Atleast we will know something of where we are going post 3.3 because currently we know jack.
Alexander the 3rd
Two new dungeons
One new primal fight
New crafting recipes
Main scenario quests
Screencap this
Atleast we will know something of where we are going post 3.3 because currently we know jack.
Alexander the 3rd
Two new dungeons
One new primal fight
New crafting recipes
Main scenario quests
Screencap this
When you've not played for nearly a year and forgot everything about it
I'm lvl 56 DRG - probably will take me a few days to remember how to play lol
Are you a wizard.
I assume he's talking about the MSQ segment leading into 4.0, I don't think anyone is expecting to be surprised by the content they'll show in the LL.Alexander the 3rd
Two new dungeons
One new primal fight
New crafting recipes
Main scenario quests
Screencap this
Alexander the 3rd
Two new dungeons
One new primal fight
New crafting recipes
Main scenario quests
Screencap this
That's the jokeThis is like the most conservative expectation ever though, that's literally what has happened at every raid patch :/
That's the joke
I assume he's talking about the MSQ segment leading into 4.0, I don't think anyone is expecting to be surprised by the content they'll show in the LL.
The only thing I'm really excited about is the MSQ, can't wait to put Heavensward behind me at this point.
This is like the most conservative expectation ever though, that's literally what has happened at every raid patch :/
So far for 3.4 that we know of there's supposedly the cross server party finder, the parry rework - could be pushed to the expansion -, the new GC ranks with a new GC-based dungeon system, flying tank mounts, SMN Egi glamours and the expanded cross hotbar system.
Part of me is excited for Egi glamours because what if we can use like Ramuh or something, that'd be amazing. But a much bigger and morecynicalrealistic part of me knows we'll get different coloured Carbuncles and they'll call it a day. Is 3.4 when we're supposed to get the Ishgard GC? Or is that in some nebulous "it's coming later" time?
By Egi glamour they probably mean recolours of the existing Egi summons.
T'was brought to my attention that in the cutscene you get when your first beatwhat she says in English version is a bit of a misdirection compared to what's said in Japanese, which shouldn't be a surprise at this point.Edda Blackbosom
When she tries to remember how she ended up deep inside Gelmorra, she mentiones that she only saw a "robed figure". Well, that's only if she was speaking English. In French, German and Japanese versions what she was was defined as simply "magician". And I suppose drawing a connection to Ascians from just a "robed figure" is a bit of a jump-to-conclusions moment, but you can't deny it's not a red herring put in by the English team just because they can. Maybe that magician is robed. Who knows. They probably do. Illuminati deconfirmed though. Probably. I don't care anymore.
By Egi glamour they probably mean recolours of the existing Egi summons.
pretty sure the only reason they did that was because areas are smaller and they didnt want team mates mistaking them for primals.![]()
The only thing missing from FFXI Summoners was the ability to ride your summons.
There are a few uses here and there, depending on what you're into. If you're going to be working on an Anima weapon, you can use a ton of poetics at one step of the process.So the only use for poetics when you hit 60 is to buy tons and tons of coke?
But i already got my lightstaff eapon from potd. Guess I might as well get coked out.There are a few uses here and there, depending on what you're into. If you're going to be working on an Anima weapon, you can use a ton of poetics at one step of the process.
Finish all 3 repeatable quests once then do the final quest.How do you get the Sentai poses? Don't see them in the reward vendors.
Stop your drug dealingWell my cable blew itself from voidark and i dont know if my coke is sellin or not.
You'd be wasting a lot of GCDs putting up Shadow Fang and Mutilate on multiple mobs that in most situations wouldn't be living long enough for all the dot ticks.
Been a while since I mained Ninja but if you're going to multi-dot I'm guessing only Mutilate is worth it to do. Even then, I'd probably not do it on more than three mobs.
Probably a safe bet the villain will be Gaius then?
yeah which is zzzzz
A moveset for Nael writes itself.
yeah which is zzzzz
A moveset for Nael writes itself.
Yeah, or Thordan.
SE i beg you ; make this face into a true emote .