Seven Force
TheKazerei said:NPCs say the darndest things
cheese biscuits
TheKazerei said:NPCs say the darndest things
If you did'nt did it on your unsaved save, steal Mog's gear when you have to save Terra on Narshe caves. It's pretty helpful early game.Lucky Number Seven Force said:I got as far as the point where Sabin joins earlier this morning, turned my DS off and realized I didn't save at all after starting the game. >:|
I'll probably start (again) later tonight.
I've noticed that happening lately too. Outside of Tales of Xillia, he hasn't played that many RPGs because he just can't find the time to invest in them anymore unless he's really interested in them/boards the hype train for them. It generally takes a lot of coaxing for him to play something that he's not very interested in (like Mother 3, which he ended up liking).Aeana said:He doesn't really play RPGs, so I've been trying to get him to try them out. So far he's only played Mother 3, but he really liked it. More likely with FF8 though, I will be playing and he'll watch. I think the time commitment gets him more than actual lack of interest.
You might need to work for his love... but if that's the case, it might not be worth it, man.Boney said:ladies ladies! stop making us single guys so jealous.
hopefully our favourite digimon will choose me and I'll join your select club
Billychu said:Loading is fine on epsxe.
Man God said:I like VIII and IX a lot, but VIII is so much easier to sink your teeth into just because of the long ass loads in IX.
Also Tetra Master sucks and Triple Triad was GotY 1999.
I didn't notice any difference. Maybe there is technically a slight improvement but it still felt slow as shit from what I remember.Billychu said:Loading is fine on the PSN version.
But then you cant play comfy couch lolololGravijah said:yes.
There is no difference. The PSN version (on PS3 anyway) doesn't even have a disc speed option. So it loads exactly like the game does on a PS1.H_Prestige said:I didn't notice any difference. Maybe there is technically a slight improvement but it still felt slow as shit from what I remember.
Billychu said:If the loading is the same then I don't know what you're complaining about. It's fine to me and I grew up on the N64.
Billychu said:If the loading is the same then I don't know what you're complaining about. It's fine to me and I grew up on the N64.
*sniff*Gravijah said:i guess you're just really patient. eitherway, the loading gives you time to do other things like yell at stupid chileans on windows live messenger.
Maybe it's because I'm ADD. Loading screens don't bother me. And ewwww who uses Windows Live messenger. Just use Steam.Gravijah said:i guess you're just really patient. eitherway, the loading gives you time to do other things like yell at stupid chileans on windows live messenger.
Probably people who want to be able to chat on platforms other than those that can run Steam.Billychu said:Maybe it's because I'm ADD. Loading screens don't bother me. And ewwww who uses Windows Live messenger. Just use Steam.
Billychu said:Maybe it's because I'm ADD. Loading screens don't bother me. And ewwww who uses Windows Live messenger. Just use Steam.
Aeana said:Probably people who want to be able to chat on platforms other than those that can run Steam.
I want to slap the people I know who have gone Steam-exclusive. Except I can't because I am usually on my phone or iPad, and my slaps won't reach them since I can't get on Steam there.
maybe theyre on steam so you cant slap themAeana said:Probably people who want to be able to chat on platforms other than those that can run Steam.
I want to slap the people I know who have gone Steam-exclusive. Except I can't because I am usually on my phone or iPad, and my slaps won't reach them since I can't get on Steam there.
This is why I use Trillian and Steam. I'm always available.Aeana said:Probably people who want to be able to chat on platforms other than those that can run Steam.
I want to slap the people I know who have gone Steam-exclusive. Except I can't because I am usually on my phone or iPad, and my slaps won't reach them since I can't get on Steam there.
I already killed you in TF2, what more do you want me to do?Boney said:beef kill me fast i don't want to live anymroe![]()
you only killed me because my controls were set to defaultProfessor Beef said:This is why I use Trillian and Steam. I'm always available.
I already killed you in TF2, what more do you want me to do?
cheer up bowneyBoney said:beef kill me fast i don't want to live anymroe![]()
Or you could be like me and stop using them altogether!Gravijah said:i have to use AIM, windows live messenger, sometimes yahoo for the odd person, steam chat, facebook messenger... so much different stuffs.![]()
Maybe it's because I'm a little patient when it comes to loading times, but I never really had a problem with with it. But considering I haven't played either game in a while, maybe I might have a change of heart regarding the load times.Man God said:Play all three PSX titles in a row and you'll notice a progression of increasing load times. You are probably doubling the average battle length from VIII to IX and tripling from VII to IX.
IX stresses the PSX more than most games and you can really tell. Some of those models are outright gorgeous for the time.
I remember them saying forever ago they're going to get Steam on iOS to some degree.Aeana said:I just use IRC. I use an IRC interface for other messengers like AIM and GTalk as well. Steam is the odd thing out. Valve really needs to create some sort of Steam community app for other platforms that includes chat.
Dark Schala said:Or you could be like me and stop using them altogether!I don't even spend much time on facebook anymore unless I have to message an old friend or a family member for something.
Who needs friends?Gravijah said:noooo, i need my internet messaging services.
Professor Beef said:I hope ULTROS is happy, I dressed up like a girl just to keep Don Corneo from having sex with you.
VII had literally no loading time at all (that I noticed) playing on my PSP, battles feel fast and more exciting if you crank up the battle speed.Man God said:Play all three PSX titles in a row and you'll notice a progression of increasing load times. You are probably doubling the average battle length from VIII to IX and tripling from VII to IX.
IX stresses the PSX more than most games and you can really tell. Some of those models are outright gorgeous for the time.
Yeah, I'm always "wrong" about FF9's music. FF9 was the first game I ever played that made me actually mute the TV. I'm sorry, Oeilvert, your music is terribad.Boney said:you guys are so wrong you're perfect for each other
never played VIII
I agree, I don't like Oeilvert's music very much. But on the whole, I think FF9's soundtrack has better cohesion thematically and settings-wise. But FF8 has better individual tracks like final battle themes, but it lacks... cohesion, I guess? It has good "parts", and it's nice to listen to the "parts"; but overall, the sum of its parts don't add up to surpass FF9's sum, if that makes sense.Aeana said:Yeah, I'm always "wrong" about FF9's music. FF9 was the first game I ever played that made me actually mute the TV. I'm sorry, Oeilvert, your music is terribad.
Ha ha ha ha ha, what. Preferring Final Fantasy VIII's music to Final Fantasy IX's is one thing as they both have excellent soundtracks, but you actually think IX's music is bad? What the hell is wrong with your ears?Aeana said:Yeah, I'm always "wrong" about FF9's music. FF9 was the first game I ever played that made me actually mute the TV. I'm sorry, Oeilvert, your music is terribad.
No, I don't think FF9's music is bad. I just hate the song I mentioned. Beyond that I find a couple of other songs to be boring, but the soundtrack is not bad.Roto13 said:Ha ha ha ha ha, what. Preferring Final Fantasy VIII's music to Final Fantasy IX's is one thing as they both have excellent soundtracks, but you actually think IX's music is bad? What the hell is wrong with your ears?
Billychu said:I don't "get" FFVIII's world map theme. It's so weird. It sounds like some low budget random garbage RPG's world map theme.
Billychu said:From the sound of it 4WoL is like the NES games, which sounds interesting, but I found them a bit tedious. Do they fix that? I don't mind things like the item limit, but FF1 especially really feels like a slog.
It's definitely weird, but I think it fits.Billychu said:I don't "get" FFVIII's world map theme. It's so weird. It sounds like some low budget random garbage RPG's world map theme.