This E3 is open to the public iirc.
Considering just going out for Stormsblood, but eh. Idk
It'd be a massive headache.
This E3 is open to the public iirc.
Considering just going out for Stormsblood, but eh. Idk
It'd be a massive headache.
Would it be worth it then?Stormblood early access is on Friday of the E3 week.
I hope these money go to financing conten---ahahahahahahahahahaha
I thought they dropped full on mac support.
I'd assume he'd be playing on a dual boot windows/mac
Paradox games have Mac support at the very least and they're the definition of niche.
Letter from the Producer LIVE at E3 2017
We'll be hosting the E3 edition of the Letter from the Producer LIVE where Yoshi-P will use the opportunity to answer questions from the official forum!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. (PDT)
Square Enix Presents (YouTube) To be announced
Square Enix (Twitch) (
* Presented in English and Japanese.
Need some lv 60 gear to skip some of the grind when you reach 60?Just moved over from Hyperion to Ultros and joined the GAF server (Dequillo Ternathem). Getting back to HW to try to finish up the MSQ before SB. Still pretty early, around story MSQ lvl.53 and the Gnath.
3.0 should have ended with a CG battle.
tfw we'll likely never get another Coil era CGI
To be fair that was probably made at the time of the End of an Era CG, and just inserted into Coil.3.0 should have ended with a CG battle.
tfw we'll likely never get another Coil era CGI
Need some lv 60 gear to skip some of the grind when you reach 60?
Still waiting for when they replace every instance of /unsheathe and /cheer with the /battlestance and /victorypose they gave everybody in 3.1.At least cutscenes in 4.0 from those trailers were more than just closeups of faces with the /anger emote and people unsheating weapons.
At least cutscenes in 4.0 from those trailers were more than just closeups of faces with the /anger emote and people unsheating weapons.
Where Stormblood can go is ultimately more exciting to me than what did happen in Heavensward. (at least in regards to its main plot, the Dragonsong War.)
Lot of plot from 1.0 onwards that can be expanded on. One of the tidbits in the lorebook mentions something from 1.0 where they did the first test for the Meteor Project at the Bozja Citadel (and this was mentioned in 1.0, but didn't reveal the location of the Bozja Citadel.) and wiped the Citadel and the surrounding city in a shot coming down from Dalamud, leading to the death of Cid's father. (And this being why he and others defected from Garlemald)
Lorebook then reveals the Bozja Citadel was in Othard, and the entirety of Othard is visible on the new map so it's likely we'll be going to where the Citadel was at some point.
Just moved over from Hyperion to Ultros and joined the GAF server (Dequillo Ternathem). Getting back to HW to try to finish up the MSQ before SB. Still pretty early, around story MSQ lvl.53 and the Gnath.
There's only a little bit of Othard still obscured and there's a Lorecast with gamerescape and Koji Fox that covers what the that part probably is, actually: are still missing half the Othard continent but at least its pseudo visible on the map. Unless that pock marked desert region is the place you are talking about we likely won't see this location till a different expansion unless its part of the Ivalice content. Hell I don't expect us to really see even half the continent that we can see. My guess is the three Othard zones we have already been told about will be it and the Ivalice content will take place in a different fashion like how we went to the Machi city in Mor Dhona but we never got to explore it beyond being used as a raid.
In order to meet the 'same amount of zones' as Heavensward we need at least one more open air zone (6 total open field zones in HW, Ishgard City (split into two zones), and Idyleshire to make a total of 8). We have now seen two zones in Gyr Abania, 3 in Othard, and one city zone. That leaves one open field zone and likely another zone for the expansions hub city (Which I personally hope is Ala Mhigo). My hunch is due to the fact it hasn't shown up yet the last zone might be in the northwest portion of Gyr Abania, maybe even into Xelphatol wherecrashed. If that locations managed to be in the zone where Ala Mhigo appears to be, that leaves one additional zone to be anything they want. Of course I wouldn't mind them adding more then 6 open field zones though given the size and scale of the new territory they are introducingOmega.
Personally as far as what I look forward to from the zones is to learn more about the other zones. Think about how little we know about the Far East and how little we know about the interior locations since Garlemald took over everything, what cultures have been suppressed, what hidden locales exist have we not heard about because up till now we hadn't talked with the locals? Now we are so close to their territory on both sides the amount of new stories to come out could be endless if they wanted.
There's only a little bit of Othard still obscured and there's a Lorecast with gamerescape and Koji Fox that covers what the that part probably is, actually:
East of Ala Mhigo, theres a land-bridge leading into what has been identified only as Garlean territory. The other continents are oft spoken of, but in vague terms. Some interpreted the land-bridge as leading into Ilsabard, which both continues north but connects to Othard in the east, while others have interpreted it as Othard itself, continuing east with Ilsabard connecting to it directly north. Can we clear that up?
A: <pronouncing Othard as Oh-thard>
KF: First, I want to clear up your pronunciation of Oth-ard.
A: Oh, no! <laughs>
KF: I dont think weve ever really said it anywhere.
F: Funny that pronunciation comes up, back when we did that pronunciation thing you told us Dzemael was closer to Zay-mail but in Heavesnsward its ze-My-l.
KF: Thats wrong! That is wrong! <laughing> I need to go and burn Its Zay-mail!
A: Now that you mention it, though, when Gaius first lands in Vylbrand, the voiced guy does say Othard. It stuck in my head because in another language he says hes from Rabanastre.
KF: Guess where Rabanastre iiis! <laughs> Theres also a line in the Japanese version where they name-drop Dalmasss<throat clearing> Its not in English, but thats where it is and maybe someday well be seeing some of <heavy throat clearing>. But yes, that land bridge connects directly to Ilsabard. You cannot get to Othard from there without going through Ilsabard. So theres the land bridge and it goes into Ilsabard. <emphatic hand gestures>.
So the obscured part is probably the part of Othard that connects to Ilsabard.
Oh, I didn't know you were still playing. Welcome to Ultros~
Memories of Heavensward - Ultros GAF Screenshot Contest
Stormblood is almost upon us, so for the month of May we'll relive the glorious (and not so glorious) memories of Heavensward.
To participate, submit a screenshot (yours only, please) of someplace in Heavensward that you may have a fond memory of (or just a liking for). If you are a new player, get a picture of whatever. I suggest you share your weird thoughts and anecdotes about Heavensward with the screenshot as well. Please include in your submission that you are submitting a screenshot for the HW Ultros GAF screenshot contest.
Players can only enter once, so you can post multiple screenshots but you will have only one entry.
Winner will be selected at random.
The prize isa date with Sosul Marsyour choice of one of the following:
Wind-up Garuda
Wind-up Ifrit
Wind-up Leviathan
Wind-up Ramuh
Wind-up Shiva
Wind-up Titan
Wind-up Edda
If you already have all of the above, you'll receive a carry through Aurum Vale.
Winner will also receive 2 million gil and a Baby Opo-opo minion.
Entries will be accepted until May 31st. Post in the GAF FF14 OT, link with @[officer name] on the Discord server, or send a tell in game to an officer.
Ah is it? I thought it fell on the week after. Well in that case there's no point.
TomorrowDoes anyone know when the media tour event details are coming out? I thought I saw on Reddit the R/FFXIV mods would be posting news about what was at the event in late may but I can't find the post anymore.
Does anyone know when the media tour event details are coming out? I thought I saw on Reddit the R/FFXIV mods would be posting news about what was at the event in late may but I can't find the post anymore.
Chatter has it as tomorrow morning; there's some weird the end date of the embargo may,itself, be embargo'd thing going on, but leaks spring up here and there and tomorrow seems to be a common theme.
Also if the SMN 'leak' post on Reddit is true I expect SMN to get massive hype pretty quickly. Bahamut has a petbar!
I can help you out if you're in Ultros.I need to get my item level up to 230 so I can clear 3.5. I'm at 203 right now and should be able to get it up a bit more tonight.