They're visible for a reason. And no, every enemy is beatable by every level of a character.
It's why I said "virtually". I mean, yeah, they could be beaten. But it's not likely, especially where I was in the game.
Either way, I fought thatshortly afterwards, and was even more disappointed in that, than the world map dude.Golem
So can anyone explain the SSP mode? The fact it mentions the penalty is death but for what? I've been too worried to turn it on.
You're disappointed in enemies you're not supposed to be fighting at all? And the golems nowhere near close to as bad as the world map mobs. I beat both of those with level 15 characters.
Yes, because there's no reason one should believe that one shouldn't have to fight the enemy. The game, so far, has conditioned one to defeat enemies as soon as possible and to simply fight.
Ok what the fuck. The game is telling me to do something and actively preventing me from doing it.
In the mission where you first use a summon,and you have to use that summon to break down a door, the moment I activate ifrit the giant golem kills him in one hit. What the fuck?
Okay... that's not supposed to happen.
Hmm I think it is? It one shot me too when I tried with the summon, main difference is you.destroy the door really quick with the summon so it's less likely to happen
The golems are kinda weird, mostly because the AI of your teammate is so bad at just running away from them, so I had a couple of deaths on each golem. Not a huge deal, but kinda annoying.
Hmm I think it is? It one shot me too when I tried with the summon, main difference is you.destroy the door really quick with the summon so it's less likely to happen
The golems are kinda weird, mostly because the AI of your teammate is so bad at just running away from them, so I had a couple of deaths on each golem. Not a huge deal, but kinda annoying.
the game blatantly tells you not to fight those enemies. And even then, if you're skilled enough, you're fully capable of beating them in spite of that. How you could equate that to bad game design is beyond me.
Heh, this level doesn't have motion blur. (Probably because of the fog)
I hope they patch in an option to disable it.
That's the initial PlayGo download. Type 0 and Duscae are separate downloads, Type 0 is 25 gigs once you download it fully.Isn't that the space both type-0 and FFXV occupy when fully unzipped and installed? Or even the space "required" for the installation to happen?
I say this because I've seen this:
I'm ten hours in and unlocking lots of skills but only have two slots to put them in. Do you ever get more slots for abilities?
I wish. Try playing it without moving the camera with the analog stick unless necessary.So i finally got this and was excited to play it......but .....please someone tell me there is a way to disable that unbelievable awful motion blur that i'm just overlooking!
This is absolutely unplayable for me this way, i get a headache within minutes.
It's why I said "virtually". I mean, yeah, they could be beaten. But it's not likely, especially where I was in the game.
Either way, I fought thatshortly afterwards, and was even more disappointed in that, than the world map dude.Golem
Ok what the fuck. The game is telling me to do something and actively preventing me from doing it.
In the mission where you first use a summon,and you have to use that summon to break down a door, the moment I activate ifrit the giant golem kills him in one hit. What the fuck?
So i finally got this and was excited to play it......but .....please someone tell me there is a way to disable that unbelievable awful motion blur that i'm just overlooking!
This is absolutely unplayable for me this way, i get a headache within minutes.
People, you seriously shouldn't ignore Moglin, as soon as that summon appears Moglin tells you to run
Again: Moglin tells you to run, you're not supposed to destroy the door, or fight the summon, you are supposed to continue the path you were following before the door appears
If you really want to you can beat the summon, it's not really hard but don't blame the game if you do something and the game tells you to not do that
I wish they'd mention when an event will randomly take 12 hours or so. I expect them all to be 2, and some are randomly super long.
I wish they'd mention when an event will randomly take 12 hours or so. I expect them all to be 2, and some are randomly super long.
Any good fan-art of the characters, particularly Cater, Sice and Queen? I'm afraid to search for fear of spoilers.
Heh, this level doesn't have motion blur. (Probably because of the fog)
I hope they patch in an option to disable it.
Isn't that the space both type-0 and FFXV occupy when fully unzipped and installed? Or even the space "required" for the installation to happen?
I say this because I've seen this:
So i have a bit of a problem. I started a new game+ and im on chapter 2 mission 3 (taking togoreth) and i made the decision to sneak around back. I got to the part where i take all of the classified documents, but the last document is laying on the ground in an area that constantly spawns enemies and wont let me pick it up, what am i doing wrong?
Are you daft?
Whats your problem dude? Even if there is a small amount of motion blur it is nowhere near the same ratio as other spots. It has nothing to do with the detail, you can see how bad the motion blur is in a crappy gif.
No idea why you are being so hostile.
=P, there's a treasure chest in the game that requires the same thinking to open.
Basically Lock-on to the enemy, get close to the shiny on the ground and (while locking on) press up and you will lock on to the item (someone correct me if the controls are different on the PS4), and you'll be able to pick it up.
Alternatively, kill everyone and grab it before they respawn =X
1) The screen before a mission is for you to pick the members that are going to participate in the mission (in case one of your characters die, you can bring another one from the "reserves" in). Normally (if you're not going for trophies) just throw everyone in (some missions will limit the amount of characters you can use though).1) There's a screen where I guess you pick who your reserves are? Should I throw everyone in there or only a couple?
2) When I was out on the mission, there were shadow people with me. Are those reserves? Am I right that they're just switching out automatically?
3) The thing where you can press up to switch a member. I pressed it and it replaced who I was controlling with some other person. How does it decide who? It went gray after I did it and I couldn't switch back to the original character until sometime into the mission and I'm not honestly sure why it suddenly let me again.