....I don't know. I think I bought one with Star Quartz at some point?
....I don't know. I think I bought one with Star Quartz at some point?
To my knowledge people that ended up getting the Holy Lance back when you got that for completing the key quest were given 2 of the bracers when they took the lance away.
To my knowledge people that ended up getting the Holy Lance back when you got that for completing the key quest were given 2 of the bracers when they took the lance away.
After I read this I had to play the DuckTales theme. Classic cartoon.
You can equip steal to the bonus units. The materials to make it are pretty common, and they won't really need the slots for anything else.
-- hey y'all, missed you. was traveling for a few days. mainly used my nrg on the maze to max up my Ling.
-- i'm out of lapis and tickets. :|
-- not super interested in the new banner?
-- i do think the ATK +30% materia is going to become the new standard very soon.
-- i did get my first black cowl TM'd and on Noc, who is now my first 800+ unit.
-- how is everyone doing?
At this point we have easier access to Atk +15% and Above after this banner hits
Ruler Rings - Atk/Mag+15%
Shera - Atk 15%
Cinque - Atk/Def 20%
Shine - Atk 30% and 10% evade
We dont even need to get to queen since no one is gonna be pulling a bunch of her... in fact her TM isnt really worth farming unless you end up with her and dont have access to Shine
-- how is everyone doing?
Since Gumi are buffing unit in Global, I demand a 6 star upgrade for Karl/Seria for the second event!If only
Not looking forward to this steal crap because I can't mindlessly set up my attacks and mash repeat like I do every event. I don't even look at the screen half the time when farming these things. Now I have to watch myself, make sure not to attack the guy, and then after the round he's gone I'll have to set up all my attacks again to finish the event. This shit better not be more than 4 rounds.
I still don't get why some people lapis refresh in Arena Orbs......SO MUCH.
It's ridiculous.
So. Uh. Yeah. I just got email spammed by Amazon a few minutes ago talking about coin refunds or something? I looked at my balance and all the coins..or at least most of them I used for lapis on Friday is back. I am honestly not sure wtf to do. I sent Gumi a message and emailed Amazon support in the meantime. Did this happen to anyone else? I should reiterate this isn't a refund or cancellation to the money I spent, but the actual coins for the Lapis. I am so fucking confused right now. If I use them again I will have 300k Lapis.....
So. Uh. Yeah. I just got email spammed by Amazon a few minutes ago talking about coin refunds or something? I looked at my balance and all the coins..or at least most of them I used for lapis on Friday is back. I am honestly not sure wtf to do. I sent Gumi a message and emailed Amazon support in the meantime. Did this happen to anyone else? I should reiterate this isn't a refund or cancellation to the money I spent, but the actual coins for the Lapis. I am so fucking confused right now. If I use them again I will have 300k Lapis.....
I still don't get why some people lapis refresh in Arena Orbs......SO MUCH.
It's ridiculous.
Btw 50 post peasant here. We are at page 400. Who makes new thread?
@Shintoki do you do it or someone else?
Jesus....are you using White Theme too??
Sure. I like the look of white theme + 50 posts when using mobile phone.
Fucking FFXV gatcha in JP gave me 2 Iris out of 17 tickets when I was hoping for 4 or 3+1 Cor. argh.
I guess I'll just farm up slowly this time around and go for the essentials. I want to save the tickets I get from this for the next event since Cor kinda sucks and Gladio doesn't look that great.
Btw 50 post peasant here. We are at page 400. Who makes new thread?
@Shintoki do you do it or someone else?
I would be willing to do it but I think Shin said he had it the other day (don't quote me on that lol).
Plus I'm not even sure how to go about making a new thread (still newish to GAF, forgive me). I'll offer to do OT5 if we make it that far.
Sadly it's only easy chaining if you have equip weapon TMs as the only element she can equip is fire from candy gun or dark from killer bow I believe, each of which is limited to one.Plus I still have to level my CuLunas. I kept 3 of them so I could do easy chaining, but they're all still 4* level 1. I guess I could toss them some of these sweet, sweet gigantaurs.
Sadly it's only easy chaining if you have equip weapon TMs as the only element she can equip is fire from candy gun or dark from killer bow I believe, each of which is limited to one.
The only thing I know about making the new thread is you have to post like 100x to get member access... which most of us non-lurkers here have obtained easily >.>; (even yourself, i see member status).
Thread OP doesn't matter as long as we get the vitals in there
-- welcome
-- how to play
-- link to our playbook
-- link to exvius wiki
-- link to unit calc
-- link to valentus' youtube
I second that motion... WITH A VENGEANCE
So. Uh. Yeah. I just got email spammed by Amazon a few minutes ago talking about coin refunds or something? I looked at my balance and all the coins..or at least most of them I used for lapis on Friday is back. I am honestly not sure wtf to do. I sent Gumi a message and emailed Amazon support in the meantime. Did this happen to anyone else? I should reiterate this isn't a refund or cancellation to the money I spent, but the actual coins for the Lapis. I am so fucking confused right now. If I use them again I will have 300k Lapis.....
Thread OP doesn't matter as long as we get the vitals in there
-- welcome
-- how to play
-- link to our playbook
-- link to exvius wiki
-- link to unit calc
-- link to valentus' youtube
Thread OP doesn't matter as long as we get the vitals in there
-- welcome
-- how to play
-- link to our playbook
-- link to exvius wiki
-- link to unit calc
-- link to valentus' youtube
I'll put it together now if you guys want?
Need a name for the thread.
Have to have GAF Gold for making it.
Sadly it's only easy chaining if you have equip weapon TMs as the only element she can equip is fire from candy gun or dark from killer bow I believe, each of which is limited to one.
I'll put it together now if you guys want?
Need a name for the thread.
So I just got response from Amazon about whatever the hell is going on with my coins. They basically said it was a screw up of some kind, but keep them. Now just waiting on Gumi to respond...which I am sure will take a week.
I'll put it together now if you guys want?
Need a name for the thread.