No stop, I didn't want SAM to catch on.
No, it has positionals (Gekko and Kasha).
It only affects Kenki generation though (5 vs 10). Basically every 3Sen you build 45-55 Kenki, so you basically can do x2 Kaitens (1 on 3Sen other on Gekko/Kasha) or Kaiten + Shinten.
If Kaiten is increase damage/wspotency by 50% and not 150% (I'm still torn between typo and sam needing big dps to make up for no raid utility)
People were pretty down on it early on for looking weak and it not being flashy.I mean it always was gonna.
People were pretty down on it early on for looking weak and it being flashy.
People were pretty down on it early on for looking weak and it being flashy.
Hopefully the no raid dps utility will scare people away from SAM.
I meant that people were gonna play it because everyone is a massive samurai fanboy in the inside and love the folded a thousand times japanese nipon steel
2) Shadowbind, Hawk's Eye, Quelling Strikes, Blunt Arrow, Flaming Arrow, and Wide Volley are all gone.
8) I'm guessing the ideal "rotation" for songs is Army's -> Wanderer's -> Mage's? Army's to build stacks, Wanderer's to let off hella Pitch Perfect with those stacks, Mage's to get your Bloodletter/RoD procs while you wait for Army's to come back off cooldown. Curious how persistent Army's stacks are.
I mean, still has some raid utility from the cross class skills...
Shane about Hawk's Eye and Flaming Arrow but everything else is an acceptable/expected loss
1000 potency attack for sam holy jabeezus
I mean, they have a 30% chance to get a chakra on a crit, which besides Bootshine means they have a like 10% chance in average per Weaponskill to get one Chakra so they can use a 250 potency attack after getting 5Not sounding too great right now, but I guess it depends how much the extra Forbidden Chakras make up for it.
tfw kinda feel that feeltfw you want to play a job but it's fotm and you're a hipster
tfw you want to play a job but it's fotm and you're a hipster
Thinking about it, there'll rarely be situations where using the Straighter proc will be actually needed now instead of Refulgent Arrow - all I can think of is DoTs running out and you need to refresh SS right before IJ.
In other words
So, in general, i wonder if we are seeing the limitations of the dev group here. More job, more balancing with the rather inflexiable game design means they potentially have these rather big misses with jobs.
I mean, they have a 30% chance to get a chakra on a crit, which besides Bootshine means they have a like 10% chance in average per Weaponskill to get one Chakra so they can use a 250 potency attack after getting 5
Yeah it sounds awful lol
Wow, Foe's costs a massive amount of MP, each tick cuts like 20%
Also anyone else bothered by the tooltip descriptions a bit.
Like Intervention is marked as 10% then another 50% w/ rampart. Why not just say 20%?
Not just this, but stacks of Confession need to proc off any GCD heal if they're going to proc randomly. They only last 30s, are only triggered by single target GCDs and you don't get healed if you have no stack whenever WHM uses Plenary Indulgence.They're gonna really need constant heavy damage in the raids if they want WHM to stand any chance of being viable. Maybe they can fix them like how they fixed Ast and Mch.
Yeah, like they aren't getting anything flashy, but there's stuff there for people who can currently play the class well to push it further in Stormblood. It's an expansion of how the class currently works, while simplifying some things like Enochian management (as it's just a battle stance now) but maintaining Umbral Fire/Ice gives you access to the new spell, and stuff like Leylines teleport and triplecast will make the great BLMs greater, as well as the stuff like the change to Surecast making it do what it probably should of always done.Have seen some dislike for BLM changes, or lack of enough new skills, etc. I personally am happy. I didn't want to class to change completely. It got some new skills and some simplifying to allow for lots of explosion. I'm looking forward to playing it next month!
You already got cat girls and now you want bunny girls?.
Fuck that, give me lizards, the same ones from Ivalice world which name I forgot.
And Au ra are already lizards.
I'd like Nu Mou.
I guess to leave some room for the Sentinel part despite just ... I dunno. Extra lines of text? 20% with Rampart, 30% with Sentinel. Unless there's some stacking thing they want us to consider by wording it that way.
There's also the Enhanced Cover tooltip that simply states 20% mitigation while Covering. Which I can't tell if that means using it on someone not taking damage for a 20% cooldown or just 20% reduction in damage taken via Cover. The latter is what I expect but the former is actually pretty unique and good for them as far as gaining extra cooldown advantages.
You already got cat girls and now you want bunny girls?.
Fuck that, give me lizards, the same ones from Ivalice world which name I forgot.
I mean, lizards that actually look like lizards not bishoujo lizards...
Maybe it's a typo like the Flamethrower potency and it's supposed to be more than thatThat seems a bit excessive for a whopping 3% mitigation.
Saw 'The Blackest Night" and thought it was gonna be some crazy 800 potency shit or something. Nope, just a decent shield lolDRK's The Blackest Night may in fact win the title for edgelord skill names but it seems interesting within the PLD context. PLD got +10% to target (+10% / +20% from Rampart, Sentinel) while using 50 meter; DRK's get a 2400 MP cost 20% MaxHP Barrier (10% to target) that generates 50 meter when it fades.
Looks like Syphon Strike got a DA bonus (+140 potency for a total 390 potency there) and Souleater got a baseline +20 buff (280 base potency, 420 with DA now). Dark Passenger's DA potency went down 10 randomly as well. Blood Weapon got a 20s cooldown reduction as well.