People will hate me for saying this, but after seeing how much ARR improves on PS4 over the PS3, I'm dreaming of an HD REMASTER 1080p 60fps of the whole FFXIII trilogy.
People will hate me for saying this, but after seeing how much ARR improves on PS4 over the PS3, I'm dreaming of an HD REMASTER 1080p 60fps of the whole FFXIII trilogy.
Lightning returns is still not 20 dollars, huh. I have the Amazon credit to cover it anyways...*internal dilemma*
I've recently started FFX/X-2 HD, and it makes me want a HD Matsuno Ed FFXII and a HD Trolliyama more Lightning Ed FFXIII trilogy even more.People will hate me for saying this, but after seeing how much ARR improves on PS4 over the PS3, I'm dreaming of an HD REMASTER 1080p 60fps of the whole FFXIII trilogy.
gotta wait for the XV trilogyJust give us a mulligan of the entire FNC.
All I really want is for the FNC to somehow connect back to FF4 so that I can laugh at Schala about it for decades.
So the crystals the gather would be a fal'cie fetus? And the next version of FF4 will have Light.All I really want is for the FNC to somehow connect back to FF4 so that I can laugh at Schala about it for decades.
Ff6 4ds will reveal lightning as relm's mother
What if it turns out the FNC was wholly a creation of Krile?
Maybe. It's a weird case. They had to spend most of the seventh gen un-derailing, but it's possible that they didn't actually learn anything.I'm assuming the game is in FFXIII-style development hell now.
The impact of a game not cartoonishly overshipping.Lightning returns is still not 20 dollars, huh.
Flip a coin!I have the Amazon credit to cover it anyways...*internal dilemma*
People will hate me for saying this, but after seeing how much ARR improves on PS4 over the PS3, I'm dreaming of an HD REMASTER 1080p 60fps of the whole FFXIII trilogy.
All I really want is for the FNC to somehow connect back to FF4 so that I can laugh at Schala about it for decades.
But you're already bored?
I'm not sure where to ask this, but my friend was playing with some final fantasy x prototype and this came up:
Very odd... I looked around online for this prototype but all i found was that it was leaked in 2008 and something about some extra unused music. Very weird thing to put into the games code.
Edit: Came up when he pressed "Al bhed translator test" or something of the sort.
I googled FF XII: IZJS and that box art is... wow...
So, I have finished XIII-2 and that ending was ... interesting. Tomorrow will be spent with paradox endings and after that I will start Lightning Returns.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually (really?) enjoying XIII on a replay. Maybe because it know exactly how much to expect?
The story isn't good, but I think that's down to the execution rather than the premise. There are some good moments weighted down by amateurish writing and yet, bolstered by the emotion in the admittedly C-tier acting.
The cast isn't too bad. The scenes with Sazh and Vanille are honestly pretty sweet (as in saccharine, not awesome). Those two and Snow I actually think are pretty endearing.
I can't believe I'm saying this.
Why wasn'tending canon?Snow and Serah riding off into the sunsetWould have made for an awesome sequel.
I like XIII for the graphics. I'd replay it for my eyes to cry tears of joy from dem beautiful polygons.
FFVIII and FFIX?because then it wouldn't be a Final Fantasy game lol.
When did romance in an FF game ever have a happy ending...(let's not take X-2 seriously..)
Seriously what's up with those Paradox Endings?
Why is there not a single light hearted oneEven the cheesy one ends with mog killing everybody
Seriously what's up with those Paradox Endings?
Why is there not a single light hearted oneEven the cheesy one ends with mog killing everybody
Out of all endings I'd sayXII has the 'nicest' one, even thought the worst stuff happens in the first 30min of the game.
@MagiusNecros - not even mad. Love SMT games.
Technically FF4 if you count TAY and Ceodore as canon
Was this ever posted here? For anyone complaining about the 200 lightning bolts.
In what world is spawning Ceodore considered a 'happy' ending?
Probably not even FF4 proper. Rosa tells Cecil she's knocked up and the first thing he does is pack his bags and go on an adventure with "Rydia".
Another chapter in Corvo's Final Fantasy IV Fanfic. What other mischief will Cecil get into! Stay Tuned.
Square's fanfic, not mine. That actually happened.
There was an interquel.
I'm more than halfway done P3. I really do like this game.
After I'm going to try and beat that abomination that is TA2 and then finish 4 heroes of light.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually (really?) enjoying XIII on a replay. Maybe because it know exactly how much to expect?
The story isn't good, but I think that's down to the execution rather than the premise. There are some good moments weighted down by amateurish writing and yet, bolstered by the emotion in the admittedly C-tier acting.
The cast isn't too bad. The scenes with Sazh and Vanille are honestly pretty sweet (as in saccharine, not awesome). Those two and Snow I actually think are pretty endearing.
I can't believe I'm saying this.
Everything is accentuated beautifully with with Hamauzu's music. That's what I noticed playing XIII.
Yaschas Massif is when the game clicked with me. In retrospect it's easy to hate on it, but I can't deny that I had fun playing it.
YES! It's crazy, but the music really goes a long way to helping it. The game channels a lot of emotion through it and it equally cements the thrill of the action sequences and boss fights.
I'm 20 hours in at the start of Chapter 10. It's enjoyable. I still want SE to make games better than this, but in the future I suspect we'll look back on XIII a bit like we do VIII.