Stone Ocean
Welcome to the most bloated job in the game. May your hotbars weep.
Welcome to the most bloated job in the game. May your hotbars weep.
Welcome to the most bloated job in the game. May your hotbars weep.
Absolutely cannot seem to understand how to do Dragoon efficiently. I've looked up countless guides, watched countless videos and I can't wrap my head around how I'm supposed to be doing it. So many abbreviations that I don't get (I get a few now!) but at this point it's become more aggravating than fun. And I keep getting called out about it during fights which only adds to the annoyance.
Are there any simpler classes that are easier to understand, or is it pretty much the same with everything? I don't want to stop playing, but I'm definitely about to throw in the towel.
That's the level 50 rotation, it's obsolete these days. Try this insteadFunnily enough I saw that image a few days ago
How is this rotation? Thing is, I know it's changed here and there over time so I'm not sure what's up to date. What I'll do for now is get some of the cross-class skills as suggested, at least it'd be a start.
Dps rotations make my head hurt too so I became a healer. To me it seems much more straightforward (as long as you don't let anyone die people will rarely complain, if you're contributing dps you're basically treated like god's gift to mmos in DF groups) and more fun. Maybe give that a try? I dabble with smn and while it's fun to blow up groups of mobs in dungeons I don't think I could do it at a high level.
That's the level 50 rotation, it's obsolete these days. Try this instead
I don't even have some of those skills yet![]()
I did read about cross-class skills but I'm not sure if they're absolutely mandatory that I get 'em. I am poring over what setup you just wrote about though and appreciate it.
When I'm doing the rotation, is there a certain rhythm to activating things? I have it set up currently to where I start with R2 and the face buttons, expire those, R2 and d-pad actions, L2/face, L2/pad. Maybe I'm activating certain skills at incorrect intervals.
Thanks! Yeah, I've actually been doing it similar to that. It was just a lot to learn right off the bat and some things are starting to make more sense. I know which buffs to keep up, the starting combo and the thrust combos. But then there's the stuff I don't have yet, figuring out how to map it all on the Dualshock and making sure I'm getting the timing right.
I feel like it'd be a very rewarding class to master. It's already fun to do even being shit at it.
The DoT per se isn't affected but the initial hit is and the DRG DoTs pack a punch.I thought I read dot damage is not effected by specific damage debuffs like dragon kick or disembowl because the actual dot tick after the initial potency attack is simply physical, and not specifically any type. Is that still the case?
There are training dummies at the Wolves Den Pier if you want to practice. Their hp just refills as soon as it hits 0.
Not trying to flame you, but this is far from optimal rotation at anything you'll be in a party for. I advise you new Dragoons to take the time to read the DRG guide on the official forums. If you take any sort of pride in your in game performance and don't want to fall into the "loldragoon" stereotype please take the time and give it a read.I'm a dragoon, it's a great class. If people in your party start complaining about how you play just tell them to mind their business lol. What level are you and what were their complaints?
True Thrust -> Vorpal Thrust -> Full Thrust is a great bread and butter combo.
When approaching an enemy, I love to Jump -> Spineshatter Dive -> (then the blue attack that causes slow)
Then I like to put Phlebotomize on them and do Impulse Drive -> Disembowel. Meanwhile, I also like to make sure that Keen Flurry and Power Surge have been activated. If the enemy I'm fighting isn't doing a ton of damage to me then I use Blood for Blood.
Odin is a tough fight, I wouldn't take it personally. It's not required so I would skip it completely (and I still haven't killed him as a healer) until you're more comfortable and have a good party.I heard Monk at least was harder lol. I think that's the thing, there are so many varying opinions and personal experiences that there's no one true way to go about stuff... which is good, I can appreciate complexity to an extent, but in this case I just get a thousand different answers to things I look up online. And it doesn't help that most guides assume that everyone knows what every little abbreviation and whatnot means. Like I didn't know what GCD was, I do now but I still don't quite understand it.
I thought I had a decent setup going until I fought Odin last night. I don't really want to DROP Dragoon though as I'm becoming more and more familiar with my actions and even the icons. I am sucking bad though.
Dragoon hotbars are not bloated in any way lolWelcome to the most bloated job in the game. May your hotbars weep.
EDIT: This became way bigger than I planned,![]()
Just knocked out the Pugilist skills, now I'm back to Dragoon. Really appreciate the post, it honestly doesn't seem that bad. I'll take it one thing at a time and try it on a dummy and compare it to the numbers I'm doing now. Thanks!
However, tanking is generally boring compared to dps-ing as a dragoon.
No problem. Like I said it works for me. Just remember to prioritise mechanics over your DPS. To many don't and end up taking lots of dmg or dying because of it. (I am guilty of this sometimes as well I admit)
So the icon on your game library is just linking you back to the store to purchase the game? If it's on your transaction history it should be available from the library. Weird.I wonder if you guys could help at all...I bought the complete collection on ps4 on the 6th using my wallet top up I've been saving.
Now i wanted to download it but psn store is saying I need to purchase the game I already bought.
I checked to restore liscenses as usually it's still not coming up even though my transaction history says I purchased the game.
Anyone had this before on ps4 version?
I'm a dragoon, it's a great class. If people in your party start complaining about how you play just tell them to mind their business lol. What level are you and what were their complaints?
True Thrust -> Vorpal Thrust -> Full Thrust is a great bread and butter combo.
When approaching an enemy, I love to Jump -> Spineshatter Dive -> (then the blue attack that causes slow)
Then I like to put Phlebotomize on them and do Impulse Drive -> Disembowel. Meanwhile, I also like to make sure that Keen Flurry and Power Surge have been activated. If the enemy I'm fighting isn't doing a ton of damage to me then I use Blood for Blood.
I've considered this as well as Bard. I feel like if I could just get it all to click that it would be rewarding and even badass. I've just already put a lot of time into the class and I don't really want to start from scratch as it's such an extended ordeal. I'll stick with it a bit more and see what happens. I just want to be having fun; it's my first MMO tbh and I have had a lot of fun with it up until the post-game content where all of a sudden I've discovered I'm terrible at it haha.
I didn't think I was because I had been faring very well until this point.
I've seen this and it just confuses the hell out of me. But I'll keep it open and study it a bit more and try to wrap my head around it as I'm sippin coffee.
Another thing is that I don't have Blood of the Dragon yet, as well as the cross-class skills, so I can't utilize this setup to its fullest.
I see people jumping towards an enemy and it always seems a waste to me since you will have no buffs (not even Heavy Thrust) on the jumps. I think it might be better to save your initial jumps until you've had a chance to get set up properly.
I pretty much only jump to take advantage of the movement options - using Jump to get in damage when a boss is surrounded by an AoE circle or using Spineshatter Dive to quickly move to a boss who has moved a long distance away.
Not really. It highly depends on the fight. More often than not you want to hold on to certain OGCDs for a multitude of reasons, specially movement ones.They are high potency attacks though and I think some have buffs that affect them specifically. I'm not really an expert DRG but I think trying to use them whenever they are up is the way to go.
Not really. It highly depends on the fight. More often than not you want to hold on to certain OGCDs for a multitude of reasons, specially movement ones.
Hmmm... I'm not sure I'm convinced about that to be honest. The longer you sit on them, the fewer of them you will have.
Having more casts of them won't help you if you use Spineshatter on something that shouldn't be stunned or if you need to AoE and Dragonfire is on CD or if you need to do a mechanic on the other side of the arena and lose uptime/BoTD because you had no jumps avaiable or if you need to burst something down by yourself but you can't because you just used your jumps 10 seconds ago, and so on.Hmmm... I'm not sure I'm convinced about that to be honest. The longer you sit on them, the fewer of them you will have.
Got my monk to 52, I think I finally found a main dps job. I thought the positionals would get old but they're actually half the fun.
The downside of spending so much time on a monk is that it made me deathly aware of them when tanking. Just moving out of AoE makes me feel bad.
Sometimes minimizing downtime is worth more than getting one extra spineshatter in. Depends on the fight of course. In Refurbisher you wouldn't hold anything back because the room is five steps by five steps big, but in Alexander Prime you may wanna try and get from your end of the room to the boss as fast as possible and keep GCDs rolling.
/ac "Shukuchi" <t>
{Please check it}
Having more casts of them won't help you if you use Spineshatter on something that shouldn't be stunned or if you need to AoE and Dragonfire is on CD or if you need to do a mechanic on the other side of the arena and lose uptime/BoTD because you had no jumps avaiable or if you need to burst something down by yourself but you can't because you just used your jumps 10 seconds ago, and so on.
As a rule yeah, you want to use them whenever they're up but you need to adapt your casts and CD timings to the situations of a fight.
Yeah you wouldn't just sit on your jumps. Generally use them as they come unless Blood for Blood is almost up. But gap closers can be incredibly useful to minimise downtime. Sure you might use a Spineshatter, Dragonfire or Shoulder Tackle without buffs, but if it means not wasting a GCD or two moving to the boss it's worth it.Okay fair enough. I guess if you know what's coming you would plan things accordingly. I was picturing someone just sitting on their jumps in case they need to move at some point.
/ac "Shukuchi" <t>
{Please check it}
Does that actually work? By that I mean it removes the targeting circle like it does for Salted Earth/Shadow Flare?
See, this is fucking straightforward. It's unbelievable how hard it is to find something this simplified.
H -> [BL+BFB] -> ID -> [DRAC-POT] -> DI -> [IR + BOTD] -> CT -> [PS+ LEGS] -> 4TH -> [GK] -> P -> [JUMP] -> TT -> [DFD] -> VP -> [LIFES] -> FT -> [SPD] -> 4TH -> Repeat
The opener in that isn't really the most "Optimal". Again, it was created in mind for players to learn how to Geirskogul and BotD.
If you wanted a proper opener, you'd want this:
H -> [BL+BFB] -> ID -> [IR+BOTD] -> DI -> [DRAC-POT] -> CT -> [PS+ LEGS] -> 4TH -> [JUMP] -> P -> [SSD] -> TT -> [DFD] -> VP -> [LIFES + GK] -> FT -> 4TH -> Repeat
H = Heavy Thrust
BL = Battle Litany
BFB = Blood for Blood
ID = Impulse Drive
DRAC-POT = Draconian Potion of Strength
DI = Disembowel
IR = Internal Release
BOTD = Blood of the Dragon
CT = Chaos Thrust
PS = Power Surge
LEGS = Leg Sweep
4TH = 4th Tier Combo (Fang and Claw or Wheeling Thurst depnending on which one is active)
GK = Geirskogul
P = Phlebotomize
JUMP = Jump
TT=True Thrust
DFD=Dragonfire Dive
VP=Vorpal Thrust
LIFES=Life Surge
FT=Full Thrust
SPD=Spineshatter Dive
I'm 57 with my MCH and want to cap it fast to 60. Should I spam dungeons or palace?
Trials->level 50->leveling->palace
I got WAR to 60 from 50 in a day.
Meaning current level dungeons aren't worth it? Also should I spam a specific section of palace or go until the end every time?
It's around 10% of a level for the first 10 floors, and it's almost impossible to screw up palace, unlike dungeons, with their scary mechanics and skill requirement. Like using tab to change your target in order to keep hate as a tank! Or using aetherflow as a Summoner so you can Bane or Fester targets!
It's ALMOST five key presses, and that's just too much to ask.
Trials->level 50->leveling->palace
I got WAR to 60 from 50 in a day.