Want me some Queen(she is a 5 star though) and Cinque(3 star) TM's.
Whoa, those are solid!
No Chiz here either.
Want me some Queen(she is a 5 star though) and Cinque(3 star) TM's.
Whoa, those are solid!
No Chiz here either.
Want me some Queen(she is a 5 star though) and Cinque(3 star) TM's.
Oh now that I can get behind. The last FB one was rocking. I wanted Chizuru but didn't get her. But I got my CoD from that event. Made that whole event for me.
FB Banner is, by far, my favorite.
My first ever 5k pull got me everything I needed at that time.
what are they?
You got two Zidanes! or I am thinking of the wrong person?Feel like those in here without a Lightning or a Chizuru or a Gilga or a Luneth or an Elza should raise their hands
Feel like those in here without a Lightning or a Chizuru or a Gilga or a Luneth or an Elza should raise their hands
Feel like those in here without a Lightning or a Chizuru or a Gilga or a Luneth or an Elza should raise their hands
Heh, that would be me. I have none of those dirty characters. Maybe someday.... *sniff, sniff*
Me!Feel like those in here without a Lightning or a Chizuru or a Gilga or a Luneth or an Elza should raise their hands
Feel like those in here without a Lightning or a Chizuru or a Gilga or a Luneth or an Elza should raise their hands
+30% ATK/+20% HP - Queen
+20% ATK/DEF - Cinque
You got two Zidanes! or I am thinking of the wrong person?
Heh, that would be me. I have none of those dirty characters. Maybe someday.... *sniff, sniff*
Played since prelaunch too.
Still cant forget my 55pulls on Lightning banner to get 1 Rainbow Rhaksasa.
At least I have gotten Ramza and DKC from dailies.
Also Zidane.
Still felt weak as hell.
*Raises Hand*
I'll be asking very soon for a recommendation on what TM to farm next after my first Dual Cast finishes but think I'll wait until tomorrow when more posters are on. I'll have to look through what I have again anyway and for now, back to FFXV!
I too do not have a lot of the units people here take for granted: Chiz, Cecil, Zidane, Vaan to name a few. These aren't even 5 star based.
I had to pull hard during Cecil banner to get him. Was saving tickets but ugh. Last day I had to do it as I only had Leo as a tank. He felt more damagey thank tanky. Glad I did it though as I got him.
Congrats dude!!
Oh man, you make the impossible possible. You give me hope, that one day I can achieve what you did in the last 48 hours. Congrats, so nice to see both you (and the rest of Exvius GAF) having great luck!
So I just got to the end of the recent story update.Why the hell am I crying??? That ending was so sadAlso Dark Veritas what?!
Yep, free tickets exclusive to Amazon App.
Currently Amazon has the cheapest price of all 3 platforms.
So it's a good idea to have all 3 platform accessible to you. We never know, next time it's iOS turn to mess up, and tickets will be iOS exclusive.
If I were you, change your Memu to Amazon, since you're only TM farming anyway.
From yesterday... heh
(I use my iPad for general play / story / Vortex / Events but no Arena due to crashes), use my phone for Arena.
Anything you want to predict today bonkeng?
Grats on the TM Wales!! Mines nearly there...
About that spoilertypical JRPGs fact when they keep talking about someone missing, that person became a vilain :lol
See : Lid's brother
Kind of wishing I pulled more yesterday. Looks like the banner rates have been adjusted once again
Or you just got unlucky.Kind of wishing I pulled more yesterday. Looks like the banner rates have been adjusted once again
Finally, my first one. I think I'm gunna cry
Don't think Thunderfall is that great - I'm not going to bother. However the 10% ATK/MAG materia seems like a great fit for both Hope and Lightning
Actually, you are right about possibly required for a boss down the line... may just pick it up anyway. Is Hope's weapon worth the gears? I'm hoping to be done with the event today or tomorrow, so I can go back to full-time TM farming.
Daily Pull - Gold Crystal WoL
My second one, so not sure if there will be any use for him unless there are double tank trials? Would prefer a Cecil!
Also, I'm debating what TM Weapon to go for first out of Rising Sun, Save The Queen, Omnirod, Gungnir or something else... I have 2 x Locke, 3 x Agrias, 5 x Arc, 3 x Kain.
I figure I'll eventually want 2 Rising Sun and 2 Omnirods, right? Or is Thorned Mace better for the Man-Eater effect?
Unfortunately I have npt. Fed the moogles to other characters. This does give me motivation thought to try and get the buyable ones from king mog thoughNice! He's a game changer for sure, hope you have a bunch of moogles saved up!