I imagine they're pruning the DoTs that don't really add anything to the theme or rotation of a class, like Mutilate, Fracture, Touch of Death and are just one and done spells that exist solely so players have something else to pay attention to. Now with the alternative resources everyone is getting they can phase the old, uninspired stuff out.
I won't miss them.
I don't mind DoTs if they are a cool part of the class, like Rogues had a stackable DoT that could do a lot of damage IIRC.
But the one and done DoTs are not interesting to use or maintain. I like this meter management theme they are going for instead.
There's plenty of room in the fc, apply in game.Alright so 120 or so hours on the trial and I'm ready to buy the full game. Isn't there a referral program or something? What's the details on that? Anybody here want to take advantage of it with me?
Also, is there room left in the GAF FC?
Alright so 120 or so hours on the trial and I'm ready to buy the full game. Isn't there a referral program or something? What's the details on that? Anybody here want to take advantage of it with me?
Also, is there room left in the GAF FC?
Yeah, all that seems to have been removed so far is Aero 1 which got probably merged with Aero 2, possibly Flaming Arrow and PhelbotomizeNobody said they're removing all DoTs
Yeah, all that seems to have been removed so far is Aero 1 which got merged with Aero 2, possibly Flaming Arrow and Phelbotomize
I sure as hell won't miss themspeaking of flaming arrow, i wouldn't cry if they got rid of all ground-target AoEs tbh
Idk, sounds like a well trained DRG to me. Going the extra mile to avoid AoEsI had a DRG in AV who stayed out of the BRD's fire arrow.
By the end of the run I'm still not sure if I got through to him that it's a BRD effect and not an enemy effect.
Sweet, I just redeemed it. Thanks!PM'd you a code. You redeem it in the MogStation
Just tried T9 unsynced (unsuccessful)
I'm gonna try again at some point lmao, that was insane.
I'm glad that other new/returning players are enjoying the Hildinrand Quest line.
I remember reading in an interview that Yoshi-P was surprised that people actually liked the Hildibrand quests (IIRC these sort of comedy shows are more famous in Japan) and in another interview he stated that despite how silly the quest line might seem what we are seeing has actually been toned down since the team has tought about more weirder scenarios before that didn't make it to the game such as Hildibrand fighting Bahamut one on one.
So I'm thinking about fantasia'ing one of my characters before Stormblood. I could swear I once saw an exploit online once for how to preview new character appearances in your current gearset(because you can't preview your gear on your new/fantasia character because it asks you to remove all gear). Am I not remembering right or is there indeed a way that I can't currently find?
There's a cheat engine out there somewhere that lets you swap out character models/customization along with gear sets and other stuff.
So I'm thinking about fantasia'ing one of my characters before Stormblood. I could swear I once saw an exploit online once for how to preview new character appearances in your current gearset(because you can't preview your gear on your new/fantasia character because it asks you to remove all gear). Am I not remembering right or is there indeed a way that I can't currently find?
Shadowfang applies both DoT and Slashing debuff.
I support this.
Angary, how many times have you had the tutorial argument here?
Made it to floor 50 in DD yesterday with a NIN, BRD, CON, and MCH.
Fight seemed to go all right, but then the floor was covered in glowing runes...
If you're solo queuing, do you just have to hope you're lucky with your comp or what?
So for Paladin, if Requiescat really increases all damage by 20% and not just AA damage then saving your Holy Spirit spam for when you can trigger the additional effect on it might be a thing.
Also the only use they've shown for the Oath gauge so far is for activating Sheltron. I imagine there must be some offensive use for it. Perhaps one of the older abilities have been re-purposed to make use of it since none of the new offensive abilities they showed seemed to drain it.
I'm glad they deleted Fracture.
Shadowfang applies both DoT and Slashing debuff.
Lol, one of the few Coil fight you can't bruteforce, at least not entirely.
It's about goddamn time. NIN getting clubbed at the knees because a WAR wasn't around was not fun. I actually got used to doing Dancing Edge so much (my static doesn't have one) that it actually gave me trust issues when there was a WAR that would actually do Storm's Eye.
I'm also really glad that it appears SAM is the same as new NIN, its slashing debuff is part of the normal rotation it already does without losing DPS.
Hey guys!
I just finished the MSQ TheUltimatum and have aboutBlack Wolf'smore to go to finish the 7th Umbral Quests.8
I know there are anotherMSQs after to get to Heavensward, but how long does it take? Like, there were a lot of fetch quests and whatnot in the 2.0 quests, but do the 2.1-2.5 quests flow better? Are they designed better?100
I don't want to rush through content--even now I'm not really spending time on other stuff I want to do like the market board, crafting, gathering, and beast tribes--but I'd like to gain access to Astrologian and Dark Knight at some point. lol
edit: Should I even bother getting SB at this point? lol
A while.I know there are anotherMSQs after to get to Heavensward, but how long does it take?100
Half and half. 2.1-2.3? is meh. 2.4-2.5 is gut.Like, there were a lot of fetch quests and whatnot in the 2.0 quests, but do the 2.1-2.5 quests flow better?
Get a main story skip/level skip pot.edit: Should I even bother getting SB at this point? lol
Hey guys!
I just finished the MSQ TheUltimatum and have aboutBlack Wolf'smore to go to finish the 7th Umbral Quests.8
I know there are anotherMSQs after to get to Heavensward, but how long does it take? Like, there were a lot of fetch quests and whatnot in the 2.0 quests, but do the 2.1-2.5 quests flow better? Are they designed better?100
I don't want to rush through content--even now I'm not really spending time on other stuff I want to do like the market board, crafting, gathering, and beast tribes--but I'd like to gain access to Astrologian and Dark Knight at some point. lol
edit: Should I even bother getting SB at this point? lol
Quest design isn't changed and will never be changed and the game evens makes a remark at some point about the player always ending ip as an "errand boy" but quests flow does get better compared to 2.0
Anyone frustrated with this errand boy business I highly recommend you do the Job Quest for Dark Knight from L.30-Lv.50
You must have willingly erased any memory you had of doing the Moogle Side Quests in 3.0 but I agree the quest design didn't change much in my opinion BUT Side Quest story line greatly improved if you asked me.It does get better in Heavensward at least.
I don't remember if any quests involved delivering mundane items to people in Heavensward. The context surrounding quests for the most part was more interesting IIRC. Which is ultimately what marks the difference between a good quest and a bad quest imo.
You must have willingly erased any memory you had of doing the Moogle Side Quests in 3.0 but I agree the quest design didn't change much in my opinion BUT Side Quest story line greatly improved if you asked me.
Never forget what they put us through!You're right. I did completely erase the Moogles from my mind.
Thanks for reminding me.
YesHW's MSQs are better, for the most part. Sidequests can be somewhat tedious.
Every copy of Stormblood includes Heavensward too right?
Ultroswhat is GAF's server? im on gilg but i might make an alt if i can join the fc