Field Exploration XIV: Tiny TapirHow do I get the field exploration retainer minion? I am at level 50 and have tried multiple of the level 50 retainer ventures (there are lots of options based on ilvl) but no minion yet.
I'd rather not say price on the forums, don't want to start debating on prices... materials and such. You can take a look on the MB. I also do crafting requests, but have to be careful, there are some ass-hats taking advantage trying to flip the items on the MB instead of wearing it.
If you bring the HQ mats for Artisan Gear, I'll give it my best attempt, but it's not 100% guaranteed. I'm Jade Nephrite![]()
Totally random question since you're around. Did/do you use the Jade Nephrite name in SWTOR?
I don't play SWTOR, or really any MMO, unless you count Phantasy Star or Universe. I name my characters just Jade ( from Green Lantern ) but FFXIV needed a last name, so I googled Jade and there was Nephrite. I think it's also a Sailor Moon reference.
I don't play SWTOR, or really any MMO, unless you count Phantasy Star or Universe. I name my characters just Jade ( from Green Lantern ) but FFXIV needed a last name, so I googled Jade and there was Nephrite. I think it's also a Sailor Moon reference.
When I was checking the price history for the tier 4 battle materias this morning, I was like "WAIT. WHAT? JADE NEPHRITE GEARING UP A BATTLE CLASS?"
Ah ok, makes sense that someone got the same name from a same reference. I had a guy that I used to raid with in SWTOR with the same name. Thought I'd check. Everyone continue OT crafting hour as you were.
Man, Nexus weapon is taking way too long when being done casually, I'm only at 600-800 section after months, and I missed the nexus light farming rush. Seems like the Nexus Light Bonus Window Tracker is even quieter.
I got T9 weapons so it doesn't matter right now but it'll matter when relic goes to i120.
Any tips?
EDIT - Actually since shield won't drop for us in T8, it actually does matter a bit.
Check Garuda HM every two hours. When it's bright make a light farm group with you as the only tank, beat her down for 2 hours. A good group will knock out about 150 points in that time. I'm pretty sure that's still the best gains in terms of light per minute.
Ugh, that's like 15+ hrs of doing Garuda HM. Kill me now.
So, question.
Given the general squishiness of Dragoon, would it be safe to assume that Keen Flurry is generally underutilized by the in-game population?
FYI: For Context, Keen Flurry is a CD that grants a +80% Parry Rate, for twenty seconds I believe.
I think dodging is generally underutilized by the in-game DRG population.
So, question.
Given the general squishiness of Dragoon, would it be safe to assume that Keen Flurry is generally underutilized by the in-game population?
FYI: For Context, Keen Flurry is a CD that grants a +80% Parry Rate, for twenty seconds I believe.
Keen flurry is about as useless as a DRG when a MNK or NIN is available.
Well, Keen Flurry doesn't help with magic-based attacks so there's that.
I meant as a means of partially compensating for their poor Magic Defense.
Mind you, it really only would PARTIALLY compensate. Even if you can use it every 90 seconds, and even it it does effectively make DRG's not-squishy when it's up, it'd still mean they're squishy to magic damage during the bulk of a fight.
Mainly, trying to generate some good advice for friends I know, whom play DRG.
Well, Keen Flurry doesn't help with magic-based attacks so there's that.
Mainly, trying to generate some good advice for friends I know, whom play DRG.
Though some would say it's becoming LOLNIN instead of LOLDRG but we'll see how it is in a few months time.
Ninjas have a lot of catching up to do to take the DRG crown, but they're certainly putting in the effort.
Generally some good advice would be... to dodge and not die (or at least don't be first to die). That makes you better than quite a few other DRGs.
Though some would say it's becoming LOLNIN instead of LOLDRG but we'll see how it is in a few months time.
Ninjas have a lot of catching up to do to take the DRG crown, but they're certainly putting in the effort.
Not being the first to die, isn't really a viable strat past a certain point. From what I've read, in at least one Final Coil turn, if anyone dies at any point, there's a very near 100% chance that the group will hit the Hard Enrage timer.
Not being the first to die, isn't really a viable strat past a certain point. From what I've read, in at least one Final Coil turn, if anyone dies at any point, there's a very near 100% chance that the group will hit the Hard Enrage timer.
Mind you, I'm kinda encouraging these same players to invest in other classes until DRG is fixed, but I can't blame people for wanting to stick with a class they like. I mean, I myself stuck with WAR back in 2.0, when everyone was saying to go PLD.
Granted, slightly different situation. I think it's highly unlikely that DRG will get buffed significantly before the expansion hits.
Honestly DRG is perfectly fine to play as. Buffs would be nice but it's perfectly viable in end-game stuff if you're good with it.
That taught me a bit about DRGs rotation while I don't do exactly what is mentioned here, it certainly helped me when learning to play once I got to 50.
Still not being the first to die in PUGs at least will make you one of the better DRGs instead of the "LOL, DRGs are at it again" or something like that.
The Jump lock was also loosened up and all the jumps had some buffs which helps. It's not that hard to dodge avoidable dmg now as a DRG.(After getting in some practice of course but that goes for every job) while putting out some good DPS.
What about LOLAngary?
DPS output isn't the problem. While DRG DPS output does appear to be hard-capped lower than Monk and Ninja, a well played DRG has high enough DPS to clear the content with appropriate gearing.
It's mostly the poor magical defense. Yeah, once you learn a fight you can avoid some magical damage. (Not all though, magic attacks flow like waterfalls in Coil,) but when you're learning a fight you probably aren't going to be avoiding all damage for awhile.
Also, yeah, Jump Lock has been loosened. Most DRG's worth their salt are still super careful about when to use it though. XD
Still I've learned a bit about how to generate a large amount of enmity during these runs. Infuriate -> Unchained -> Internal Release -> Berserk -> Tomahawk -> Enmity combo -> no one is getting these enemies off me.
Still experimenting with my rotations but I'm getting there.
I wouldn't bother popping your offensive CD's before Tomohawk. Tomo only applies starter emnity, and so long as nobody goes crazy during your opening you'll be fine until you get to the second part of your Emnity combo, at which point it's unlikely anyone will take hate from you.
Also, I suggest weaving your offensive cooldowns in between segments of your opener, as this effectively adds a second or two to their duration.
The new allagan Tomstone that gives the Ironworks weapons gets dropped in T10?
Maybe, I'm still working on optimizing it. Still it helps during the times where everyone (8 - 24man groups) are attacking/healing and I need to get enmity right away. Especially when some tanks like to aim the dragon in the trash encounters in ST at the raid. (provoke helps here as well).
I'm also working on what CDs to add where inbetween my GCds. Sometimes I wish Inner Beast was a CD so I could weave that inbetween my enmity or DPS combos but you can probably use it more often when it's a GCD I'm guessing.
Ah well. Warrior is a fun job to play. PLD seems fun as well but I like the whole a good offense is the best defense thing WAR has going on.
Oh, what do people recommend for WARs? Vit accessories or STR accessories? I'm using STR ones just now (which helps since I use them for my DRG anyway) but some WARs in game have much larger HP pools at lower ilvls due to Vit accessories.
Maybe, I'm still working on optimizing it. Still it helps during the times where everyone (8 - 24man groups) are attacking/healing and I need to get enmity right away. Especially when some tanks like to aim the dragon in the trash encounters in ST at the raid. (provoke helps here as well).
If it follows the same pattern as Second Coil, it should.
One small note though, it looks like Ironworks Weapons, at least at 120, aren't much of an upgrade over Nexus weapons. (Only 1 additional weapon damage, and no additional magic damage.) Not that it won't help, but the real upgrade won't be coming until they get augmented. <_<;;
Vit for learning, or if it's newer content. (I know some tanks that get away with STR accessories in Ramuh, but that sounds hairy.)
STR is great for older content, or content where you know you're only going to be taking very intermittent damage. Oddly enough, if your off tanking, this includes T9, whoda thunk it!
If it follows the same pattern as Second Coil, it should.
We must have been running different second coils because that pattern is not what I recall.
We must have been running different second coils because that pattern is not what I recall.
Haven't played this game since 2 months after release, trying this free weekend. Is the fastest way to level still through Fates? If so I guess it will be tough somewhat since there won't be a zerg of players for the boss ones.
Haven't played this game since 2 months after release, trying this free weekend. Is the fastest way to level still through Fates? If so I guess it will be tough somewhat since there won't be a zerg of players for the boss ones.
Actually there is. A new class was just released so people are zerging FATEs again. If you are a tank or healer dungeons will be fastest. DPS have to slum it in the fates.
Normally, the fastest way to level is through dungeons... However, if you're leveling melee DPS right now, you'll want to do Fates.
All those people leveling ninja yo. D:
haha yeah I am trying out the ninja also, hopefully they are good. They don't seem like tanks from ffxi though, I miss perfect tanking on them.
Eww, free login weekend. Last one was a lag fest for lots of people. Hopefully it doesn't affect our coil run, I want that T10 done this weekend.