Anonymous Tipster
Tellah, for being the most badass old dude in a FF.
Quoted for truth.

Deal with it.
Tellah, for being the most badass old dude in a FF.
Went where? Jecht is awesome. He's like, the manliest character in FF.
Jecht - Worst dad, best character.
First off, look at the guy, he looks awesome! Beyond that I think, personality wise, he is the best Final Fantasy character ever! He isn't some emo kid, okay he has his moments, but for the most part he's fun loving and a true leader.
Judge Gabranth because he looks awesome.I have no other reasons beyond appearance.
I might be alone in this...
I was also fond of...
Who is that?
Damn why was this thread moved and merged? It had it's own thing going...
Damn why was this thread moved and merged? It had it's own thing going...
Lightning's design is fantastic, I just wish there was a more fleshed-out character behind it.njean777 said:
Actually Llednar is Mewts character foil(Llednar Twem is literally Mewt Randell backwards).Dechaios said:Llednar Twem.. he's an antagonist from FF Tactics Advance. Supposed to look like Marche(the "hero") because he's like a dark version of him. Contrary to his calm looking appearance I recall him being somewhat of a brutal asshole in the game.
Edit: Ahaha, I read your post wrong.I noticed there seems to be somewhat of a slight disconnect between FFIV and the other pre-FFVII FF games now. I'm starting to see more people say its the worse of the older entries in various communities.
Eh, just something I noticed and thought I should share.
Sacrifice in this game basically means nothing.
Let's talk about how awesome that track is. Definitely one of my favourite BGMs in that game. That entire sequence was fantastic.
What was your original impression of FFVII?