My static have mostly the gear we need, but it'll definitely be fun running certain turns [Bard pants, where are you?] to get those final few pieces. Plus, more Turn 13. I love that encounter.FCOB UNLOCKED IN 2.55
You will need to purchase both the Windows and PS4 versions of the expansion to play the new content on both platforms.
zzz no new heavensward info? job infos and shit?![]()
Speaking of new Heavensward info, aren't they doing new LBs for individual classes? Will we get to see them over the next few months.
I thought they were supposed to show one at the end of this but apparently not. But yeah they're saying that and I think one of them is in the benchmark or something. Expected maybe a little teaser of Heavensward stuff but nothing, oh well. There's a bunch more live letters coming up.
RIP SCHAstrologists can switch between a heal stance or a barrier stance. It's actually a bit too strong so there'll be restrictions on how often you can switch stances, a delay of some kind. Spells remain the same, their affects just change dependong on stance so it's not like you'll need to juggle 2x more skills than other classes. Names might change, but currently they're Tsukiyomi (moon reader) and Hoshiyomi (star reader).
This makes me moist. Please let it be like the finishing move in Timeranger, that shit's so cool.Astrologist's LB3 will be Celestial Stasis (星天停止like in FFT, but since this is an MMO, they can't actually stop time for real. It'll seem like time stopped and suddenly everyone is at full health. It's actually quite reckless the way it was implement. So, look forward to it.
Famitsu Interview said:DoTs will be directly influenced by SS.
Dragoon's new LB3 will be revealed during today's PLL.
3.0 was scheduled for May 18th. Stuff happened.
Mac specs will be released shortly.
The full trailer will be released after 2.55 because there are scenes in there that directly reveal what happens in the MSQ. There will be flashbacks and stuff that'll explain why our hero has such a long and defeated look in the beginning of the trailer.
They're renting an entire theatre to premiere the trailer on release. Some lucky fans will be invited. April PLL will be held there.
Benchmark video was 13 minutes long. NQ Hiroshi managed to cut it down to 9 minutes for our sanity.
Aura character creation is extremely detailed, horn types, colouring, eyes. The facial patterns are the most detailed of the current available races. Benchmark will not contain all options available because they're intending to add as much as possible before the release date. But you can save your character detail and immediately continue from it on official release.
Horns will be visible even when wearing full helms. A lot of effort was put into making sure the horns don't clip with gear. All gear from 2.2 onwards was created on Aura horns in mind.
Some famous FF character(s) will appear in Ishgard.
Cid and other similar key-NPCs will move to Ishgard. Probably Roena too seeing as how she already has a monopoly in Eorzea.
Gerolt will moving somewhere in his quest to craft the ultimate kettle.
Villages and outposts in Ishgard will use names from 1.0. One of those villages survive on Chocobo hunting.
The 7 heavenly dragons will be key to the Ishgard quest. Nizbeck, Bahamut, Tiamat, and more. Bahamut's story will how he was summoned and captured will also be revealed.
And Omega too.
New jobs
When working with buffs, they wanted to avoid the situation like if FFXI where haste was overpowered, so skill/spellspeed has been mostly insignificant in the 2.x series. They will be going through a huge change in 3.0. DoTs will be directly influenced by SS.
Dark knight lives on MP. They considered using HP as resource, but thought it would be too dangerous for raids, and so went with MP instead. You'll use MP to cast a darkness buff that drapes you with a darkness aura. Playstyle will revolve around maintaing that aura, using it for defence or damage.
There is level above darkness that has stronger actions and skills. It's a new style of tanking that's probably never before seen. You might want to stock up on PIE materia.
Astrologists can switch between a heal stance or a barrier stance. It's actually a bit too strong so there'll be restrictions on how often you can switch stances, a delay of some kind. Spells remain the same, their affects just change dependong on stance so it's not like you'll need to juggle 2x more skills than other classes.
Names might change, but currently they're Tsukiyomi (moon reader) and Hoshiyomi (star reader).
You draw cards to buff your team. You can choose to use the card immediately, or hold and use it together with the next card. Astrologists will probably be a very busy and involving job, requiring you to think fast on your feet.
Machinists, when using attachments on their rifles will become something akin to a canon. There'll be a charging animation/effect, the longer it is, the more powerful the attack is. (something like Rockman's charge shot) Moving resets the charge.
Attaching attachments is instant. If you need to be constantly on the move, don't use attachments.
Gun actions require a stacking gunpowder(or ammo) buff. Learning when to reload will be an important skill.
Limit breaks
Dragoon's new LB3 will be revealed during today's PLL.
Current LB3s will be reassigned to their respective jobs.
Astrologist's LB3 will be Celestial Stasis (星天停止like in FFT, but since this is an MMO, they can't actually stop time for real. It'll seem like time stopped and suddenly everyone is at full health. It's actually quite reckless the way it was implement. So, look forward to it.
Items, ILs, Alexander
AF2 is based on Amano's sketches. They tried to be as faithful to his original designs as possible.
The IL gear between each season (patch) will be wider than before. Of course, Alexander Hard will contain the strongest gear available, but there'll now be more in-between options available.
New daily quests beginning in either 3.05 or 3.1.
The fat chocobo might fly.
The Zodiac weapon quest, or more accurately, a weapon that grows together with you will continue in 3.1. The overall concept is still the same, time in exchange for strength. There might be some changes, those will be revealed in time.
The concept of FFXIV's armoury system is so you can be and do everything with just one character. Along the way, crafting became a little too hardcore. First, it started requiring everything to be HQ or bust. Then you it started requiring you to max-meld every piece of gear, and eventually you needed to do it for all jobs. What started as 'can be anything' twisted into 'must do everything'. While it may have been enjoyable for the really hardcore who enjoy this kind of gameplay, it pushs away the people who just want to do a simple bit of crafting now and then. With the Meister and scripts system, we're trying to get back to our core philosophy.
Same problem with Gathering, everyone ended up gathering the same thing, creating an oversupply thus making it difficult to create useful craftables for battle. In order to give more meaning to craftable gear/items and implment the next materia system, we need to control the supply of items and create differentiation between each gatherer.
It's probably terrible balance-wise to have dungeon drops always be the strongest so we're trying to change that.
With the new system, once you're at 60, you can then become an apprentise to each respective guilds' guildmaster. You'll gain new skills and recipes by becoming a meister/specialist. You can have more than one trademeister but there'll be a delay before you're allowed to switch.
The new crafter scripts, temporarily called red and blue chips. You collect them by polishing up and raising the quality, in terms other than NQ/HQ, of some items.
For gatherers, each region will have something like folktales, their own lores and stories. You won't be able to see the new nodes unless you've already heard of these tales. These are were scripts will come in. Besides that there are also talismans that you can use to reveal these nodes.
Company crafts
Split into 2 parts, House and Airships.
House is where you get to build and design your own house. As the patches come long, you can design your company house into something like a blacksmith shop if you wish. There will also be something similar to glamour for company housing, so that you can switch designs as you wish.
Well down the road, you'll be able to buy boxed copies that didn't sell for less. Like ARR is 10-20euros now, I even got a PS3 version for 5 euros(was last few copies from a shop though, it's gone now). Considering base price is 40bucks, I'd expect 6months later or whatever you'll find boxed versions for 20 pretty easily.
DoTs will be directly influenced by SS.
I thought they don't need Novus to have lots of extra spell speedWell, SMN will need to remeld their Novus lol
I thought they don't need Novus to have lots of extra spell speed
Coil unlock super early this time. We'll dudes... Time to get me that earring, that belt, those pants and those boots.
That's cool, if I wasn't stuck on T9.....forever and ever.
That's cool, if I wasn't stuck on T9.....forever and ever.
Coil unlock super early this time. We'll dudes... Time to get me that earring, that belt, those pants and those boots.
My luck was trash this tier!Time to spend a billion dollars on expansion and then question my life choices.
I do wonder what in the hell were supposed to do in the back half of April/All of May/most of June if they're unlocking FCOB at the end of March. One can only farm so much.
Your list of FCOB loot needs is never not going to make me laugh, FYI.
Time to spend a billion dollars on expansion and then question my life choices.
I do wonder what in the hell were supposed to do in the back half of April/All of May/most of June if they're unlocking FCOB at the end of March. One can only farm so much.
I'm sure people in the FC will be willing to help you through T9. Just ask around (assuming you're in the FC), people generally do it on a Friday I think? I'm never awake for the help night stuff. They might do it on other nights too.
Just research the fight a lot so you at least have a decent understanding of how the mechanics work.
Unless you want to work at it yourself which is totally respectable too.
Upps, sorry, I didn't mean it in that way.
I'm not on ultros
TBH at this point I'm happy with just completing all the content by the relase of 3.0.
I guess Dark Knight might need to use gear different from what PLD/WAR uses currently. Maybe they have their own job specific gear with piety.
My luck was trash this tier!
If you run out of things to do? Take a break of course.
Two weeks to figure out divebombs. HM.
Yup. Easiest divebombs by far. The actual problem is clearing the arena before they happen, but that's a DPS problem, not mechanics.thankfully these divebombs are the easiest of the lot.
we're also making it to divebombs now and I would expect us to progress a lot quicker now that we have the orbs figured out.
Yup. Easiest divebombs by far. The actual problem is clearing the arena before they happen, but that's a DPS problem, not mechanics.
Nothing will beat the T5 pit for ease--run in a straight line, run back, npnp.
Fuck you WoD, you are an evil and foul place and I only wish torture upon your creator.
So we formed a new coil group like 4 weeks after Final Coil came out, went through four different DPS, holiday season, and we're finally now at a point where we're getting good momentum on 13. And for what. So we can have echo in two weeks? Hooray!
We've gotten a shit ton of Ninja and Monk drops, with neither of those jobs in our party. Our tanks have gotten barely any drops. And now everyone and their mom is just going to be able to waltz into T13.
I get it's the nature of the beast, but this feels way too early and I'm not happy about it.
So we formed a new coil group like 4 weeks after Final Coil came out, went through four different DPS, holiday season, and we're finally now at a point where we're getting good momentum on 13. And for what. So we can have echo in two weeks? Hooray!
We've gotten a shit ton of Ninja and Monk drops, with neither of those jobs in our party. Our tanks have gotten barely any drops. And now everyone and their mom is just going to be able to waltz into T13.
I get it's the nature of the beast, but this feels way too early and I'm not happy about it.