This is funny really.
I completed the remaster yesterday, had a blast playing FF VIII during the last couple weeks. I spent the entire game Attacking and... that's it. All you have to do is Draw spells, junction your G-Forces to have the most abilities to which you can associate spells and you are good. Never use Magic, never use G-Force. I used my first G-Force on one of the twelve bosses in Edea's castle lol. Played a ton of the game using Mad Rush. Genki -> Mad Rush -> wait to win.
Also only Squall was level 100. Others were level 50~60ish. This is a RPG where you can do very little combat. No awful grinding. This is a very rare case for a RPG.
Such a great game and system. But you definitely needed the time investment at first. And the game is SUPER annoying at constantly switching your characters, and in some instances, it simply removes your junctions lol. At some point you can play Edea, and when the team changes, Edea is not available to switch your setup as well. So many miss-steps, but still a super fun experience overall !
Yeah this is true.
GF are time wasters and if you play the game as intended, their entire purpose is their ability slots, not their attack or anything. And I guess, you could cast a GF to make them eat an incoming attack, which is actually more benificial if the GF affinity is low so the bar goes slower. Its a bit counter intuitive, like a lot in this game.
All you need is attack, and perhaps spam limits in Aura or critical health. But VII, IX and X aren't different. In FVII your attack, esp, 4x cut, will quickly outdamage about everything else. IX caps at 9999 (except Ark?), which means there is no point to use anything other than dragons crest, Thievery (once you max both), Shock etc with each character. Trance is useless at this point. X is eventually about Quick Hit, though it takes a while to get there.
In FFVIII its also very easy and quick to grind the entire party to level 100, which isn't a bad idea vs Omega who is level 100 anyway. I always hate character switching in RPG, because bringing the wrong or being forced to use underused characters can lead to a lot of frustrations. IX is also notorious with this on I think it was disc 3.