At this point I don't know what to expect from the patch, they announced it 4 days ago and it is supposed to contain only 2 small fixes and it hasn't been released yet.
I'm totally OK with waiting if they're going to fix the framerate issue otherwise it will just be a useless patch to me.
Started Chapter 12 yesterday.
Of course forgot to save afterfight, and did not clear Mark 7, so I have no way to upgrade my team's weapons (I did have 2 Ultracompact Reactors, so at least Fang has her 2nd level weapon maxed out).Barti
Oh well, at least I have synthesized Sprint Shoes and Light is sporting 4 Boost family accessories, so she should live up to her name this chapter.
When exactly you can get back to Gran Pulse? Just before last boss or earlier?
XIII-2 still coming right?
Any news?
XIII-2 still coming right?
Any news?
XIII-2 still coming right?
Any news?
I fear for XIII-2 because textures and surroundings look even worse![]()
I am at chapter 11, have to say this game is actually really damn good. The battle system and music are phenomenal. How many of the missions should I think about beating before continuing on?
Is there anyway to lock a stable 30fps? I'd take that over the constant fluctuations I am getting.
Is there anyway to lock a stable 30fps? I'd take that over the constant fluctuations I am getting.
Well, ask yourself, Squeenix needs two month to implement a single confirmation dialogue.
How long will it take for them to port a new game?
FFXIII-2 in Spring 2037
Isn't FFXIII-2 coming in december? At least that's when it's supposed to be available through Dive In.
By the way I would really like to thank all the people who signed the petition and helped make this port a reality.
Not really, even when locked to 30 fps refresh the game tends to dip into tens whenever it's loading new assets.
It's not doing anything with your CPU then, and certainly not doing much with I/O, so I don't have an ounce of idea why it behaves like this.
This might as well just be a pic from a current gen game. Fuck me.
This is not realtime I can't believe youthis thread must not be forgotten!
Oh of course. I was secretly hoping it wasn't :|
CGiThis is not realtime I can't believe you
The image quality is too good, and I'm not seeing artifacts from screen-space reflections. Obviously not an eighth-gen game.This might as well just be a pic from a current gen game.
It's played back on your display in real time!This is not realtime I can't believe you
Put up some downsampled FFXIII footage at 1080p/60fps.
Can't stress how gorgeous it looks running at that speed and resolution. :3
Put up some downsampled FFXIII footage at 1080p/60fps.
Can't stress how gorgeous it looks running at that speed and resolution. :3
Put up some downsampled FFXIII footage at 1080p/60fps.
Can't stress how gorgeous it looks running at that speed and resolution. :3
um there isn't really much to experiment with. Atleast not until chapter 11.
Good lord.screenshot time again!
Any tips on how you got such a nice framerate?
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
#renderResolution 1920x1080@60
renderResolution 3840x2160@60
#renderResolution 4480x2520@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling true
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 4
## Required settings, don't change
injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
#forcePresentRes true
screenshot time again!