I mentioned it in another thread a few weeks ago, but did you notice SE removed all their music off iTunes? I was pretty sad about this personally.
Random thought: If FFVIII didn't have the crappy junction system but rather FFVII or FFIX's system, it would me by number 1 Final Fantasy game (or 2nd to FFX).
FF music is up on European itunes store.
They pulled it in the US.
Exactly what I was going to say. Once you learn the basics, it's fun to play around with.meh, junction system was fun. it allowed a lot of customization, and you could even break the game if you wanted.
My beef with FFVIII's battle system.
Other than Squall, everybody else had really, really, really physical attacks. Like its ridiculous how my Squall can hit for 5k midgame, while everyone else is still hitting 800 damage. The fuck SE?
Not to mention maxed out accuracy.Timed hits for only your main character will do that.
I tend to play FF8 with everyone in critical health and just use limit breaks all the time. It is a bit challenging to keep everyone alive, but it is so much more satisfying.
Has anyone else replayed a Final Fantasy game recently and found that they enjoyed it much more than when they first played it?
I've always loved FFVIII and FFX and have played both countless times, but I've only played FFIX once. Well, I started playing it again this year, and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed. I'm really not sure what's changed, maybe it's that besides TitS, I haven't felt very enamored by an RPG this year. I also remember being turned off by the characters when I played the game initially, but I'm finding them charming now, and the game holds up incredibly well after all these years. It looks better than some modern day RPG's that I've played on my PSP .
Has anyone else replayed a Final Fantasy game recently and found that they enjoyed it much more than when they first played it?
I've always loved FFVIII and FFX and have played both countless times, but I've only played FFIX once. Well, I started playing it again this year, and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed. I'm really not sure what's changed, maybe it's that besides TitS, I haven't felt very enamored by an RPG this year. I also remember being turned off by the characters when I played the game initially, but I'm finding them charming now, and the game holds up incredibly well after all these years. It looks better than some modern day RPG's that I've played on my PSP .
FFVII for me, although it's taken a decade + Crisis Core to finally change my mind.
FFVII for me, although it's taken a decade + Crisis Core to finally change my mind.
i actually really enjoyed crisis core, but i think it was the gameplay and side-missions that really did it for me. the story kind of sucked, but at least it was better than advent children. a little... tiny bit better.
i actually really enjoyed crisis core, but i think it was the gameplay and side-missions that really did it for me. the story kind of sucked, but at least it was better than advent children. a little... tiny bit better.
I'd still place Crisis Core over FFVII. Zack was a very likeable character.
Has anyone else replayed a Final Fantasy game recently and found that they enjoyed it much more than when they first played it?
I've always loved FFVIII and FFX and have played both countless times, but I've only played FFIX once. Well, I started playing it again this year, and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed. I'm really not sure what's changed, maybe it's that besides TitS, I haven't felt very enamored by an RPG this year. I also remember being turned off by the characters when I played the game initially, but I'm finding them charming now, and the game holds up incredibly well after all these years. It looks better than some modern day RPG's that I've played on my PSP .
That's exactly what I do too. So fun.I tend to play FF8 with everyone in critical health and just use limit breaks all the time. It is a bit challenging to keep everyone alive, but it is so much more satisfying.
FFXII for me. Didn't like it much when it came out, but a few months later I picked it up again and loved it a ton. But that's the only FF that that's happened with. IZJS version is even better.Has anyone else replayed a Final Fantasy game recently and found that they enjoyed it much more than when they first played it?
By that, you're referring to... Laguna's battle theme?but then how will you listen to the awesome battle theme
By that, you're referring to... Laguna's battle theme?![]()
Has anyone else replayed a Final Fantasy game recently and found that they enjoyed it much more than when they first played it?
I've always loved FFVIII and FFX and have played both countless times, but I've only played FFIX once. Well, I started playing it again this year, and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed. I'm really not sure what's changed, maybe it's that besides TitS, I haven't felt very enamored by an RPG this year. I also remember being turned off by the characters when I played the game initially, but I'm finding them charming now, and the game holds up incredibly well after all these years. It looks better than some modern day RPG's that I've played on my PSP .
every single ff8 battle theme. all of 'em!
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I can't believe they haven't been charging anyone for that long!FINAL FANTASY XIV
So I got an email that FFXIV is going to start charging fees.
A Final Fantasy shooter would be go... oh wait.
We all know that didn't really happen.
What's sad is that Dirge has all the pieces to be a decent game, yet not one of them reached greatness. Pure mediocre across the board.
I've been playing FFIX for several days now after postponing my purchase of the game since its release on PSN. The last time I went through the game was, what, 5 or 6 years ago? I've had a lot more fun this time around than I did my previous play through. I love some of the interaction between characters. I think I would actually preferred it if FF had no VA.
The voice acting in XIII is better than the majority of games.
The voice acting in XIII is better than the majority of games.
I'll give you that, but the script didn't do the actors any favors. I still didn't like Vanille and Serah + NORAH voice acting.
I can actually see them doing this. D:make it a turn based platformer that uses dice rolls for jump!
I don't know what you're talking about.A Final Fantasy shooter would be go... oh wait.
Yeah, I like my characterization of some of the characters better (ie: how I read the text in my head and make up voices for each of them).I think I would actually preferred it if FF had no VA.
That wasn't really Georgia's fault, though. It was more a consequence of the shitty voice direction that SE seems to have lately. Outside of Vanille, she seems fine, and she should have used her actual voice rather than being forced to emulate Yukari Fukui's work.The script wasn't even really bad as far as JRPGs go.
But yeah, to hell with Vanille and Serah.Vanille's voice was just grating and she had a stupid accent. Serah bothered me less but she wasn't really in it a lot. We'll see how I feel about her after XIII-2.
Then theres Versus XIII, which is currently in development. We released a trailer in January and since then there has been nothing, but I can assure you the team is working extremely hard on it and I think people will be excited when they next see it, he told Edge.
Since this is definitely not news worthy... New Versus XIII Info (lol): http://gematsu.com/2012/01/square-e...-people-will-be-excited-when-they-next-see-it