...you should probably get that looked at by a specialist.
The reactions from girls are priceless though!
That's a pretty cool ultima weapon though, shame I never got into XIV. I've come to accept that MMOs just aren't my thing.
...you should probably get that looked at by a specialist.
So like, I'm having difficulty beating FF13. I just finished the Taejin's Tower sequence, so I don't know how much I have left. But it's just really... boring. I DO like the battle system, but this game is driving me crazy being nothing but >battle >battle >battle >cutscene where bad characters talk to each other badly >battle >battle repeat (I'm sure these criticisms have been expressed about a billion times before).
I've heard FF13-2 is quite good, and actually has stuff like... NPCs and exploration, and I already own it, but I was hoping to finish FF13 first. Is it worth slogging through this game first, or should I just skip ahead to FF13-2?
It's always hard to tell people to finish off FF13 because on one hand, the last third of the game owns (especially how combat opens up) and it should have been expanded upon and made the whole game. But on the other if they end up disliking it anyway you feel like complete shit for your suggestion lol.
It's always hard to tell people to finish off FF13 because on one hand, the last third of the game owns (especially how combat opens up) and it should have been expanded upon and made the whole game. But on the other if they end up disliking it anyway you feel like complete shit for your suggestion lol.
I didn't finish it and I still think I suffered enough.
But how will you know about MY HANDS if you didn't?
I watched the ending on youtube.
And I was very confused because the song had NOTHING to do with the game.
At all.
I mean goddamn, how do you mess THAT up.
So I'm on the FF wiki and apparently someone described FFXIII's battle system as "more tactical than Final Fantasy X, faster than Final Fantasy X-2, and almost as seamless as Final Fantasy XII"
I want to know who the hell this is.
I watched the ending on youtube.
And I was very confused because the song had NOTHING to do with the game.
At all.
I mean goddamn, how do you mess THAT up.
And Schala says I do painful things to myself.
No worries, you're still the king there.
So like, I'm having difficulty beating FF13. I just finished the Taejin's Tower sequence, so I don't know how much I have left. But it's just really... boring. I DO like the battle system, but this game is driving me crazy being nothing but >battle >battle >battle >cutscene where bad characters talk to each other badly >battle >battle repeat (I'm sure these criticisms have been expressed about a billion times before).
I've heard FF13-2 is quite good, and actually has stuff like... NPCs and exploration, and I already own it, but I was hoping to finish FF13 first. Is it worth slogging through this game first, or should I just skip ahead to FF13-2?
I platinumed the entire Lightning trilogy
no shame
come at me
I platinumed LR before English version was out.
YOU come at ME
edit: goes without saying that XIII and XIII-2 were plat previously
So I'm on the FF wiki and apparently someone described FFXIII's battle system as "more tactical than Final Fantasy X, faster than Final Fantasy X-2, and almost as seamless as Final Fantasy XII"
I want to know who the hell this is.
Masashi Hamauzu
It's harder to see but my LR soundtrack was signed by Hamauzu/Suzuki/Mizuta
I'm not a huge fan of the Bleach artists take on Squall but it might be because he did the Dissidia version. I kind of wish Oda did Squall instead because I'd be interested in a One Piece style look lol
Cloud looks good but I don't see Naruto in there.
Where are you finding these?
Got FF XIII-2 today! It took me like 4 months to beat FF XIII so hopefully I don't push this aside. It seems overwhelming though, that Historia Crux has lots of places to visit.
I've known about them for awhile but I've been updating my anniversary thread for when it's getting bumped with some new information and images and this was one of them.
Oh, that's good. Not really ready to spend another 60 hours on a Final Fantasy.It's actually a short game if you just do the main story and some minimal sidequesting. Took me a little over 24 hours to beat.
I'm not a huge fan of the Bleach artists take on Squall but it might be because he did the Dissidia version. I kind of wish Oda did Squall instead because I'd be interested in a One Piece style look lol
Cloud looks good but I don't see Naruto in there.
I've known about them for awhile but I've been updating my anniversary thread for when it's getting bumped with some new information and images and this was one of them.
Well, when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse
Rear view from my work desk.
(Ok I'll stop :V)[/QUOTE]
Don't be, I collect every single FFVII-related things I can find too.
Love what you love and fuck everyone else.
Hey. The Chinese NES version of Final Fantasy VII is a great game, sir!
I started playing that the other day. I'm half surprised at how accurate its been so far... for an NES game.
This is true. No other game has really nailed the minigame experience that FF7 has.
(Definitely not X(((((((( )
I really wish that if they ever did remake FFVII they'd only touch the cosmetics. To be honest, I'd be perfectly fine if it was just updated to FFVIII's level, visually.