Junior Member
Honestly, the visuals may be inconsistent but the character models and cutscenes look quite fantastic to me. And the camera doesn't bother me too much, either (though it could use work).
uhh did i fuck up on the last chapter?
I fought those 4 things that represent the 4 nations. Went through the middle portal, and the requirement was something like "don't fall in". Got to the top and was immediately "judged". Then everyone was put into a really slow/defeated state, saw a cutscene with machina and rem. Got to what i believe the final boss and can't fight him.
EDIT:and now i'm fighting him in a powered up state
Ugh, the motion blur when moving the camera feels so extreme, i honestly can't play for very long. There is no way to turn it down or disable it is there?
I've never been bothered by this before in a game, anyone else having issues playing this? I'm trying to move the camera as little as possible but its so frustrating.
I'm one of the fortunate ones that it doesn't effect but, it is a nightmare. An easier way to mitigate the pain during combat is to make sure you're using R1 to lock on and the analog to switch between enemies.
Sadly there is no way to adjust the settings for the camera.
After like 15 tries, I finally beat the chapter 2 boss after turning on assistance (got me through the previous area without losing more guys) and using Trey. It took like 20 seconds and I just avoided getting one hit and unloaded with the bow. Kind of cheap after all that frustration lol
Eight has my favorite playstyle, can easily see staying with him from this chapter two and beyond. Ace and Trey are mainstays too.
After like 15 tries, I finally beat the chapter 2 boss after turning on assistance (got me through the previous area without losing more guys) and using Trey. It took like 20 seconds and I just avoided getting one hit and unloaded with the bow. Kind of cheap after all that frustration lol
I would try and level up some lol And King>Trey![]()
Yeah I might have to start grinding cos the helpers were lvl 18 while I was lvl 13 lol. That's what I get for using everyone. Will start doing secret training too...
PS: I'd already lost King earlier in the mission. Is there no way to revive characters mid-mission? WTF is a phoenix down for if I can't do that?
FF13 story was better than this shit.
Phoenix Downs need to be used before the character disappears from screen.
Alternatively you can use Phoenix Pinions and the items you get from Tonberries preemptively and get a Reraise status.
edit. Ishimoto needs to work on a main Final Fantasy next btw.
I agree I still hate Rem and Machina. Story might had been decent without them.
FF13 story was better than this shit.
Yes! Ishimoto's work on this game is phenomenal! He needs to do a mainline entry!Vastly better.
Chapter 5.
edit. Ishimoto needs to work on a main Final Fantasy next btw.
Type-0's story and specifically worldbuilding are miles ahead of XIII.
I'm still not finished yet but I already feel like I better understand what l'Cie are and what their place is in the world of Type-0 than I ever did with l'Cie in XIII even though that entire game was about l'Cie. XIII desperately, desperately needed better worldbuilding.
Type-0's story and specifically worldbuilding are miles ahead of XIII.
I'm still not finished yet but I already feel like I better understand what l'Cie are and what their place is in the world of Type-0 than I ever did with l'Cie in XIII even though that entire game was about l'Cie. XIII desperately, desperately needed better worldbuilding.
I like the characters in Type-0 more. The interactions between them are far more believable than in XIII. I don't know if the English VA effects that, if you happen to be using Eng dubs, but with Japanese VA at least the character interactions are much better.World building is definitely great. I think overall the characters are worse than FFXIII by a lot. No development whatsoever
Type-0's story and specifically worldbuilding are miles ahead of XIII.
I'm still not finished yet but I already feel like I better understand what l'Cie are and what their place is in the world of Type-0 than I ever did with l'Cie in XIII even though that entire game was about l'Cie. XIII desperately, desperately needed better worldbuilding.
World building is definitely great. I think overall the characters are worse than FFXIII by a lot. No development whatsoever
I agree I still hate Rem and Machina. Story might had been decent without them.
FF13 story was better than this shit.
Vastly better.
Chapter 5.
edit. Ishimoto needs to work on a main Final Fantasy next btw.
So apparently Secret Training doesn't stack with the Growth Egg accessory. Well, that blows.
Would be too OP if so lol
The names are Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Azure Dragon. Personally I would have gone with keeping the four gods as they were, the game is HEAVILY asian influenced, especially Rubrum, though some of the localization puzzles the hell out of me. For example, how they got Caetuna from Setsuna baffles me, especially when it is pronounced the same way.
Again, I had the basics of each country, but the names were kinda a pain.
I only got one character to 99, then 4 others to about 60. Was hoping it would so it wouldn't take as long to do the rest lol
The Japanese names have strong associations with both the colors (which are the first character in each name; "su 朱" in "Suzaku" means "red") and the directions on the compass, so they're a little easier to remember if you're familiar with Asian culture but also know enough Western culture (Rubrum is Latin for "red") to match those terms up, too.
The original Japanese promotional materials spelled Setsuna's name as "Caetuna" so I'll give the translators a pass on that one.
A lot of the place names just come from completely out of nowhere and have no cohesion. That's on the developers, too.
Type-0's story and specifically worldbuilding are miles ahead of XIII.
I'm still not finished yet but I already feel like I better understand what l'Cie are and what their place is in the world of Type-0 than I ever did with l'Cie in XIII even though that entire game was about l'Cie. XIII desperately, desperately needed better worldbuilding.
I don't main her, but I played her for a while. Deuce is the only character that has to "click" before you learn her well.I am trying to get used to Deuce because I find her style very interesting, but I don't think I control her wellAnyone uses her as a main?
Machina's not great but Cinque is the absolute worst. She's Vanille without the character depth.
Possibly surpassed Genesis as worst FF character
What do any of these damn things do?
Very few quests are related to these. And one quest requires multiple of them (Emina's sidequest).
Other than that...
I have no idea.