So question if anyone would be kind enough to answer. Playing catch up with the relic quest and just got my i230 tonight. So... the i240 step. Exactly how many umbrite are needed and what is the cheapest way to get sands?
80 umbrite if RNG screws you over on bonus points iirc and only way to get them is by spending 300 lore. I'm not sure on the cheapest for sands but I've been getting by on ink + t.mist using poetics.
Using your levequest allowances to redo the same heavens ward quest repeatedly (without finishing) just to find chests with Amber vilekin is the fastest. Easy to get ~15-20 in about an hour of it. Unfortunately you then have to wait for the allowances to come back but you'll be working on umbrites longer probably
So basically just find a mission that has a chest spawn then get the chest and then abandon and then retry?
So I hadn't touched PotD since I soloed 1-10 when it first came out in 3.2 or whenever that was. So tonight I tried 11-20 and spent a good bit of time going at it even resetting twice mid way through so all in all about 90 minutes wrapped up in this and I finally get to the boss and..... realize that there isnt' anyway I can solo this boss as a Black Mage.
I think its a real bummer they didn't tune this thing more towards scaling to how many people are in the instance. Cause I would really like to just have a nice relaxing random dungeon I could do at my leisure solo.
Going solo is fun because the slow and measured way you have to about clearing each floor gives you a real sense of tension. With a full proper party all of that tension goes away. The entire thing takes on an entire differently feel.
I might just retry and actually get a party but coming to this realization tonight bummed me out.![]()
I'm in the same boat but worse. I'm i206 right now, can't go through msq dungeon, never did second batch of alexander stuff, never did any of the extreme primals or even sephirot normal, no weeping cityGonna resub this weekend, I'm on a media blackout until then and I don't want to get spoiled this new development I've been waiting for since the end of ARR's story. The tome grind is gonna suck, but I think I can max out scripture in three days if I go hard.
Goddess EX looks far easier than Sephirot and Nidhogg, at least more forgiving. Glad to hear that Thordan EX is more facerollish. Probably SOL with apartments though.
My friend is i220ish, what could I suggest him doing with this patch to get him a bit higher? I see Diadem drops 235 but only concern if people are actually doing the content. At least lore is the new eso so he should be able to easily catch up, and do the 24 man raid each week. I guess he could do Alex creator but the lockout is going to hinder his progress, he might lose interest when there are blocks on gear progression.
Yes... The heavensward Ex primals are a lot easier than 2.0 Ex primals.I'm in the same boat but worse. I'm i206 right now, can't go through msq dungeon, never did second batch of alexander stuff, never did any of the extreme primals or even sephirot normal, no weeping city
I'm so behind. I was hoping to get it on the goddess ex while it's still fresh before I can get kicked for being unfamiliar with it, but the gear level got way higher than I thought it would and so I'm not sure I'l be able to do anything. What would be my surest bet for gearing up?
I know I gotta do sephirot before goddess, but do I have to do all the other ex primals too?
I think the only requirement you need to do is clear the normal mode. They stopped linking the Ex trials when 3.0 launched, so if you want you can just jump to Sophia Ex after doing Seph normal -> Soph normal as long as you meet the ilv.I know I gotta do sephirot before goddess, but do I have to do all the other ex primals too?
Probably grinding for lore? That will get you to 230-240.I'm in the same boat but worse. I'm i206 right now, can't go through msq dungeon, never did second batch of alexander stuff, never did any of the extreme primals or even sephirot normal, no weeping city
I'm so behind. I was hoping to get it on the goddess ex while it's still fresh before I can get kicked for being unfamiliar with it, but the gear level got way higher than I thought it would and so I'm not sure I'l be able to do anything. What would be my surest bet for gearing up?
I know I gotta do sephirot before goddess, but do I have to do all the other ex primals too?
Derped hard and thought I was ilvl 230 and I was really ilvl 223 so it'll be a while before I can go to Alexander.
Lore gear is 230, upgrading it with Void Ark/Weeping City mats will get it to 240.Oh wait... what? I don't think I'm 230. Guess I can't do it either which is a bummer since that's the one thing I thought I would be able to do while it was fresh. I have lore gear and Midan gear so I guess I need to upgrade the lore and get stuff from Weeping City. Is that right?
Lore gear is 230, upgrading it with Void Ark/Weeping City mats will get it to 240.
I was impressed. She wasn't really given her time to shine in 2.x but she was really well written here, and I appreciate they acknowledged her Tales of the Dragonsong War short story. She's probably my favourite character out of them all now.Going through the 3.4 MSQ right now and wow! Alisaie is an absolute breath of fresh air to the cast of characters especially after how stagnant the regular Scions have become.
The Chinese garb is up. $18 a pop. $10 for Barding. $7 for emote.
Slowly getting worse than a F2P cash shop it seems...
Slowly getting worse than a F2P cash shop it seems...
What's the emote?
Did Xelphatol fucking crash or something? Is Ultros down?
I just did a run, and as soon as I clicked exit, "Connection with the server was lost."
I try to log back in, there's a queue. I get past the queue, "Connection with the server was lost."
I'm gonna have to fucking run it again, aren't I? -_-
Can someone explain how the new crossbar options work? I'd like to get the optimal controller shortcuts for PS4, but I have no idea what the new options do or how to best implement them.
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)'s last boss surprised me because you could actually wipe if you go at it with the attention I usually pay to these bosses.So far Xelphatol and Alex 9 and 10 seem really easy. Trash mobs are made of paper and bosses aren't that bad.
The Great Gubal Library (Hard)'s last boss surprised me because you could actually wipe if you go at it with the attention I usually pay to these bosses.
Oh I've only ran it once so I didn't know it was the same order. I was healer and screwed up and got turned into that...thing.. a couple times and was sitting with hp in the hundreds.I mean He casts the same things in the same order but yes the first time you really have to pay attention.
Oh I've only ran it once so I didn't know it was the same order. I was healer and screwed up and got turned into that...thing.. a couple times and was sitting with hp in the hundreds.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves just because something you wanted is more costly than you had anticipated. Fanfest virtual tickets are more expensive that that, some items come from merchandise, but that doesn't make the game F2P lite does it? I feel like this kneejerk happens every time they put something on the cash shop.
I take it back. Fire Yoshida.
Living flame is the one that confuses me when he goes tornado form and the tethers appear.
I get a plus and stand close, I get sucked in.
I get another plus and stand far away and he pushes me into the ring of fire.
What am I missing?