I really wanted a Iga Blade. Congrats!
Thanks. I wasted a fair amount of Mythril I was planning on using for the 14 banner fishing for either BSB from the FF6 Banner 1 or Sabin's from Banner 2 (and failing) so this was a nice consolidation prize.
I really wanted a Iga Blade. Congrats!
Trying to plan my orb needs for this Orbfest. Here's what I've got so far.
I know I'm missing some important stuff like Lifesiphon. What else am I completely missing, and what hones should I prioritize for orbfest?
Been playing since the start and have never once used a mythril to refresh stamina, don't plan on starting now. I've managed to clear every event and every mission so far minus parade float back at the start.
Slow and steady can really pay off in this game.
Hone-wise I think I'm more or less okay, I haven't really touched some abilities that I've seen others here hone (mostly monk stuff because I have no good monks really) but I've done most of the big hitters and I'll make sure I have enough for the upcoming double spellblades at least which I think I already do. I've gotten through all the Nightmares except the Necrophobe fight so I figure I can't be in too bad of shape lol. I should probably get Dual Biora and Stonega up to r3 though, I haven't touched those but did the others up to r3 immediately.
Trying to plan my orb needs for this Orbfest. Here's what I've got so far.
Firaja 1/5
Blizzaja 1/5
Curaja 2/5
Magic Breakdown 1/5
Power Breakdown 1/5
Tempo Flurry 2/5
Watera Strike 1/5
Banishing Strike 1/5
I know I'm missing some important stuff like Lifesiphon. What else am I completely missing, and what hones should I prioritize for orbfest?
Been playing since the start and have never once used a mythril to refresh stamina, don't plan on starting now. I've managed to clear every event and every mission so far minus parade float back at the start.
Slow and steady can really pay off in this game.
-medium duration up for stat buffs that Tyro grants (some exceptions, not specified)
-reduces damage taken from Black Magic
Warrior of Light
-start battle with Guts and Draw Fire/Draw Magic and super large DEF up
-small Holy elemental damage resist
-when inflicting Dark elemental damage on a single-target, have a medium chance of absorbing some damage as HP
-small Dark elemental damage up
-ATK bonus that climbs for each physical attack (max "Large" amount)
-small damage up for physical attacks
-MAG bonus that climbs for each black magic attack (max "Medium" amount)
-small Earth elemental damage up
-start battle with Haste and first 3 turns are instant
-small Wind elemental damage up
-after inflicting a critical hit, next attack gets a large ATK bonus
-small Fire elemental damage up
Paladin Cecil
-medium chance to Cover physical attacks against allies and that damage is reduced medium amount
-small Holy elemental damage resist
-medium chance for self Esuna when inflicted with Poison/Silence/Blind/Confuse
-small White Magic healing up
-medium chance to double cast Spellblade abilities
-small Spellblade damage up
-when using White Magic, medium chance to then buff White Magic healing by a large amount temporarily
-small White Magic healing up
-when reaching low HP, heal medium amount of HP and enter Trance status (medium all stats up and shorten charge time temproarily) - limit 1/battle
-small Fire elemental damage up
-small all elemental damage resist
-small White Magic healing up
-medium chance to double cast Combat abilities
-small physical damage up
-when using Monk abilities, medium chance to shorten charge time for next 3 turns
-small Earth elemental damage up
-medium chance to double cast Spellblade abilities
-small Spellblade damage up
-when using Black Magic, medium chance to shorten charge time for next 3 turns
-small Black Magic damage up
-when reaching low HP, heal medium amount of HP and enter Trance status (small all stats up and Thief abilities become instant) - limit 1/battle
-small Wind elemental damage up
-medium chance to double cast Knight abilities
-small Holy elemental damage up
-medium chance to double cast Water elemental abilities
-small Water elemental damage up
-buff MAG at start of battle (higher buff the higher own MND is)
-small White Magic healing up
-when reaching low HP, heal medium amount of HP and enter Pissed Off status (medium MAG up, medium DEF/RES down, shorten charge time) - limit 1/battle
-small Black Magic damage up
-medium chance to double cast Samurai abilities
-small Ice elemental damage up
-damage up for each debuff on current target
-small physical damage up when equipping Daggers
-medium chance to double cast Lightning elemental abilities
-small Lightning elemental damage up
-start battle with Haste and first 3 turns are instant
-small Lightning elemental damage up
-start battle with Draw Fire and Draw Magic and super large DEF/RES up
-small Ice elemental damage resist
-medium chance to double cast White Magic abilities
-small White Magic healing up
-when using Ninja abilities, medium chance to gain Blink status
-small physical damage up when equipping Daggers
-medium duration up for stat buffs that Ramza grants (some exceptions, not specified)
-small Support damage up
-medium chance to inflict a small Imperil Holy on target when using Knight abilities
-small Holy elemental damage up
I have Luneth's BSB. His Legend Materia will be amazing with it. First three turns can be Lifesiphions -> BSB then go to town.
I think most (all?) of the major LMs are pretty darn awesome actually. No one really got a "dud", and they seem to suit each character's strengths perfectly, which I imagine is the whole goal of the system.We will have to see how these materia play out in Japan. But first impression says Agriad,Cloud,Yshtola, Tyro and Ramza ones are bonkers. Trance materias are supercool and can be very powerful also(I hope they come with a sprite change).
I think most (all?) of the major LMs are pretty darn awesome actually. No one really got a "dud", and they seem to suit each character's strengths perfectly, which I imagine is the whole goal of the system.
I've always said that the major draw of this game is the characters, and now we can specialize the ones we like even more, which is quite exciting.
I don't really like to do the "A Team" thing. I do hope they're not super scarce though, but I imagine they will be.Ofc all are more or less powerful. And since the requitemments to unlock them seems high we wont have a lot of them at least in the beggining. So in the end you will unlock the ones for you A-Team and thats it.
Please can I have a great banner with no possible dupe? Thank you!
I don't really like to do the "A Team" thing. I do hope they're not super scarce though, but I imagine they will be.
Please can I have a great banner with no possible dupe? Thank you!
Yeah sure, A-Team, favourites, waifus...whatever drives you to play the game.
Luckily this is a brand new account and I've only been playing for like a week, so I have tons of story dungeon mythril built up.
This may be the first time we have no info with 1 hour left of manteinance. Or DeNA has become good at this or this manteinance could take longer than expected.
I'm at work so could only skim the banners, so I could be totally off base here, but banners mostly seem kinda eh unless I'm misremebering some relics. Terra is my bar and I don't have Shout still so I will pull on banner 1, but nothing really stood out for me in general unless I missed it?
Would actually be kind of relieved if this is the case since between that and doing little to no refreshes I can pull once on this, once or twice on FF14 and have enough for the inevitable Christmas LD.
Really not feeling the banners, they're kinda all over the place and I already have Shout/Wall/OK BSB.
Pretty content with waiting until FFXIV and FFT.