So I've finally sat down to play this properly. How the hell do you use items that you've equipped? Like potions, rather than having to go to the menu. Shit is getting my killed.
In the main menu, you can replay past missions to grind everyone up.
?Some girls even have a special animation to pull down their skirts even though its too late...
Good to hear it!It's a really good game though,
I've never even played a Souls game yet (not really, a few minutes on my backlog Steam copy of Dark Souls doesn't count), so I'm not attached to it being similar in the stamina management or anything. Although I have heard another similarity might be that certain enemy attacks can take giant chunks of health.In that specific aspect, I suppose it is closer to a Souls game. Knowing how long your animations are, or in knowing these opportune moments, yeah. But you're not managing stamina, the battles are way faster and you also have all the magic and abilities and stuff.
Sounds nice and varied. I assume they each have their own model to distinguish each?As for the weapons, you have 14 characters, each with their own weapon. You get upgrades, but each character can only upgrade in their own weapon class (the guy that uses a katana can only upgrade into a stronger katana; the guy that uses pistols can only upgrade to pistols, etc.). Different weapons will give more damage, and sometimes it will also give some effects (elemental damage, more mana/magic). Oh, and you can switch between them, it's not a "pick one and stick with it" kind of thing.
Good to hear it!
I've never even played a Souls game yet (not really, a few minutes on my backlog Steam copy of Dark Souls doesn't count), so I'm not attached to it being similar in the stamina management or anything. Although I have heard another similarity might be that certain enemy attacks can take giant chunks of health.
Sounds nice and varied. I assume they each have their own model to distinguish each?
Oh and I've heard certain summons can be played as? How often can this happen, is it at will or only on certain missions? And how detailed are their combat styles?
So I've finally sat down to play this properly. How the hell do you use items that you've equipped? Like potions, rather than having to go to the menu. Shit is getting my killed.
I've never even played a Souls game yet (not really, a few minutes on my backlog Steam copy of Dark Souls doesn't count), so I'm not attached to it being similar in the stamina management or anything. Although I have heard another similarity might be that certain enemy attacks can take giant chunks of health.
Sounds nice and varied. I assume they each have their own model to distinguish each?
Oh and I've heard certain summons can be played as? How often can this happen, is it at will or only on certain missions? And how detailed are their combat styles?
Kupo kupo kupo kupo
All the kupos are killing me
Oh, I was talking about the weaponsAnd yes, the characters are varied (in appearance and playstyles).
Awesome. As long as they aren't exclusive to specific missions they are cool. It adds a new angle of depth that way instead of just being a one-off feature.And yes, you can play as summons, but they are really just to wreck stuff up, (..) They are fun though, and you can use them in any mission (main story or side mission), but it will kill the character you are currently using (you have to sacrifice him/her to summon).
Oh, I was talking about the weapons. That'd be pretty weird if the characters didn't have unique models, although since I mentioned Peacewalker, you could have thought I believed the game had a "collect soldiers" element. So yeah, like Peacewalker the game could be believed to have repeating generics models.
Awesome. As long as they aren't exclusive to specific missions they are cool. It adds a new angle of depth that way instead of just being a one-off feature.
This game's story escalated quickly. Dropping anon a country that hasn't even been properly introduced to the player? Geez.Ultima Bomb
At any rate, nice on the crystal theme actually being the courtyard theme. I'll never get tired of variations of this.
Not do-able in HD version. Trust me (or avatar quote me) I've tried.
I will say thought the Battle Theme for field battles is pretty weak. Wish whatever song in the beginning was the regular battle theme.
This isn't everything but here's the comments on the panties:
"Queen's are white to show her intelligent and honest personality.
White is a color that makes things look large so while a quick glance makes it stand out, on the other hand it makes her butt look to big and that would be no good.
Because of that, we made hers a bit hi-leg style, so they ended up quite sexy."
"With Rem, we went with the very first thing we thought of.
Light pink with fluffy frills on the trim. On the front, a ribbon.
Rem is strong of heart but, she's also a bittersweet girl that makes your heart go "KYUN!" moreso than the rest, so that's the direction we took it in."
"Next is Sice. This is one we fussed over a bit.
She's a strong, gallant, cool girl but she's always serious about her underwear too.
We designed hers with a "If you want to look, then why not?" kind of confidence, but a "but if you do, I'll kill you" kind of scariness bundled together.
The bottom is a glossy, shocking pink, and the sides are black lace."
"For underwear of the as-of-yet unrevealed Cinque, I was worrying about it all the way up until the end.
At first they were light purple lace, but it somehow gave the impression of an office lady in her 20's.
When you caught a glimpse, instead of feeling like "oh, lucky!", it was more like, "Oops, sorry, I accidentally saw", so I rejected that."
"BTW, my(Hoshino's) highest recommendation is...
Actually Seven's!! I was most fixated on hers
Its not? Aw man. Well i'm just getting into chapter 2 so we'll see I guess.
This game's story escalated quickly. Dropping anon a country that hasn't even been properly introduced to the player? Geez.Ultima Bomb
At any rate, nice on the crystal theme actually being the courtyard theme. I'll never get tired of variations of this.
The perviness of the underwear comments and the fact that they're all children is pretty disgusting. Seems like we can't get many JRPGs without that shit nowadays.
Does that cost you time though?
Interesting (and annoying) that they block recording when the Bump of Chicken song is playing at the beginning.
This is correct. If you follow the blog posts, it is indeed a female developer and more so she was really passionate about this detailDon't blame the game if people hack into the game to get a custom camera or if people pause the game at specific frames to look at it.
I also don't see how this is "perviness" from who made it, considering it was the texture artist's idea (Sayoko Hoshino - a woman) to do this in the first place.
All I have to say is that Queen looks like a lady on the street and a freak in the bed.
Sayoko Hoshino, pictured right, was in charge of character texturing on Final Fantasy Type-0. For her contribution to Square Enix's ongoing "Creator's Message" series at the game's official blog, Hoshino decided to share details about her work on the game's panties.
Originally, the game was set to have black voids for the insides of the characters' skirts. This decision was made due to the system's specs limiting the amount of resources they could devote to the characters. However, the staff felt that because players would spend most of their time viewing the backs of the characters, the feeling of excitement would be much greater if there was more than just a black void inside the skirts.
Sample of Rem's panties from the demo.
As you might expect, adding in the panties wasn't a straightforward task. First off, the characters' legs were directly connected to the skirt, so there was actually little space for the panties. However, Hoshino feels that she and her staff were able to bring out uniqueness for each character.
Hoshino went character by character detailing the panties and undergarments, but I have to admit that I'm all panited out for the day, so if you want the details you're going to have to read it at the official blog.
Incidentally, Hoshino's favorite panties are Seven's. Something to keep in mind when you pick up Final Fantasy Type-0 next week.
The cutscenes between missions consist of various 2 person conversations that have very little to do with the playable characters. It's like trying desperately to tell this grand war story, but none of the important characters have any impact on the actual gameplay. It would be like if FF13's cutscenes were just Barthandelus and Jihl Nabaat talking about shit.
The few moments when the playable character are in the cutscenes, it's just a bunch of slow-witted one-liners that offer the vaguest insight into their "character." Like "Dumb girl says something dumb! Smart girl tells her to be quiet!" I've never played a JRPG that cared less about it's playable party.
the cast is definitely over-large. it's also kind of awkward gameplay wise, because you've got more characters than you need with more moves than they can put to good use. chapter 7
did that quiet girl get shot in the head and end up with a Phineas Gage situation or something
The HD actually has it harder on those transitions, since the in-game cutscenes are prettier than the pre-rendered ones, so in the PSP that transition was way more smooth =Pjust finished Chapter 4.
Yikes. Whoever edited the ending dialogue and the in-engine cutscenes with the FMV style cutscenes needs to be fired. Horrible.
Dialogue feels chopped to hell, like they spliced various different takes together from mid-sentence even. It just jumps back and forth between the different styles of cutscenes and just feels bad.
It was an important section too in the character development, which I'm enjoying. Enjoying the characters. But wow, worst section of the game by far editing / dialogue wise.
The HD actually has it harder on those transitions, since the in-game cutscenes are prettier than the pre-rendered ones, so in the PSP that transition was way more smooth =P
I wonder if they should just have kept PSP's graphics instead of upgrading them so...
Since no one mentions her again, I'm pretty sure she's dead.
The HD actually has it harder on those transitions, since the in-game cutscenes are prettier than the pre-rendered ones, so in the PSP that transition was way more smooth =P
I wonder if they should just have kept PSP's graphics instead of upgrading them so...
oh, i thought the girl who kept saying "fricken" and talking to the evil captain was that same girl. if not, then it's just another npc i don't know in this game. i was halfway through before i saw Jack and knew who he was
also what sort of end of evangelion shit is going on right now at the end
the cast is definitely over-large. it's also kind of awkward gameplay wise, because you've got more characters than you need with more moves than they can put to good use.
The NG+ is mostly so you rewatch the stuff and you understand everything that's going on.So I just started chapter 7 and I just sky rocketed into insane pace town.
I know people were saying new game plus added scenes and stuff that you couldn't previously do. Without spoiling can someone go into some detail into what extent that is?
Bloodbourne is rapidly approaching and while I don't mind replaying Type 0 I guess Im curious how necessary it is to understanding how Type 0 really is.
I guess I almost feel like with the way the game is paced its intentionally skipping over tons and tons of details and maybe they're put in NG+? Somehow I doubt its that intense though.
So...I've been playing this game for an hour. Most of the time when my characters die, it's because they're getting shot from off screen. The first boss of the game 1 hit killed everyone in my party, and the camera is so spastic in it's insistence on sticking to the back of the character that's in use instead of over them that it's making me motion sick.
Is this game ANY good? because if not, i'm putting it up. There is an amazing amount of poor design decisions being made with this thing.