Luneth 5 stars
Krile 5 stars
Bartz 5 stars
kefka 3 stars
Thats a winner
A full team for now. No breaker but there are so many now you are bound to get one
Luneth 5 stars
Krile 5 stars
Bartz 5 stars
kefka 3 stars
Honestly you shouldn't be re-rolling now and you should wait until Friday, but that's up to you.I don't get to merge these right? No way to bring the pulls together. Just went another 5 3 star pulls. Whats the odds for a 5 star character?
Luneth 5 stars
Krile 5 stars
Bartz 5 stars
kefka 3 stars
Re-rolling, not a fan of ffv.
Luneth 5 stars
Krile 5 stars
Bartz 5 stars
kefka 3 stars
Re-rolling, not a fan of ffv.
Lunneth is pretty much top teir.
Sorry guys. It was another 5 3 stars. Had to inject some excitement into the topic.
Sorry guys. It was another 5 3 stars. Had to inject some excitement into the topic.
I want second Chorizo and two Mercedes Benz.
In 6 months (or so) F1 will get really nice enchantments.
Yep Mercedes is great, and if you manage to get Tidus afterward she'll be even better!
Well, according to Reddit Mercedes is trash unit. Only rated 87 on Altema... Seriously? For an F2P player, I think she's pretty great.
Look who Plat-ed FF XV!
Sorry guys. It was another 5 3 stars. Had to inject some excitement into the topic.
Sorry guys. It was another 5 3 stars. Had to inject some excitement into the topic.
You tried to troll us with 2 troll rainbows, the joke is on you.
Yes please do this because there's a 9(!)GB day one patch you need to download as well... The save file takes up a decent amount of space too, I ended up removing some stuff off my PS4's HDD to install FFXV ha
Looks like you're playing at the same pace as me! Did you do pretty much every quest possible before leaving Chapter 3? I hit level 50 just before leaving it last night. I did the same thing as you too haha Except I only hoarded around 70k before sleeping there and right after I noticed Wiz Chocobo has a meal that gives a 50%? or maybe an extra 1.5% xp buff, doh! I went from level 30 to 42 or 43 when I did that hotel at Golden Quay. There's a hotel we can't get to yet that has 3x xp bonus :O
Anyway, go ahead and continue. The only update coming anytime soon will make you a little more powerful for Chapter 13 but your attack power isn't the problem people have with it anyway, they complain it's too long a chapter and something about the game play mechanic for that chapter is tedious but I didn't want to spoil myself so not sure what and some people liked the chapter anyway. The cut scenes they are adding aren't coming for months. So I'd say just beat it and then down the road you can do a New Game Plus (being added to the game) when the extra cut scenes hit or youtube them ;p
Sorry guys. It was another 5 3 stars. Had to inject some excitement into the topic.
and then Odin is next I think? Which would be a priority...damn. Need to farm magicites at some point.
Look who Plat-ed FF XV!
So Gumi... Where's my free Noctis![]()
Uh, what is this. A boy's band? This gives me chills.
They did an all girl's Jpop already. Now it's the boys turn!
♪ What can I do for you? ♪
Weird, very weird. I'm out of the loop. I'm too old school for this![]()
♪ What can I do for you? ♪
Weird, very weird. I'm out of the loop. I'm too old school for this![]()
Talking about FFXV but yeah I havent played these X games either.But FF X 2 is from 2003....holy crap FF X2 is over 10 yers old O.O
Btw, is the Charlotte event perma? I didn't do any Story after the Windshrine.
Might as well just sell the pots for some money.A little late to the party but here is my video of the dragon without tms and without base 5stars
Definitely Krile is amazing... i want to pot her asap to more resistance.
Gullwings >>>>> All the turks together.
Come at me, i will fight you all.
Gullwings >>>>> All the turks together.
Come at me, i will fight you all.
I can get behind that! X-2 was great, but this is of course coming from someone who listens to k-pop regularly.
Is Anustart still rerolling? My phone died doing switch control, and just now came back online. Been doing TM farming on the Mac instead while it charged from zero. Might not get but two or three refills in today.
My computer macro is definitely slower
How long is maintenance tomorrow? I'm planning to see the new star wars movie around midday GMT. I'm wondering if I should go later so I can set up tm farming before the picture, or go earlier so I make it back when maintenance finishes.
You might want to wait until Friday for the next banner to start playing - reroll. Could probably start with a good tank (Charlotte), a good physical attacker (Chizuru or Mercedes), and a 5* base in Noctis
If I were just starting out, I would wait until Friday unless you love Lightning. A banner has a rate-up on the characters listed
Gullwings >>>>> All the turks together.
Come at me, i will fight you all.
4+20 hours