Crafting stuff
They can add AF2 to all crafting classes, and it makes little differences for most people since all they need to do is remeld the one set of gear for their specialized class, which is the same as the Artisan upgrade, but meanwhile keeping further class identity in each crafter and giving them visual recognition, kinda like how Dreadwyrm says "this guy cleared FCoB/got carried super hard", you'll have your AF2 that says "I picked the completely wrong tradeskill and I'm poor as hell, but damn does that alchemy robe look cool and I can make some sweet items no one wants".
Leveling every class to 50 wasn't the hardcore part(at least if you didn't do it super fast and instead took the long route of random leves/GC turn ins/Ixal), it was gearing every class and unlocking every book to craft the most current gear stuff that was. Hell I haven't finished my master 2 books on every class cause it's so freaking boring. That's what specialization I think is trying to correct. Only one class to worry about(or more if you have alts, but that's on you).
Pretty much. GCD skills will operate on the GCD, and Bloodletter is off GCD, so you can fire it off between GCDs. You can't do two skills at the exact same time, but after you fire Heavy Shot, for example, you can shoot off Bloodletter once it's about halfway through the spin while still getting your next Heavy Shot/DoT/Straight Shot on the next GCD without skipping a beat. You can do this on basically every class: popping off GCD abilities inbetween your GCD spins. If the skill darkens and starts its cooldown, it's going off.
It's worth noting that only a few classes actually have a crafted i110 Accessory in their potential best in slot set and it's usually just a Ring. Tanks use them to get STR and VIT on a single piece so they can get away with a full set while DPS use them to get away from having no good second i130 ring (e.g., Bards).
I'm not entirely sure why you care about their ilvl, though. Them being below the ilvl of current gear is mostly a balancing thing.
Pretty much. GCD skills will operate on the GCD, and Bloodletter is off GCD, so you can fire it off between GCDs. You can't do two skills at the exact same time, but after you fire Heavy Shot, for example, you can shoot off Bloodletter once it's about halfway through the spin while still getting your next Heavy Shot/DoT/Straight Shot on the next GCD without skipping a beat. You can do this on basically every class: popping off GCD abilities inbetween your GCD spins. If the skill darkens and starts its cooldown, it's going off.
EDIT: Also there's no way I was parsing barely 300 in ST on my BLM. I like didn't even get targetted AND used Raging Strikes and it said I was only at 300, which doesn't seem possible D: Tomo lies.
I thought it was a drop of the Odin battle?
I'll just paint my chocobo black and use the Slepnir barding.
It honestly piqued my interested because I thought how would someone who doesn't read guides/forums/min-max theorycraft stuff know that their 130 item can be replaced by a 110 item - in very specific instances as you mentioned. I just felt the game didn't do a good job of communicating the potential of the item.
Really liking the trial that i downloaded from Steam so far. My only question is if I have to buy the full version from Steam to continue using my character. I didnt choose the GAF server when i created my character but when I upgrade I plan on switching!
How much do you like plastic dragon statues?
Well Im just wondering If i can buy it from SE directly or not. Don't need the dragon statue...yet
In one of the recent interviews Yoshi-p said that you could change specialties in 3.0, but it wouldn't be trivially easy. I'm thinking something along the lines of changing GCs.That last part is not a good thing at all. If there are wrong choices then the system has completely failed. And in the current market there are definitely wrong choices. At least now you can easily fix the mistake, but with specialization you might not be able to. That is a big reason why I am so worried about the system.
It's a trap, it's crabs all the way down.
That sounds more like the FFXI I remember
That sounds more like the FFXI I remember
You don't need to max gear on all classes to make money on the market. That is just plain false. The only reason to max gear on all classes if you want to play every single market, which is completely unnecessary (a lot of them suck anyway).
Personally I have all my crafting classes maxed (with Lucis) because I enjoy crafting. But one of my friends only has the gear for like three classes and has made tens of millions easily.
That last part is not a good thing at all. If there are wrong choices then the system has completely failed. And in the current market there are definitely wrong choices. At least now you can easily fix the mistake, but with specialization you might not be able to. That is a big reason why I am so worried about the system.
Making alts is no more "on you" than gearing up other crafting classes. Just the barrier of entry got much, much higher.
Minfilia will never die.
That ass window has some godly plot armor.
Your number is coming up.
Minfilia is the best.
I'm sorry that I'm a terrible person.
She IS great
One thing I've never heard anyone really mention but that seemed quite significant to me is that we've reached a point where the Final Fantasy XIV Online brand (as opposed to just the 'A Realm Reborn' brand) has been so thoroughly detoxified that Square Enix feel comfortable using it as the name of their bundle package, with little on the cover except the logo.
At one point that would have been startlingly 1.0-esque.
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. \o/
Hey, I never said anything about younegatively, anyway; you do know you're like always top BRD DPS right?
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. \o/
You know, this is an attitude I truly do not understand. Why do you complain about "average" players in DF or the Crystal Tower? ITS DF and the Crystal Tower. They are not designed for "pro" players.
See, this is what I mean when I say people must assume that I care far more than I do. The only ones I really care about are the AFK / practically AFK people and then the ones trash talking in alliance chat. People doing "average" DPS or, y'know, at least trying? Who cares. It's DF content. I don't expect people to do anything special in there. It's just the extremes and, even then, it's an "oh well" sort of thing.
You get an early access code right away for it?
I ordered the EU CE and not had an email with an early access code yet.
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. \o/
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. o/
Now this is terribleness to feel bad about.
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. o/
The good news for you is this game is full of terrible people. and that I am slowly getting over caring how much my incompetence pisses you all off. \o/
You know, this is an attitude I truly do not understand. Why do you complain about "average" players in DF or the Crystal Tower? ITS DF and the Crystal Tower. They are not designed for "pro" players. As long as it gets done, who cares how long it takes? Is your time really that valuable that you only can spend 20 minutes on something? Are you so selfish that you demand other people to bow down and play how you demand them to?
The ONLY place where bitching about dps/gameplay/skill is warranted is with your static, in the highest level raids, and when it becomes a problem.
I agree with this a billion and four percent. Like, even the example of the tank that doesn't use flash is something I chalk up to inexperience, and not just outright badness. When you have a person in decent gear who doesn't understand basic mechanics of something, that just blows my mind. I don't expect people to live up to my standardbut I expect them to know not to face a boss you are actively tanking towards the party when you're in World of Darkness. I expect healers to focus their healing on the tank who is taking the damage instead of doing raid heals. It's really just basic stuff. I'll bemoan slow dps, but I won't yell at people. I didn't yell at a level 49 Summoner who didn't use Bane during one of my AV runs. I don't yell at DRG who don't use heavy thrust and stuff. It's not worth my effort. I do expect every player I come across in DF to be a bad, though, and I'm rarely proven wrong.because I'm a freak who remembers exactly how to do every dungeon, boss, and instance in the entire game with very few, if any, exceptions
I agree with this a billion and four percent. Like, even the example of the tank that doesn't use flash is something I chalk up to inexperience, and not just outright badness. When you have a person in decent gear who doesn't understand basic mechanics of something, that just blows my mind. I don't expect people to live up to my standardbut I expect them to know not to face a boss you are actively tanking towards the party when you're in World of Darkness. I expect healers to focus their healing on the tank who is taking the damage instead of doing raid heals. It's really just basic stuff. I'll bemoan slow dps, but I won't yell at people. I didn't yell at a level 49 Summoner who didn't use Bane during one of my AV runs. I don't yell at DRG who don't use heavy thrust and stuff. It's not worth my effort. I do expect every player I come across in DF to be a bad, though, and I'm rarely proven wrong.because I'm a freak who remembers exactly how to do every dungeon, boss, and instance in the entire game with very few, if any, exceptions
Can't it be both? A player like you describe as well as one who drastically underperforms in dps are both low skilled/bad players. Just one more than the other.This is what I consider a low skill player.
Oh please, like the community is all hugs and kisses now. Healers and tanks are already ripped to shreds when they are bad because people can easily tell. Why should DPS get a pass when they are bad? The idea that parsers will ruin the community is just silly. And the potential benefit, allowing people who want to a chance to improve, would far outweigh any negative.The moment an official parser is out the moment the communitty of this game would become more insufferable. Yeah, the average player would look at these numbers and just won't care, like the average player dosn't cares he can't get SSS on DMC.
I guess it depends on what you define as average. Not reaching max numbers for your class/gear is one thing, doing half or less is a completely other level. I pretty much never do the tower raids to begin with, and they were clearly designed with the idea of not everyone pulling their individual weight so people slacking off there isn't a huge deal, but in a 4man one or two dps being really bad can add another 5-15 minutes easily. Is my time that valuable? Probably not, but it adds up the more it happens, and once you've done the dungeon for the millionth time you just want your tomes and to be done with it. The selfish argument can easily be reversed, are they so selfish they would waste other people's time by holding up the group? I mean it's not like anyone is asking them to go out of their way here.You know, this is an attitude I truly do not understand. Why do you complain about "average" players in DF or the Crystal Tower? ITS DF and the Crystal Tower. They are not designed for "pro" players. As long as it gets done, who cares how long it takes? Is your time really that valuable that you only can spend 20 minutes on something? Are you so selfish that you demand other people to bow down and play how you demand them to?
The ONLY place where bitching about dps/gameplay/skill is warranted is with your static, in the highest level raids, and when it becomes a problem.
Did you get charged immediately? Can't remember if GMG charges at release or at time of purchase for preorders.i just bought heavensward from gmg yesterday with a 20% discount, and now there's a vip discount? goddamn it![]()
yeah it's just 2 dollars difference, but still... >_<
There's a pandemic of bad dps across the general player populace in this game. People hate to hear it sometimes, but ultimately it's true - with the whole stigma on parsing and DPS Meters of any kind and no API support for an official way to know what kind of dps you're doing, players go through the game blissfully ignorant of their actual skill.
What happens is, a mentality that they have great gear so they must be doing great dps becomes standard.
Countless times have i been in DF parties where the tank or healer would be completely oblivious to the source of dps and would make assumptions based on what jobs were in the instance. "The trash packs are dying fast, so the BLM must be doing great" while the parse says the NIN and the SCH are putting out solid numbers while the BLM is doing about the same dps as the PLD. So often is this the case.
There are people who are so convinced that they do great dps on their jobs because they have clears of certain instances and a certain level of gear so they can't fathom doing subpar dps, but when confronted they also don't have any tangible source to back themselves up other than that the bosses are dying "on time", oblivious to how they've been carried until now through most of their clears.
The fact is, when a tank messes up, there is an immediate feedback loop in the game where someone else takes hate and perhaps this leads to deaths and in certain cases a wipe. If a healer is performing bad it's usually apparent from when the heals are going out and how the party health bars are, or the tank's health is during pulls. Can clearly see if tank stances are on or cleric stance is on and call people out on their shit.
However, when dps checks aren't met there is only a blanket "the dps is not enough". The actual dps players holding the group back are hidden behind a veil of protection provided by the lack of official dps info access. If a tank or healer messes up you can tell them about it in game chat even. Right there in party chat. Tell a dps they are doing worse than the Shield Oath PLD and they will lose their shit, and perhaps report you for use of a parser out of spite. This is just wrong. The most annoying thing for a DPS player who is doing their best to put out their best is to wipe and then check the parse and see 2 other dps performing at less than half their capacity. It can be torturous to have to hold your tongue in such instances.
I'm afraid until the game itself incorporates measures that allow for proper feedback so that every player can reasonably know what their output looks like with tangible numbers, the overall skill level will remain shit. I mean, to this day we are still surrounded by BRDs who think Foe's Requiem reduces their DPS, NINs who think Doton is a viable ninjutsu in single target DPS, WARs who OT in Defiance and DRGs who ignore Heavy Thrust and/or spam only the Full Thrust combo. If people can get to ilv 110+ and still be oblivious to their main job's skill tooltips, what more needs to be said?
tl;dr: Until DPS values are officially accessible without secrecy in game, DPS will forever lack the sufficient feedback for the general player populace to even realize they need to get better. The general reason behind poor performance is that many players do not even realize they are playing poorly.
You know, this is an attitude I truly do not understand. Why do you complain about "average" players in DF or the Crystal Tower? ITS DF and the Crystal Tower. They are not designed for "pro" players. As long as it gets done, who cares how long it takes? Is your time really that valuable that you only can spend 20 minutes on something? Are you so selfish that you demand other people to bow down and play how you demand them to?
The ONLY place where bitching about dps/gameplay/skill is warranted is with your static, in the highest level raids, and when it becomes a problem.
That first comment in that reddit thread is spot on. There is no feedback loop for DPS, so they often are ignorant to not knowing what they are doing. Hell, half the DPS I see in this game don't use strafe or lock-on, and run around a bunch, missing half their auto attacks.
Well, you're welcome to live in the land of unicorns.Yes and Yes.