Congrats! You guys are looking pretty sharp there.
Yeah that red blade and shield are awesome. Pretty good positioning in the shot too.
Congrats! You guys are looking pretty sharp there.
came in expecting kagari to die once. Left not disappointed. Also I see you hit the soft enrage?
Yeah, we aren't 100% on how the soft enrage works, it came at different times on different attempts(up to 30-40 second difference!). Our best guess is that you only get so many rotations in final phase before it automatically begins, and since our deaths came in last phase it makes sense I guess.
edited in spoiler tag so no one can get upset
really do hope someone tended my plants. wont be back at all tonight
1% wipe on t12 ~5000 hp left ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
So far NIN DPS seems fairly underwhelming. I'm pretty sure I'm getting less than in theory because of the ping slowing down mudras(stupid idea to have several skills in .5sec interval but still make them double check with server) but still I'm at about 300-350, in i98 gear with an i110 weapon(granted gear is pretty garbage, way too much accuracy and shit, I just got a few random things for now). My monk does about the same with i90 and Zenith. You have more burst, more aoe(a lot more, god those aoes) and possibility of ranged dmg plus you can't really drop the 15%speed unless you mess up, but it's still kinda behind. I've generally been outdpsing everyone else in the pug stuff I've done but that doesn't mean much, feel like it should perform a bit better with a i110 weapon. Maybe need better gear.
Oh also the class is complicated as fuck. I don't think it'll ever get to the point where I can DPS without paying attention, 18secs dot part of a chain, 20secs debuff(optional) part of another chain, 30secs dot, ninjutsu priority system and 3 off the GCD abilities, plus the usual cooldowns, it all lines up weirdly so you can never do a "rotation" and it's all priority based forcing you to constantly do choices, with the reduced GCD. Wish the UI was better for this, in WoW keeping track of all those buffs and debuffs is easy enough, in this game it's annoying. Pretty fun still though, but damn. Worst part is the leveling doesn't prepare you at all, cause it only starts getting complicated at 45.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.
It really sucks that our tank changed servers without telling anyone on the last day before patch. We can't get dick going right now, we should've cleared T10 already but instead we probably won't even go in again this reset.
Remember 2.45 will have things.
This patch is content light if you don't do Final Coil or level ROG/NIN. You can tell a lot of development went into both the NIN job and all the quests associated with them.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.
It really sucks that our tank changed servers without telling anyone on the last day before patch. We can't get dick going right now, we should've cleared T10 already but instead we probably won't even go in again this reset.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.
The dapperest
Well....I got to 30 and unlocked NIN. Now to finish DRG to 34 and then max out ninja. where do people go at level 30 for fates?
Costa, till 35.
Wow, that's a sleazy thing to do. I forgot whether you were on Ultros or not. If you are, who was your tank?
There's a nice trick in the Ultros battle that basically prevents you from wiping if you have a skilled enough player.
Just started playing on Zodiark. Promised myself I wouldn't play an mmo ever again after ffxi.
I have a wife now though so it shouldn't consume my life lol.
In general the excuse against FATEs that people don't learn how to play is completely invalid in this game, you don't learn shit about how to play in this game's leveling dungeons anyways.
You eventually learn not to pull before the tank around Brayflox! Godspeed, young bards, godspeed.
came in expecting kagari to die once. Left not disappointed. Also I see you hit the soft enrage?
This is around the time I learned that sometimes the bards have to die for the good of the group.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.
40+ clear of Ultros. No winning roll on minion (haven't rolled above a 50 ever). People who want Shiva EX carry tomorrow, you're running Ultros once with me and giving me the minion.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.
So far NIN DPS seems fairly underwhelming. I'm pretty sure I'm getting less than in theory because of the ping slowing down mudras(stupid idea to have several skills in .5sec interval but still make them double check with server) but still I'm at about 300-350, in i98 gear with an i110 weapon(granted gear is pretty garbage, way too much accuracy and shit, I just got a few random things for now). My monk does about the same with i90 and Zenith. You have more burst, more aoe(a lot more, god those aoes) and possibility of ranged dmg plus you can't really drop the 15%speed unless you mess up, but it's still kinda behind. I've generally been outdpsing everyone else in the pug stuff I've done but that doesn't mean much, feel like it should perform a bit better with a i110 weapon. Maybe need better gear.
Oh also the class is complicated as fuck. I don't think it'll ever get to the point where I can DPS without paying attention, 18secs dot part of a chain, 20secs debuff(optional) part of another chain, 30secs dot, ninjutsu priority system and 3 off the GCD abilities, plus the usual cooldowns, it all lines up weirdly so you can never do a "rotation" and it's all priority based forcing you to constantly do choices, with the reduced GCD. Wish the UI was better for this, in WoW keeping track of all those buffs and debuffs is easy enough, in this game it's annoying. Pretty fun still though, but damn. Worst part is the leveling doesn't prepare you at all, cause it only starts getting complicated at 45.
Like three days in to the patch and I'm already idling on the stables for hours on end while watching Netflix because there's nothing I particularly feel like doing. The fishing stuff from what I can tell is just expensive as hell with no payout (gathering for the new fish requires the forager's stuff), and most of the rest of the patch is faceroll dungeons, ninja, and FCoB.
Wound up shutting off auto-renewal; I have 16 days to get PLD to 50 and clear Shiva EX, but that's about it until 2.5.