EDIT: New Stormblood art.
Miqo'te. Disgusting.
EDIT: New Stormblood art.
That sort of misses the point of my post--my ping got better, not worse. I'd been playing the job at 100ms ping since 3.0, and have been fairly consistent in maintaining that 100ms is not job destroying or that big of a deal for an extremely large portion of the player base. Since I've now got a ping less than half my old one, I wanted to see if the opener felt markedly different indicating that I'd been clipping more than I thought and understating the impact of latency.
With my current skill speed and no fairy or arrow buff, the difference is extremely minor. It's obvious in two spots that felt bad before and still feel bad now, because I cram HE+B4B+Hyper in between some GCDs, then do GB On + Raging + Pot in between others. That's always going to clip, but is necessary to setup for what comes after. The improved ping made it feel a little better, but in terms of what happened in the 20 seconds following that nothing much changed. That last GCD that I can never fit in still didn't fit, the resulting damage was around the ballpark I'm used to, I don't think the buffs are applying to anything they didn't before, etc etc etc.
Realistically to get an idea of what impact the server move has actually made, people need to test before the combat changes go in. Once the battle changes go in, the actual results people see will be a hybrid of server move and combat change; the only way to isolate changes due to latency alone is to check things out before the combat changes. And getting a real idea of the impact of the server moves isn't a bad thing.
And frankly I put in the time and effort to mess with my opener and rotation because that's the part of the game I like? Like picking things apart and figuring out what impacts where and how to daisy chain stuff together is interesting to me; there's not really anything else appealing left to do before Stormblood and I'd basically stopped logging in entirely for the past few weeks, so it's nice to have something new to mess around with.
also if they remove double oGCDs and make the jobs less active I'm gonna riot. nobody will care, but I will riot.
Miqo'te. Disgusting.
Heh I was about to edit my post above to say that.At least is not a Lala.
At least is not a Lala.
Lalas are the best m8
Will seeing the difference between sever changes really help though?
Every time I read a guide on what the current opener/rotation is for any current job there has been only one "correct" way of doing it and people didn't say "Since you have X ping you probably can't double weave so do this more basic opener/rotation instead" so wouldn't that mean that all of these openers/rotations can me made null because double weaving depends on a players ping and skill speed? So the whole thing comes down to self experimentation/self improvement which is something that your better off doing once the balance changes take place.
Put me in the I don't care if the remove double weaving camp...I will attempt to double weave if I can but if it's removed completely I won't miss it.
@ post below, I can't believe I never realized that. I have been away for several months though. How long has this been a thing?
I'm pretty sure they already said data-center wide friends list and tells are already in the works.
They already have cross-server blacklist, so cross-server friends probably wouldn't take much more work to do. It'll probably have some restriction due to the way it works you'd need to be in the same party first, though.They did, but a lot of QoL features take them months to years to actually implement.
At least is not a Lala.
I'm taking the unpopular opinion that 100ms is not a job-ruining position; if I'd logged in and suddenly was firing off the extra GCD in my opener and everything flowed smoothly now that I was on a good ping, it'd both mean I should shut up about 100ms being manageable and figure out how I could never have noticed the clipping.
I will do that once the changes kick in because right now I'm too busy with Anima Weapons.People will further iterate on those openers to align them better with their playstyle/group comp/current stats, yadda. The base is important because it lets you know what you should be aiming for.
And you generally won't find a "what to do if you can't double oGCD" because the undercurrent of the ping vs double oGCD discussion is that you can always double oGCD, it's just going to clip your next GCD and over time that will add up. More skill speed will mean you clip sooner, so it's not just a factor of ping either. But how bad it is is super variable, and clipping doesn't inherently mean you shouldn't double oGCD. The Machinist opener assumes clipping no matter what your ping is, so we cram the clips into pre-Wildfire GCDs; Bards will clip to keep HE and B4B together, and hitting an area where Barrage + EA clip after Feint isn't going to stop anybody from Barrage EA'ing.
Part of the key discussion is at what point double oGCDing becomes a guaranteed clip, and at what point it becomes unmanageable. If you've got a job that double oGCDs a lot and suddenly you can't anymore, it makes the job feel worse. You don't necessarily not do it--it may be better to clip than split the GCDs, depending on what you're doing--but getting an idea of where your limit is and how much ping is impacting that becomes semi-important when trying to gauge the impact of the server move.
Well....when you put it that way I have to agree because I play with a controller and jumping around between GCD Actions isn't a fun task with a controller.I just want to push buttons. Giving me less buttons to push just means I'm more likely to go jumping around between GCDs and nobody likes that.
My newest mouse and keyboard came in. There's a lot of hotkey goodness to be had with both, but I had a few questions as it pertains to FFXIV.
1. The mouse sensitivity feels a bit stronger then compared to my previous mouse. Lowering the sensitivity in-game seemed to help, but am I better off doing this on my Windows system instead?
2. Similarly, I would like to have the scroll wheel move in and out quicker in the game. Is there an option for this in the game?
3. How do I control the lights on the mouse? Is there a way to have them turn off automatically after inactivity on both the keyboard and mouse?
Been a while, but how do I go about having all my macros and hi options to transfer to a new pc?
I'm taking the unpopular opinion that 100ms is not a job-ruining position; if I'd logged in and suddenly was firing off the extra GCD in my opener and everything flowed smoothly now that I was on a good ping, it'd both mean I should shut up about 100ms being manageable and figure out how I could never have noticed the clipping.
Another question. With FFXI, you could save all the game files, reinstall the game, copy-past the old files, and skip any update downloads. Does that work with FFXIV?
So I'm looking to hop back into this game this weekend. I never quite made it to 60. I vaguely remember that for Heavensward you needed to complete all of the story quests prior to going to the new zone. Do we know if that's the case for Stormblood? I'm like 58, but I haven't played since a few months after launch, so I'm worried that I'm going to have to finish like a million story quests before next month.
So I'm looking to hop back into this game this weekend. I never quite made it to 60. I vaguely remember that for Heavensward you needed to complete all of the story quests prior to going to the new zone. Do we know if that's the case for Stormblood? I'm like 58, but I haven't played since a few months after launch, so I'm worried that I'm going to have to finish like a million story quests before next month.
Yes. But it's not bad catching up in HW though.
Yes but there are drastically less quests to do compared to pre-HW.
My connection to the game is terrible tonight. I was in the Gold Saucer doing my weekly Triple Triad challenges and there was a 10-15 second lag when the NPC was playing its card. Then there was a lot of lag during the Time of My Life GATE. After that, I did my daily trial roulette and got Ravana. I completely disconnected and had to log back in once and had four or five times where the game completely timed out for about 15 seconds. I hope it's just my internet connection tonight and not the server move.
I'm super confused. Back before HW I had leveled my White Mage to 47. I finally returned to this job, leveled it to 50, and have completed its level 50 job quests. I was expecting to be able to equip a full Cleric set but I only have the body and waist. The rest are all level 45 Healer's gear. I'm not sure why I do not have the gear since I had completed the job quest that rewards the gear years ago but I do not see it in my inventory or retainer's inventory. Any ideas?
The cleric rewards are stuff they added post Heavensward so new lv 50s could skip a bit of the gear grind at 50. You're missing them cause you did the lv 45 quest before they added them to it.I'm super confused. Back before HW I had leveled my White Mage to 47. I finally returned to this job, leveled it to 50, and have completed its level 50 job quests. I was expecting to be able to equip a full Cleric set but I only have the body and waist. The rest are all level 45 Healer's gear. I'm not sure why I do not have the gear since I had completed the job quest that rewards the gear years ago but I do not see it in my inventory or retainer's inventory. Any ideas?
Yup, the big GAF fc is in ultros.GAF is still on Ultros right? I'm going to pay to get my character transferred.
Q: In Heavensward, players were able to increase their item level through main scenario quest rewards, but will players be able to increase their item level in the same way in Stormblood?
A: Similar to 3.0, players will be able to obtain gear through main scenario and side story quests. With 3.0 dungeons, there were times where gear for the role you wanted didn't drop, or you may have lost the loot to other adventurers, so your item level may have increased slower because of that. For these reasons, with the 4.0 dungeons, we made it so players can obtain the gear for their role after defeating the last boss in a dungeon.
Reading through the digest of the last Live Letter there's a lot I don't remember seeing mentioned.
New crafter scrips won't have a weekly cap, meaning they dropped the tome grind concept. Sounds like they might change up melee raid gear to make it role-wide, they're thinking about adding a qualifier to the weapons so they'll only drop for jobs present (I hope this is a toggle); extra macro slots will be account-wide, and then this:
That's sort of interesting, and cool when it comes to glamour farming, at least.
Lalas are the best m8
RNG too hard, makes people play the game, can't have that, just have your piece.
I can't tell you how many times I've run old dungeons trying to get glamour pieces and it never dropping.RNG too hard, makes people play the game, can't have that, just have your piece.
People are already forced to grind the same 2 dungeons 10-15 times every week for their tomes.
They'll all be in there grinding away for their Relic weapons anyways. This doesn't change anything other than make it easier to gather your glamour pieces.
What's important is that it will make leveling a lot smoother once you can get drops for yourself while leveling up.
10-15 times? Expert roulette gives 90 tomes now. And... "Forced". I ran 3.5 dungeons a grand total of 4 or 5 times because I already didn't need welfare gear by that point.
Relic progression is trash and still trash, not sure how that's an argument for relieving drop RNG.
And leveling has never been an issue at all, leveling gear is super easy to come by.
The thing is, I've been there. I farmed a lot of gear I wanted. I had to do T4 over 80 times before I finally won Allagan Healing body... then they just made it a commodity.
I worked for an entire patch on getting Wrangler set, and when I got it, I could look fondly on it. If it just fell into my lap after one clear, well, I'd just stick it on retainer and not have any memories associated with it.
I wouldn't argue in defense of RNG drop mechanic so hard if the game wasn't already reduced to most basic parts.
Everyone gets everything they want! Forever! Just sign up!
On that note, I want tomestones gone. There's no goddamn way it's okay to have people outgear all current content by doing braindead dungeons.
Existence of tomestone gear as a viable method of most relevant gear progression basically kills any chance all other content is rewarding.
Yoshida often muses in public about how it's so hard to assign the proper rewards to harder content people are asking for (specifically for light party, for instance) but hey, the problem is right there.
Stop letting people gear up with no effort.