Unconfirmed Member
Ornate items are the five-open-slots items that come from 3-lining the weekly Wondrous Tails. Yes, it's just body pieces.
Oh even the crafting stuff? I thought it was just the battle things.
Ornate items are the five-open-slots items that come from 3-lining the weekly Wondrous Tails. Yes, it's just body pieces.
Ornate items are the five-open-slots items that come from 3-lining the weekly Wondrous Tails. Yes, it's just body pieces.
It's just so great that there's another method to get them now. I've found I'm stuck in this cyclical problem where you can't craft or gather better gear or mats because you don't have better gear. The grind is still fierce to slowly claw your way up there, or you can spend millions of gil, neither of which is very tempting at this stage of the patch cycle.
That little miqo'te will be getting so many feckin' seals from me, she'll be running out of shelf space.
You realize the chances of getting 3-lines are extremely low though, right? Without the shuffle function it's 0.2%.
I don't mind the change to glamour prisms but I know a lot of people will cry bloody murder about it.
didn't realize the maintenance starts today :O
was thinking of getting my DD save files to floor 50 so i can immediately jump in![]()
Last time I mentioned that I would like this system to be changed to eliminate grades I got told that it would be a disaster for money making so I'd say some people do care, greatly....Why? Did people really care about cornering the market on stuff that's like 2k gil?
Its a disaster for some and an opportunity for others. Empty prisms might finally be worth something.Last time I mentioned that I would like this system to be changed to eliminate grades I got told that it would be a disaster for money making so I'd say some people do care, greatly.
Hopefully it's a sign of things to come and we're getting a glamour log in 4.0.
...Why? Did people really care about cornering the market on stuff that's like 2k gil?
Its a disaster for some and an opportunity for others. Empty prisms might finally be worth something.
Yes. You don't understand their madness Scything
Hello guys, is there any drawbacks if I don't get any of the crafting classes with a char?
There are so many that I think I'll only up (some of) them once. Not the biggest fan of crafting stuff, though I'll try doing it in this game cuz I see alot of people crafting around Limsa Lominsa.
It's a slow grind, but if you just want to casually level a craft, take a few minutes each day and do the Ixali beast-tribe quests (and later the moggle tribe quests past 60). They provide materials, so it's free.
But does it cause any problems if I don't up them?
Like, if you haven't upped a blacksmith you'll have a hard time getting X weapon?
In terms of getting caught up after the patch in terms of lore gear, I have been out of the loop, but doesn't the lore weapon require a tomestone or 4x Midan Gears? I didn't see the patch notes mentioning a removal of the gear cap, but I would expect it would. I am trying to see if I should spend the time to get some alt classes caught up, or if I should just keep building my BRD since it has the PotD Glow Bow.
... Now that I think of it, I haven't even cleared any of Midas normal yet. I am way too far behind on the times in this game nowand I will be stuck as a BRD forever.
No. Just ask someone else to craft it for you.
Gear cap was removed last patch already.
They reduced the amount of gears needed to 4Was there anything in the notes about the high capacity tomestone being easier to get (like being bought with extra Lore or something), or will it all be via gears?
Yeah, I always liked that one as well.There are a bunch of references like that. Favourite one is "Quake Me Up Before You O'Ghomoro".
I was reading the full patch notes and noticed that the Alexander: The Creator (Savage) quest "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Retells Your Story" is a reference to a song "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who tells Your Story" from the musical, Hamilton.
FFXIV localization team is the best with their puns and references.First thing I'm going to do is check out the new hairstyles.
There are a bunch of references like that. Favourite one is "Quake Me Up Before You O'Ghomoro".
I was reading the full patch notes and noticed that the Alexander: The Creator (Savage) quest "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Retells Your Story" is a reference to a song "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who tells Your Story" from the musical, Hamilton.
Since there is housing garbage, I assume that means the servers have 0 chance of going up early tonight/tomorrow?
Make lvl 50 armor for all your lvl50 classes and your future lvl50 classes.Anything new or old to do with all these Poetics I've gathered from running people through coil all day yesterday?
Anything new or old to do with all these Poetics I've gathered from running people through coil all day yesterday?
Are you planning on working on an Anima? Buy some items for the 230 to 240 step.
Not worth getting Crystal Sand with poetics, they are too bloody expensive and its much easier to get them elsewhere.
Not worth getting Crystal Sand with poetics, they are too bloody expensive and its much easier to get them elsewhere.
Maybe they'll add more stuff to spend poetics on, maybe the 4.0 relic will need these tomes, etc.If you've got nothing else to spend them on, why not?
Maybe they'll add more stuff to spend poetics on, maybe the 4.0 relic will need these tomes, etc.
All I know is I'm not spending 450 tomes on one sand lol
They shouldn't need to be spiritbonded.So the new weapons need Demicrystals to craft, which can only be obtained by desynthesizing spiritbonded heavensward weapons? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say clearing Sophia ex will be easier and less time consuming.
Yea, someone pointed out that they have similar description to mastercraft demimateria, which is where the speculation of spiritbonding came from. So probably won't need spiritbonding, hopefully.They shouldn't need to be spiritbonded.
I spent a lot of poetics for sand. What else am I going to spend it on?
Between poetics and the Leve spam trick, I was never short on sand.
I was reading the full patch notes and noticed that the Alexander: The Creator (Savage) quest "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Retells Your Story" is a reference to a song "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who tells Your Story" from the musical, Hamilton.
Yeah, I always liked that one as well.
like, 75% of the quest names seem to be puns/references. My favourite is a dragonhead leve called "We'll dismember it for you wholesale"
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/159309cb1ef0706cf37a9a91e3e18865b70097a6 full notes etc
Edit: Wait did they say they were removing the different levels of glamour prisms before?
I barely glamour anyway so it doesn't bother me one way or another.