NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Just finished defeating the lord of crags. Holy hell the lag power waves and power geysers are real.
The other day I joined a " clear party, please have made it to phase 3" where we spent 45 minutes on the adds. We finally got passed them and someone said something along the lines of "best damn party I've been in so far", and this was basically my reaction:WTB competent party. Nidhogg EX has been frustrating.
Nope, Gordias Savage pugs are worse
2 times in a row I miss a 97% chance to hit on this collectible I need to start gearing up my botanist...
The other day I joined a " clear party, please have made it to phase 3" where we spent 45 minutes on the adds. We finally got passed them and someone said something along the lines of "best damn party I've been in so far", and this was basically my reaction:
Finally settled on a glamour setup for monk . ( until something better comes along )
clear parties of Nignog
Is that really necessary?
Are you related to Natasha Jayhawk?
I think I have an idea of who you guys are if you're on Ultros. Appreciate the help, you and a few others that keep popping into the groups are half the reason they get past Fang at all. So far all of the groups i've joined or created on PF have a combination of 2-3 players that can't do mechanics correctly, whether it's tanks who don't CD for busters or voke at the wrong time or leave their tank stance off, DPS who tunnel and don't grab orbs (i'm guilty of this a couple times myself), healers not bursting through akh morns or healing up people before super hump, or dying to cauterize and geirskogul. And then it becomes obvious many of them have never been to Sable Price, becaude they spread all over Nodhogg's underside and everyone either gets hit by the bomb explosions or terrored, and in the unlikely event the party actually gets to second SPs they botch it horribly. It's frustrating to see them panic and then blame the fight or someone else afterwards, itxs clear some of these players are expecting a carry.Yeah, I know what that's like. I've been joining a few clear parties of Nidhogg to help out lately but it's still frustrating when that happens
I think they added the ability to edit your item right-click menus (can take out options, order them, etc.).Haven't subbed since last December, really want to get back into this game soon.
What are the most notable QOL changes since then? Just curious what they've added to better streamline leveling, loot, inventory, that sort of thing.
Chat support actually worked well. She just removed the token no questions asked. The thing XIV account hacking that much of an issue?
It was around ARR launch. If I recall correctly, someone from this thread got their account stolen by a gil seller.
New security token purchase confirmed.
I guess i'll just leave this one at home / off my keychain. Still kinda ticked at myself since I had the damn thing since 1.0 launch.
Why not use the smartphone app? I've been using the iPhone app the entire time and I've never had any trouble with it, short of the very brief period of time where updating a certain version of iOS would reset it (and even then, there was a workaround).
I swear the people on these market boards are animals.
And people with a mil+ in gil.Game economies are always cutthroat since there are only two levels of quality that can be sold. You can also extend that to the game at large enabling people to not care about other players.
And people with a mil+ in gil.
And thats the perfect reason why the market is fucked.You say that like getting a million gil is hard. Can easily get that in a few hours of gathering
That sounds like effort.
do you want to buy these mog shoes and cait sith plushies
Anyone think that for 4.0 they should make some dungeons that are a bit more than a single pathway with the occasional item chest on a short split?
I just remembered Aurum Vale and the Dzamael place with the crystal aoe's. Aurum Vale you had to watch out for the roaming patrols which was a bit interesting even if some people got frustrated by it.
I just think they should step it up a bit in terms of dungeon design since the last bunch have been pretty standard design wise even if they look aesthetically pleasing.
Have a question regarding Favors since I just got them for the first time. Have the way they worked changed since 3.3?
No such thing anymore. The kills I got on Nidhogg were in pf.GAF elite