars and call it a day lol
How many techs do I need to make the winged saint?
And that makes 48+ hours without a single Gigantuar showing up, I guess the encounter rate is like 1% (or at least for me)
I'm up to 50 clears without one as well. Dumb.
I'm had 5 in 46 clears... don't hurt me!
Wouldn't want to hurt you lol congrats. I've also pulled 12 Rainbow crystals so it's all RNG in the end. But having an event with high costs but a low spawn rate of the boosting monster is pretty stupid.
Got me there, I'm still waiting on one of those (unless you count the one I saw in my dozen rerolls at launch)
Yeah I seem to always get a rainbow when I'm not trying to get one and never get one when I am chasing....fuck Lightning and Gilgy.....bitches.
Let's trade, my Lightning for your Luneth![]()
I don't know how you guys can subject yourself to farming this horrible event. I gave it a couple tries, got crap even when a cactuar showed up and then decided to call it quits for this week and fully focus on TM farming.
I don't know how you guys can subject yourself to farming this horrible event. I gave it a couple tries, got crap even when a cactuar showed up and then decided to call it quits for this week and fully focus on TM farming.
I have two so deal.