huh.. had no idea.
You're one in a million.
If the genre interests you, I strongly suggest you give FF VI, VII, VIII, IX and X a try too, even if you didn't like XIII.
huh.. had no idea.
I have $10... I don't want to play FFXIII again.... but I have $10... and with the code in the first post I could buy it... but... I don't want to play FFXIII again... Why the fuck am I fighting with myself so hard to justify not buying it?
Toriyama drug my water or something?
No Sazh at endgame...that's racist lol j/k! But yeah, I actually had Fang, Light and Vanille actually. What can I say, I luv the ladies lol.
Had Fang, Lightning and Hope myself. Hope was great for RAV and SYN. I had Lightning pulling off a jack of all trades and Fang as my killer.No Sazh at endgame...that's racist lol j/k! But yeah, I actually had Fang, Light and Vanille actually. What can I say, I luv the ladies lol.
What do you have to do in order to win a copy? If you've played FFXIII previously, jump to the second quote below. If FFXIII will be a brand new experience, just read the first quote below this sentence.3rd October
- 12 at noon EST
- 9 AM pst
- 5 PM GMT
If this is your first time playing FFXIII
Send me a PM and explain 1: why you want to play this game and 2: why you didn't play this on the PS3/360.
And that's it folks! Remember, it does not matter how fast you send your PM. As long as you send the PM before the contest closes, you'll have just as high chance of winning as anyone else.If you have played FFXIII before
Send me a PM why you want to re-experience the game again.
Crap, I recently saw your post about the giveaway, hopefully my PM wasn't too late?!
Sorry guys, I'll be announcing the winners later than expected! Normally it would've been in an hour, but I'm gonna need an hour extra! Way, WAY more PMs than expected and most of these are really great reads!
Sorry for the trouble guys and gals!
you wati can't wait to ready those winners
I have $10... I don't want to play FFXIII again.... but I have $10... and with the code in the first post I could buy it... but... I don't want to play FFXIII again... Why the fuck am I fighting with myself so hard to justify not buying it?
Toriyama drug my water or something?
Does Yoshi-chan want to hear my story? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yup this would be a very huge reason to buy it.Buy it to support JRPGs on Steam
Yes!!! Share!!!Does Yoshi-chan want to hear my story? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Buy it to support JRPGs on Steam
What font are you using for your headers?
A picture is worth a thousand words.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm home!!! Time to read the remaining 30+ PMs! I'll be sure to announce the winners within an hour.
Yes!!! Share!!!
What about the transparent text?
Anyway, I feel like I need to relive the horror. And in a world where all horror movies are terrible and horror games are the best source of fear we can get in modern society without breaking any laws, this game seems perfect for october.
What better price than free to re-experience an enjoyable if mish-mashed and certainly divisive RPG such as XIII?
I'll list the stock-PCGaf reasons too!
Mods(Is such a thing possible?)
Mods(Yes it is!)
I want to see mai waifu in 1080p :3
I wnt to pla ythe game! cool giveaway btw
I'd like to reply it since I've only played through the game a single time and that was way back in 2010. I don't remember much of the story and what I do remember doesn't really make much sense in my head, so I'd love to be able to re experience that and hopefully understand it better this time around. Also, I enjoyed the combat systemPeople alaways seem to say that it's just press "X" to win, but that's not true at all. I'd get sweaty palms at times because the battles were so fast paced. Think my main part was Lightning, Fang, and Vanillie/Hope depending on the situation.
Please pick meI really want to replay a better version of it!
Why do I want to return to FFXIII on PC?
How else will I mod the game so I can replace all of party members with chocobos and moogles?
I've imported the FFXIII LE (JP Version) through Playasia when it was announced. i was so hardcore i played it up until chapter 10 or so and I didn't know any Japanese. When the US version came out i never had the chance to buy it. But i did even the game though. Also i want to see snow's abs in the full 1080p x 60fps x full AA in all its glory. ~UGUU.
also I didn't play XIII-2 and LR so I may start the triology on PC and the price SE is offering.
I first played FFXIII on the PS3. been a long time fan of the series. I pre-ordered it and it was at my house within a week of release. i popped it in, and was blown away by the visuals and the music. from then, i played up to Chapter 11, where i mistakenly took a break to play other games, and sadly FFXIII got put on the backburner.
I enjoyed it for what it was that whole time, even while people complained about the corridors and such. having loved FFX, a game with similar corridors as some would say, it didn't bother me at all.
but it had been long enough that i couldn't get the feel of the battle system when i hopped back in. my ps3 copy is currently lent out to a friend for him to experience the first game, and hopefully he finishes it.
The PC release is the perfect opportunity to get back into the groove of Lightning, with the first, and eventually the 2 followups
- Hi Yoshiiii!
Thanks for the great thread and the this chance!
As a long time fan of the game and its amazingD) protagonist that is in no condition of buying the game at launch, I would fell bad for not at least trying to participate in this.
Why would I like to re-experience FFXIII? Hmmm. Thats a hard question. I mean, why would I not?
Having my save file on my PS3 amounting to almost 200 hours (and still not having a platinum! Yes, shameful) one would say there is not many things left to do, to which say HELL NO.
It feels like centuries since I beat the game, and I can honestly remeber everything from back in the days before the japanese launch of the game. The excitement around here, the craziness over the amount of PS3 bundles that were sold in Japan. Kagari getting overhyped. People paying loads of money to play the demo. The famitsu score and all the drama that ensued.
And then the hunt for a stream (not even a decent, only one that showed me the game) started. I remember that being a very frustrating night as the first stream that I found was only showcasing some NSFW Vanille artwork with people commenting about it. lol But anyway, it was not in vain, some hours after that I finally found someone who was ACTUALLY playing the game. And I was floored by how good it looked. Or at how it seemed to look since the stream honestly looked like shit. The game seemed so amazing. This dude was playing that part in the game was you first play as Vanille and Hope after that failed attempt to fly in the motorcycle (or whatever that was). I remember being amazed at the inovative weapons. I mean THAT girl is fighting with a rod that has fishing lines in it and this kind with a boomerang. Wth!?
This routine of finding streams lasted at least a week, with me trying to find players that were all in the beginning of the game because I didnt want to spoil myself too much.
I have to say that to wait for the game to launch in english was almost painful. Seeing the OT going on and not being able to participate was so sad at that time.
But when I finally got the game I just dived in it and enjoyed every minute until I beat it.
Well I think I got a bit sidetracked here, so anyway, for the reason why I still want to replay it? Because I honestly think people judge this game way too harshly, and at times here on GAF I've been alone defending the game (even if admitting it had its flaws) just for people to call me a blind fanboy or something along those lines. This launch will give the possibility to a lot of first time players to give it a try, and I really want to participate in the discussion to see what are people's reactions so many years later.
Aside from that, I can't wait to enjoy that amazing opening cutscene again, introducing the amazingly beautiful and talented Lightning that I so much love and admire (surprising I know); to wander around in the sunleth waterscape with Vanille's awkward running animation, listening to that amazing soundtrack that so vividly remember to this day; to relive the awkward interactions between fang and vanille and the craziness that will follow, since I am sure people will point that out again; to see Lightning slapping the SHIT out of snow countless times; to be incredibly annoyed by Barthandelus and his eternal cycle of life and death; to die 134523545345 times to those adamantoises from hell; to pray for Vanile's Death curse to work on those fat little creatures that are so not willing to die; to be frustrated by the drop rates; to complain at the lack of gil and the annoying crafting system;
Anyway, I could go on and on, but since you probably will receive a ton of PM's I doubt prolonging myself here would do you any favor. And I want you to retain your sanity so that this giveaway exists so I will stop.
Anyway, winning or not, unlike Lightning's worst birthday ever, I am already glad so many people will be able to re-experience one of the best games ever!
ps: sorry for the eventual spelling errors and whatnot, I am kind of in a hurry right now. :X
- Here's my entry \o/
Since I never played it before.
1: why you want to play this game
Mostly because of the battle system, art direction, monster designs, possible castles and, of course, to see what this game is about, I don't remember the last game that had so many different opinions from people in general and I want to see what will be my opinion on it.
2: why you didn't play this on the PS3/360
Never had either XD, at the beginning because I simply didn't have the money, and when I did have it, I chose to buy a laptop instead of a console (despite liking consoles more) because I'm about to go to college, and I needed a computer.
That's it \o, thanks for the giveaway Yoshichan.
- Hello Yoshi , god this embarass me a bit XD
Well i did play and got platinum on this game on PS3 , but well, where i live we got a new president and everything is way too expensive now, lets just say i don't have a PS3 anymore , i still have a nice Pc tho, and i love all FF games, ya all of them!
I want to replay it because the monster and world design are full of magic, i also replay all the FF (and KH) i can on emulators, i still have my old Ps2 games, and i love lvling up to max all my party members, i want to remember the awesome new chocobos (dat music), and the cute moogles from FFXIII, and i have a loong time without seeing Sash (and his lil chocobo!) and Fang, and those forests omg D: , also the trials! the trials! small ochus! hahaha so cute XD (gahhhh i got the hypes lol).
Next year i will have some $ again i hope and get FFVIII and the rest too from Steam, so best luck to the winners, and thanks for to be so kind even if i don't win!
Oh and lets hope they add FFX HD!! XII too, and please excuse my english :3
- Listen to my story. This may be my last save face and prove myself.
I purchased FFXIII at launch and dove right in. I love RPGs and considered myself a connoisseur of the genre. I'll spare the boring parts, but basically, I got to the final boss. As I begin to clash with Orphan, my friend's dad walks in and sits down by my friend and starts watching the battle. Now, this guy is a classic RPG guy: the NES Final Fantasies, Dragon Warriors, that sort of thing. He wasn't (and still isn't) a modern gamer, so he expressed interest in the modern RPG I was playing. He asked the typical questions (What is this? What's going on right now?), and my friend answered. His dad simply said, "Hmm." I wanted to make sure I impressed.
However, I just couldn't stagger the damn boss! Since this was years ago, I don't remember too much from the battle. I do remember a giant sword crashing down on me, which ruined me. It took too long to heal back the HP I lost from that attack, and by the time I was at a workable HP, the stagger bar dropped back down. The battle was a desperate struggle, and even with using every item I could, I just couldn't get ahead. After a 40 minute struggle, Orphan defeated me.
My friend and his dad left, saying nothing. I was too angry/upset/embarrassed to try again, so I shut it off. I never did pick it back up. Soon after this, my 360 got that dreadful red ring, and FFXIII still sits on my shelf, unbeaten.
I still live with my friend and his family. Allow me to exact my revenge on Orphan and prove myself worthy. I will make sure my friend's dad sees that I ain't no punk.
Thanks for your time!
And that's it folks! Every single PM made me smile so I thank you all for contributing - you're all awesome! You can share your story here if you're one of the contributers that wants to put it public! Also if you're one of the winners, you can also shout it publiclyHello my good man! Let me tell my story regarding FF XIII
I never had the game but I tried in a family's house. I played quite a bit of it, levelling him up too but I never ended getting the game for myself. The Backlog was strong back in the and before I knew it XIII-2 was coming so I pre-ordered that, got a sample of the soundtrack, a little book explaining the past events and a Steelbook case of Lightning that I still own it and will keep it. But then, I got stuck in the first battle of the final boss and by the time I had some free time I no longer had the console... Now I still listen to the soundtracks over and over again and I can't wait to finally try this game on my own, with my pace, doing my quests, my way. I think it's going to be a great journey!![]()
I want to see mai waifu in 1080p :3
My best guess is Runic MT Condensed.
C-can I show off my collection again? Or what do you propose...
I was just kidding, I already have a copy of FFXIII! I'm not comfortable with sharing too much personal info here, haha.
The quote is in there! Can't really say who, but if you want to, you can speak outwho's the 6th?
i love these stories.
made me laugh so much, I felt like sending him/her a copy just because of this one comment :lol :lol :lolAlso i want to see snow's abs in the full 1080p x 60fps x full AA in all its glory. ~UGUU.
those "60fps" guys might be disappointed.
those "60fps" guys might be disappointed.
those "60fps" guys might be disappointed.
made me laugh so much, I felt like sending him/her a copy just because of this one comment :lol :lol :lol
Hahaha, thank you so much for making me laugh so hard :lol :lol :lolthis guy doesn't deserve the copy
I made the comment LOL
this guy doesn't deserve the copy
I made the comment LOL
Nothing yet!I take it there is no word on whether or not this is a great port?
Nothing yet!
my ma always said: Light is like a box a' chocolates. ya never know what you're gonna get.