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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

Shy Fingers

Exactly. for a MSQ its actually pretty brutal. Thats why i used the turns as my example.

A lot of the mechanics are from previous story primals and even share the same name though.

Only "new" thing are the knockbacks, and even that's questionable... see leviathan


Well that's fair, and yeah relatively to other MSQ stuff it's tough, just when certain mechanics are screwed up in that fight you don't end up with giant golems instantly wiping everyone, ice debuffs instantly wiping everyone, and meteors too close together wiping everyone and started debates about spread vs the superior racecar method.

...You can probably survive all that now, rest in peace sweet prince(ss).

You know, reading all of that, i now remembered just how crazy T9 actually was. So many mechanics to murder you instantly. I take back the turn 9 comparison lol.


Well that's fair, and yeah relatively to other MSQ stuff it's tough, just when certain mechanics are screwed up in that fight you don't end up with giant golems instantly wiping everyone, ice debuffs instantly wiping everyone, and meteors too close together wiping everyone and started debates about spread vs the superior racecar method.

...You can probably survive all that now, rest in peace sweet prince(ss).

Supergolem is still a big dumb jerk.

8 70s may be able to burn him down, maybe, but it's just as likely he will stomp you to bits.

Supergolem remains secret hardest Coil boss.

Shy Fingers

Supergolem is still a big dumb jerk.

8 70s may be able to burn him down, maybe, but it's just as likely he will stomp you to bits.

Supergolem remains secret hardest Coil boss.

I love super rainbow golem with his light up core and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHY DID YOU PUT THAT METEOR SO CLOSE YOU FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- *Wipe*

Y'all making me miss how complex mechanics used to be. Y'know, before A3 came around and was fine tuned so much it killed the mid-core. Those tether passes still haunt me...


The expansion is excellent, the final boss was crazy. I'm thinking of levelling SAM or RDM now. I'd like to finish AST, but my fluctuating lag can cause a wipe in the interesting dungeons :(


I will forever die on the hill of a lot of A3S fails were at the mechanics level, not the numbers level.

There's an interesting debate on whether the fight is so damn hard unsynced because it is expertly designed, or poorly designed.

A part of me feels like the meteor phase wasn't the most well thought out mechanic.

It depends on how you want to view it, I guess? It's a binary pass/fail (well, not anymore, you can survive the fail state) but then you have 9 meteors to place in an arena that can hold around 20+ with a long delay for each. It was a time period of design they thought everyone wanted do-or-die mechanics!

I'm expecting Omega to be more of that, to be honest; let the numbers checks come later after they allow changes to settle (aka, late first pass adjustment patch, if any). So probably more mechanics-to-do and group jump rope.

Tether passing was BS, but Digititis passing was probably even worse. Sometimes it would work great and sometimes everyone would swear up and down that they were standing on each other and the game would still act like you needed to fill out a capcha or something before it passed.

The whole passing fiasco is the one thing we never had an issue with, even with people from all over the US, Asia, and some mysterious unknown in between (and/or on the moon). If anything, I think I had the worst luck with forcing a pass and I'm in Texas.

I'm trying to think of how many passing mechanics have been done in SB and I think it's actually none? This may be a thing they've cut out of trying for now.


I loved shiny, I thought it was an excellent fight all round for a msq. On the other hand I hate doing the ex primals in duty finder. Is full full of the most precious and entitled plebs to ever grace the game I'm sure. Waiting an hour to do it on SAM only for half the group to leave after 1 wipe is ridiculous. You can't expect a DF group to be seamless on the first try even if they all know the fight pretty well imo and the mentality that every wipe is bad is wrecking my patience.

So I sacked that off and went fishing :)


How are the DPS que times now for level 50+?

Are there alot of MSQ dungeons in HW and SB?

Cant decide if I should buy Stormblood now or wait until im finished with HW content incase it takes me awhile.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
MMO Anime where you die in the game you die in real life are so fake. There is no way to beat raid bosses at a first encounter without knowing the strats. Everyone would be dead or relying on only questing in normal dungeons.


MMO Anime where you die in the game you die in real life are so fake. There is no way to beat raid bosses at a first encounter without knowing the strats. Everyone would be dead or relying on only questing in normal dungeons.

Obligatory "I die on the inside every time we wipe" response or something.

next you'll say isekai are fake.


How are the DPS que times now for level 50+?

Are there alot of MSQ dungeons in HW and SB?

Cant decide if I should buy Stormblood now or wait until im finished with HW content incase it takes me awhile.

If you wanna do HW as a RDM or SAM, then get it now. Otherwise wait. It'll take you maybe two weeks if you play casually to clear HW-3.5. SB's MSQ took me about a week to clear with a full time job, plus the lost early access days where the servers were dying.

DPS queues are easily half an hour each.


Is it now safe to say the DRK quests are the best in the game?

"We can never go home" is a quest that's gonna stick with me for a while.


I mained DRG in ARR before switching to WAR just before HW launched. When Stormblood was about to be announced and the rumours of it being in Ala Mihgo, I levelled Monk in anticipation thinking maybe we'd get another Estinien situation. It just happened to turn out very fun to play. I love the fast GCD, the movement and the fluidity, and ended up using it as my DPS off class once I'd cleared Alex as WAR

I decided to give DRG another shot now in SB and maybe Ninja too. The problem is after playing MNK, it's incredibly difficult to play another melee class. I hate the more rigid rotation and being locked into a 3, 4 or even 5 hit combo. Monk's usage of stances/forms over combo's leading on from each other make them a lot more fun to play. Even though MNK does feela but neutered in SB by removing Touch or Death, Fracture and Blood for Blood. There's less skill involved in timing your cooldowns and properly delaying your Demolish refresh in order to prevent clipping. Yet even still it's still more fun than DRG or NIN.

How is Samurai in comparison to other melee? Are they combo based, or do they have stances of a sort?

MMO Anime where you die in the game you die in real life are so fake. There is no way to beat raid bosses at a first encounter without knowing the strats. Everyone would be dead or relying on only questing in normal dungeons.
Maybe Raids, but it's possible to do so in Ex Primals!j



I think it was both. A3S had super tight DPS checks that were sometimes down to the button press for my group (though we had one underperforming dps player, so that didn't help), but even when you pulled out the numbers right, individual mechanics could still wipe you at any time.

I think the better way to have worded what I meant is mechanics first, not numbers? It was a lot of DPS check complaints that ultimately stemmed from other pain points, or basically enrage wipes not actually being the norm, just a lot of "we'll enrage at this rate!"

Basically, I just remember a lot of "if only he had less HP!" nerf requests instead of the mechanics issues people were having; though, much is to be said about people doing riskier things with mechanics because of DPS but eh.

And the mechanics usually had enough randomness associated to them that your strategies didn't just have to work on the average pull, but each mechanic strategy also had to have all sorts of failsafes and precautions applied to maximize the chances of surviving, even if you got random ass bullshit RNG edge cases like tethers showing up on the worst possible people at the worst spots.

Tethers, yeah, though it's as simple as tanks work their way around to an immobile target. I think the whole passing error made it more hectic than it really was? Like, if you had to do a long run to get a tether, there was a lot of "WHAT IF IT ACTS UP" rushing from both sides which led to the desync. Maybe if they can ever get to silky smooth tether passing stuff, we can see something like this again since it's at least an interesting take on a tankbuster imo.

Digititis, though, we had down to it didn't really matter who got which. The plan always worked? It's a lot like A12S inception debuff checks of needing to check all of like two total people, yourself and one other priority person and go from there. Wash Away Digititis was always the worst thing to me :|


Can you kill the AK normal giant golem yet?

I don't know but now I want to.

SV HM cannonless and Copperbell Normal slime bombless were agonizingly slow, but at some point level has to beat out their pesky invulns.

Also I'd wade into the A3S thing again but I've been there, done that, nobody will shake my undying affection for waterman, and Midas basically exists to solve the argument by dropping strict DPS checks and consisting largely of mechanics checks. Which continued to blow up the raid community.


I mained DRG in ARR before switching to WAR just before HW launched. When Stormblood was about to be announced and the rumours of it being in Ala Mihgo, I levelled Monk in anticipation thinking maybe we'd get another Estinien situation. It just happened to turn out very fun to play. I love the fast GCD, the movement and the fluidity, and ended up using it as my DPS off class once I'd cleared Alex as WAR

I decided to give DRG another shot now in SB and maybe Ninja too. The problem is after playing MNK, it's incredibly difficult to play another melee class. I hate the more rigid rotation and being locked into a 3, 4 or even 5 hit combo. Monk's usage of stances/forms over combo's leading on from each other make them a lot more fun to play. Even though MNK does feela but neutered in SB by removing Touch or Death, Fracture and Blood for Blood. There's less skill involved in timing your cooldowns and properly delaying your Demolish refresh in order to prevent clipping. Yet even still it's still more fun than DRG or NIN.

How is Samurai in comparison to other melee? Are they combo based, or do they have stances of a sort?

Samurai are by far the most combo based DPS class I've played. I mean, we have to execute a 3 hit combo just to unlock the ability to apply our dot. Everything revolves around performing 3 types of combos to build up 3 point meter and using skills to expend that 3 point meter. It's a really fun class to play, but if you don't like combos, it might not be for you.


I mained DRG in ARR before switching to WAR just before HW launched. When Stormblood was about to be announced and the rumours of it being in Ala Mihgo, I levelled Monk in anticipation thinking maybe we'd get another Estinien situation. It just happened to turn out very fun to play. I love the fast GCD, the movement and the fluidity, and ended up using it as my DPS off class once I'd cleared Alex as WAR

I decided to give DRG another shot now in SB and maybe Ninja too. The problem is after playing MNK, it's incredibly difficult to play another melee class. I hate the more rigid rotation and being locked into a 3, 4 or even 5 hit combo. Monk's usage of stances/forms over combo's leading on from each other make them a lot more fun to play. Even though MNK does feela but neutered in SB by removing Touch or Death, Fracture and Blood for Blood. There's less skill involved in timing your cooldowns and properly delaying your Demolish refresh in order to prevent clipping. Yet even still it's still more fun than DRG or NIN.

How is Samurai in comparison to other melee? Are they combo based, or do they have stances of a sort?

Maybe Raids, but it's possible to do so in Ex Primals!j


That's definitely still there once you get Riddle of Fire and Brotherhood. No Touch of Death still feels weird though. Gonna take a while to get used to that.


Is it now safe to say the DRK quests are the best in the game?

"We can never go home" is a quest that's gonna stick with me for a while.

Man. I finished these the other night and it
annoys me that Haurchefant is the driving force for the questline? I don't personally care about him D: Still, it was a nice questline all in all, the journal entries are a nice touch, and Fray remains Fray. Wading through murdering bad guys we killed that were in their own bad situation is a thing, sure, but I think the questline may have hit the point better if it was fighting against people we failed to save ala Papalymo, Ysayle, and Haurchefant rather than the Heavens Ward and the WoD; tackling survivor's guilt more than "we've killed a lot of fucking dudes"
Just got kicked out of my first run through the level 67 dungeon because the group I was in decided that I wasn't attacking anything. Good stuff.


SAM is combo/rotation based with priority Keniki usage.

Samurai are by far the most combo based DPS class I've played. I mean, we have to execute a 3 hit combo just to unlock the ability to apply our dot. Everything revolves around performing 3 types of combos to build up 3 point meter and using skills to expend that 3 point meter. It's a really fun class to play, but if you don't like combos, it might not be for you.

That's definitely still there once you get Riddle of Fire and Brotherhood. No Touch of Death still feels weird though. Gonna take a while to get used to that.

If it's only 3 hits I might be okay with it. I mean I do main a tank afterall. Do Samurai get a GCD boost like MNK/NIN? The main issue is DRG since they are slower, yet also have the 4/5 hit locked combos. Either way I'll definitely give it a try and lvl SAM to 70 and see how I feel.

And is it me or a lot of bosses designed to screw up MNK's Greased Lightning and DRG'S Life of the Dragon? The Lvl 63 dungeon has bosses that just tease you, even if I use Riddle of Earth sometimes. The 2nr boss there is the biggest culprit. It's annoying!
I've heard that the free trial now runs until you hit something like level 35, but do I need a specific expansion to access it? I just have the vanilla game on PS4, and it says I have 30 days to play without needing to pay. Would buying one of the expansions now give me the other trial period?


Except without the 5 month wait to 4.1, since they already stated they didn't want to do that again.

And thankfully the only upgrade mechanic tied to hunt seals is Grade VI materia. So glad I don't need to farm Centurios to upgrade the tomestone gear.

This isn't certain yet, since you can use the centurio seals to buy a new mark log that isn't used for anything. I suspect they'll be used for upgrades, but I don't think seals/ logs will be the only way to acquire them when/ if they're introduced.

Really like that every A/S rank seems to drop a cluster for VI materia though, that's nice.


Neo Member
It just happened to me too. Now I gotta wait like 10 hours while it downloads. Fml.

Is this issue different than the CE-30022-7 error referenced here?

Because according to that, updating your system software should fix the problem. I've been lucky; had a huge storm roll though a couple days ago...lost power to my entertainment center for a few seconds but somehow the PS4 stayed on. Otherwise I'd be in your situation.


This isn't certain yet, since you can use the centurio seals to buy a new mark log that isn't used for anything. I suspect they'll be used for upgrades, but I don't think seals/ logs will be the only way to acquire them when/ if they're introduced.

Really like that every A/S rank seems to drop a cluster for VI materia though, that's nice.
You can use them to buy a Hingan barding and a Gyr Abanian dummy.
This isn't certain yet, since you can use the centurio seals to buy a new mark log that isn't used for anything. I suspect they'll be used for upgrades, but I don't think seals/ logs will be the only way to acquire them when/ if they're introduced.

Really like that every A/S rank seems to drop a cluster for VI materia though, that's nice.
I think those could be used to get dyeable versions of the AF gear since the ones we get from quests are Antiquated


Guyssss please don't do the barren endgame thing yet. We're in the weird gap period we knew was coming, and everything from the start of EA to the day Savage drops is just the prep period. Things take time--the wobbly balance pushing people to make sure they can cover multiple jobs, the time to allow people who play less to hit cap in time for capped currency, the ongoing issue of abnormally high traffic turning the Instance servers into smoldering heaps on the regular. I'm almost done with the combat class readiness stuff, which just means getting into the crafter/gathered stuff to be largely self-sufficient pre-raid.

It's too soon for dead gaem. There's a ridiculous amount of prep work to do, and this is the designated period for getting it done without having to constantly nolife or worrying about falling behind.

I do think in two months people will be getting restless if we don't have a strong string of 4.1 content lined up, since Lakshmi and Susano don't even have 'add mounts' to motivate people to start running them again after they're farmed out, but there not being much endgame stuff at the moment isn't exactly super surprising
I usually side with the people saying there's nothing to do, but the reason this 2 week lull exists is so people can level and gear up for the endgame, not the endgame itself.

At some point in burning through the story and expecting any EX trial to last more than a couple weeks during the time you were expected to do the story and do those primals comfortably without rushing you should probably start wondering if the problem isn't you.


Its really not THAT bad. It actually reminds me of Turn 5 and 9, where its just a lot of mechanics and some team coordination involved. If it is nerfed, i wouldnt expect it until next major patch. Just like Steps was.

Well... uh... trying to do T9 meteors/golems in public groups pretty much broke me so not sure that's the best way to sell it ha ha. But I'm mainly concerned they will nerf it before I get there but that seems unlikely.
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