where can I find the list of available relics from nightmare relic draw?
On the screen of the LD banner, in "Relic" just under the 5 Mythrils draw, to the right.
where can I find the list of available relics from nightmare relic draw?
On the screen of the LD banner, in "Relic" just under the 5 Mythrils draw, to the right.
Good news for you is that with nightmare dungeons back up in a few hours, you'll probably be able to snag a number of hero souls, mc1s and mc2s, even with a new team.
So, question. How? I just looked and they are all like Difficulty 100+. I can barely clear difficulty 40 dungeons. Is there a particular RW I should look for that can just steamroll the entire dungeon? Assume that I probably cannot clear even a single round of trash on my own.
What's strategy would you suggest? I just watched these fights on YouTube and all the bosses have enormous HP and hit for 1k+ damage on heavily equipped party.You fight 1 boss and get the rewards
I'm not sure if it's possible to win the first boss of each dungeon for souls to unlock characters
I think a party of Lv50's with the right RW could do it
What's strategy would you suggest? I just watched these fights on YouTube and all the bosses have enormous HP and hit for 1k+ damage on heavily equipped party.
I'd like to know how a just created lvl 50 party could take them down. This doesn't seem to be the kind of content for cpp_is_king or me.
I just tried the easiest one (difficulty 100) for shits and giggles, and lol. Only way I can see it happening is if you can fight a single enemy (not 2 or more at the same time) with an elemental weakness, and you're lucky enough to get a RW with an OSB that does elemental damage the opponent is weak to.
Even then, you'd only be doing it for the exp of clearing the first boss, because after that your SB would be spent and you'd have to flee.
There are no battles after the first boss, the game ends and you can enter the other boss fight with refreshed party.
If you even want to try, do draw fire and retailiate strategy and have someone land poison on behemoth in Crushdown nightmare. That one should be the easiest since you will avoid most of his attacks unless he spams the group physical attack, if that's the case, S/L and try again. Bring SG as RW to help mitigate, and healer should have protectga + curaga.
tbh, you'll find better time spent catching up elsewhere.
You could also search online for someone with Edgar's poison OSB to use as RW also, but not sure how you will survive without proper mitigation.
I see, I don't even have the resources for these skills. Maybe on the next opportunity lol;
By the time I can craft Curaga/Protega I'm sure I'll be able to tackle more difficult content. I've just started playing this seriously, so it's only fair that I can't do everything.It will come back next month, no sweat.
When you find yourself clearing difficulty 90 dungeons and bosses. You should be ready for these. (100-110 difficulty)
Reddit relic pulls thread feels like shills posting to make you pull. Guys wanted Locke daggers badly? Both BSB and SSB. One with 10/22 5*. One with Tidus OSB and Rikku's Water Imperil + 3 other 5*. Thanks GAF for reporting your shit pulls way more than Reddit!
I never go to the pull megathread anymore.
Only depression and death await you if you look at the pulls there.
Still only have Meltdown as my crafted 6* ability. Considering Curada/Affliction Break/Mug Bloodlust but I'm such a hoarder. I'm treating these crystals like Elixirs in older FF games (i.e. sit in the inventory for a "rainy day").
Is there a tier list available with all the useful R1/2/3? I feel like I shouldn't have wasted all my eggs on the FFVI characters, but now it's too late.Yea I should stop looking...
I am close to you on 6*, I got a R1 Snowpell Strike to go with Celes Indomitable Blade. I know that there's a few of the other abilities that I could totally use, but I am sooo stingy with my crystals. I should make Affliction Break at least.
Reddit relic pulls thread feels like shills posting to make you pull. Guys wanted Locke daggers badly? Both BSB and SSB. One with 10/22 5*. One with Tidus OSB and Rikku's Water Imperil + 3 other 5*. Thanks GAF for reporting your shit pulls way more than Reddit!
Tempted to pull on this banner if it's G5 SSB and up as I only have 4 of the relics on the list, but hard to justify it at full 50 mythril price so close to the FF14 event and orbfest :/
Don't do it.
Orbfest is most likely next week.
Sweet and juicy relics.
I thought it was starting around Dec 22 instead of 18 because DeNA postponed it
The 22 is next week!![]()
Oh dang! it is!
I've been so busy with finals I didn't notice
What's the soonest we can see the data mined banners?
Ya know... for dividing up mythril resources according to preferred banner and whatnot
Ya know... for dividing up mythril resources according to preferred banner and whatnot
I think that's my favorite part of festivals. Waiting for the banners to come out, analyzing them and allocating the Mythrils!
Finishing the first 2 elites of the FF6 event (which I didn't think I'd be strong enough to do) has made a big difference. Those gowth eggs allowed me to get someone straight to 45, which is 10 levels higher than my next highest guy. Hopefully this will help carrying others through the harder exp dungeons going forwar
Edit: damn, even beat the next one and got Edgar's memory crystal. Baby's learning to crawl....
Im still waiting for the main storyline to happen and that female tyro. Maybe for the 3 years anniversary.
Forgot to ask if you wanted some help with multiplayer battles, that's something gaffers can help with!
At least get some free mythrill?
So, is Dervish worth it if I use a BSB+SSB Lightning regularly? Aside from this one, I only beat the Crushdown Nightmare and haven't crafted a single 6* skill.
When you master a soul break is it a permanent +10 stat increase even after you switch to a different weapon? So that in theory you can master multiple soul breaks for huge cumulative stat boosts?
So, is Dervish worth it if I use a BSB+SSB Lightning regularly? Aside from this one, I only beat the Crushdown Nightmare and haven't crafted a single 6* skill.
When you master a soul break is it a permanent +10 stat increase even after you switch to a different weapon? So that in theory you can master multiple soul breaks for huge cumulative stat boosts?
Yes, for example cloud has a possible +30 atk from masteries if you have his SSB, his BSB and his OSB.
That's kinda cool. Did they change the formula for soul break mastery exp? I was around when they first introduced this feature, and I vaguely remember it being something completely insane like you had to use the soul break 9999 times. But I just masteres 2 soul breaks after having the weapon for only like 2 days.
I guess the solution is to just quit for 2 years so that when you come back everything is new again![]()