Yeah, seems like they normalized it. All these 11 pulls and no Shanttoto at all.I know I am jinxing it by saying this, but, it seems like maybe they did something with the 3* rates. Doesn't seem to be "rare" and "common" so much anymore. Look at all of these Zidanes and Garlands and Lockes etc etc
I know I am jinxing it by saying this, but, it seems like maybe they did something with the 3* rates. Doesn't seem to be "rare" and "common" so much anymore. Look at all of these Zidanes and Garlands and Lockes etc etc
Thank you!! A Rainbow came up on the first 11 pull (was my very last one), it opened up and JUST got a glimpse of Lightning before it crashed (these crashes are worrying, was on my phone again). I have no idea what are the other 10 units.
Not going to complainI've finally got decent physical damage dealers now. I have 88 Gigantuars at the Mog Shop still to buy too...
I have to say I like the new UI. My only gripe is that they didn't change the Esper menu again. During the Halloween one I thought it should have been Diabolos instead of Ifrit, and I feel this one should be Shiva to go with the snow theme. Ifrit just looks so out of place.
4-2+22 hour maintenanceIncoming 21hr maintenance to fix esper icon to please user Alkez.
Seriously, that 3x Zidane pull is even rarer than getting a 5* base.
Incoming 21hr maintenance to fix esper icon to please user Alkez.
Congrats, another Lightning in Gaf ranks.Oh shit...
Finally collected 30k gears to get the Trust Moogle!
So with the final 900ish gears I started buying the cheap tickets... or 1 at least and immediately spent it.
Gold turned into Rainbow!
Oh shit...
Finally collected 30k gears to get the Trust Moogle!
So with the final 900ish gears I started buying the cheap tickets... or 1 at least and immediately spent it.
Gold turned into Rainbow![/SPOILER]
Hey guys, guess what. I said screw this and did one more pull with the last three thousands gears I had to buy a ticket before deleting the game...
Haha, fuck you gumi.
Dracu lasswell is already outdated thoughTake a day's break or two (even though we just had one lol gumi). It takes time for the rage to simmer. I remember pulling HARD (very similar to what you just did) for Dracu Lasswell and getting nothing but trash. Hang in there bro, it will get better.
Man everyones rainbow makes me rly wanna pull...65 tickets and 30k for orlandu, i must remain strong
Dracu lasswell is already outdated though
Wanted Hope, didn't get him. However I got a second Snow, and my first of quite a few units I didn't have - Alma, Kaju, Kefka, Golbez, and two Fangs.
Maybe on dailies, and saving my last twenty tickets for something else
Congrats to all the new Lightning owners. I really need a second physical DPS unit. Can't even spend some of my attack pots, as I have maxed Lightning already
And I am hosed for the dragon at this time. At least the Arena is normalized again so I can nuke people
5 more tickets:
- Sabin
- Artemios
- Clyne
- Luna
- Edgar
Have I not suffered enough? I religiously farmed the event the whole fucking week despite the awful drop rate and now they can't even have the decency to give me a fucking banner unit in 7 tickets and a daily pull?
You have a guaranteed Orlandu right there, be strong. Then save the rest for Rikku.Man everyones rainbow makes me rly wanna pull...65 tickets and 30k for orlandu, i must remain strong
You have a guaranteed Orlandu right there, be strong. Then save the rest for Rikku.
You have a guaranteed Orlandu right there, be strong. Then save the rest for Rikku.
Grab some holy torches, 2k gil each.That feeling when you have a Gigantaur spawn, but can't finish the level.
Forgot to bring something to dispel on Round 3. Fuck me.
126 pulls + all the ticket he will still get + all the lapis he will still save until Orlandu comes.
Come on, it's guaranteed.