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Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood |OT| Y'all Need to Calm Down

Don't know how someone actually thought that was a good ability to add.

"Eh guys I thought of a new cool ability for WARs, you know how they Berserk and become disarmed and have to ask for Esuna and stuff, how about an ability that removes that?" "Oh yeah sounds cool get on it" ... A few months later "Since we're streamlining stuff, we're removing the disarm from berserk and changing values some" "Uh but what about Shake it off?" "Don't have enough time to add something else, we'll buff it later".

Something like that I guess.


I think when I get home I'll get my DRG to 50 and then flip a coin to pick SAM or RDM. Is there demand for both in a group?


I think when I get home I'll get my DRG to 50 and then flip a coin to pick SAM or RDM. Is there demand for both in a group?

Go with whatever you enjoy the most? RDM definitely seems like the easiest job in the game. You can get great results for fairly low effort compared to every other job and you come with some handy utility with the Dualcast trait. If you're going to solo queue for instances you're looking at the same wait either way.


There's no rush. They kinda ruined the way job quests used to work. As long as you do them all for the exp gain before you hit 70, you're good. There are no job quest rewards other than exp and money, until the lvl70 one. Then you get a ton of shit at once.

Oh, that's... kind of lame. I guess I should have expected since I was unlocking abilities through leveling, but it kind of takes the joy out of it.


Oh, that's... kind of lame. I guess I should have expected since I was unlocking abilities through leveling, but it kind of takes the joy out of it.
Yeah, I definitely preferred the way it was done in HW, although some might have find it tedious.

That said, I don't know about other classes, but the idea behind the SB BLM job quest chain was pretty great (
Helping the spirit of Shantotto, how cool is that!
). I didn't find the gameplay part of them that fun, but it didn't even matter.


Excogitation would have been a lot better if it was a permanent stack until used, or that if the heal just automatically activated after the timer ran out instead of just falling off. It kills me when it is wasted because the tank is actually doing a good job.


Excogitation would have been a lot better if it was a permanent stack until used, or that if the heal just automatically activated after the timer ran out instead of just falling off. It kills me when it is wasted because the tank is actually doing a good job.
You should see life with Plenary Indulgence


As much as I like SMN despite some clunk it has going on, BRD is really fun to play.

I am not the best by any means, but coming from someone who went through Coil as a bard, it feels like a natural progression from 50 without turning the entire class on its head unnecessarily like HW.

All they need to do is iron some things out (like missing Battle Voice and allowing the bards to get their own song buffs).


As much as I like SMN despite some clunk it has going on, BRD is really fun to play.

I am not the best by any means, but coming from someone who went through Coil as a bard, it feels like a natural progression from 50 without turning the entire class on its head unnecessarily like HW.

All they need to do is iron some things out (like missing Battle Voice and allowing the bards to get their own song buffs).
I actually want to level Bard but it's my lowest level class next to Conjurer. :lol So it'd be a bit before I get to play with the new stuff and with DPS queues being screwed for another month or two... I don't wanna bother.
Which is worth more, a Tramain /no or a Drama /no?

Tried the Kugane tower platforming thing with everyone else. Made it as far up as the diagonal beam above the round sign, then promptly fell off and couldn't get back up there :(
At least I made it onto the outside of the building, which is further than previous attempts (i.e. the very first step).

You actually can get back up there from where you are. You go around the front of the building, do a smaller jump puzzle, and you can jump back across the front to reach the beam you fell off of. It doesn't exactly save time, but it's a lot less frustrating, and you skip the one part a lot of people are stuck on.


Excogitation would have been a lot better if it was a permanent stack until used, or that if the heal just automatically activated after the timer ran out instead of just falling off. It kills me when it is wasted because the tank is actually doing a good job.

Yeah I agree. I was using Excogitation at first in dungeons, as it certainly helped when tanks would pull everything at once. But now that everyone is gearing up and settling in, I'm just kind of forgetting about it. I think Scholar is starting to face Aetherflow skill bloat. I was hoping the new Scholar gauge would allow us to regen Aetherflow stacks, but I guess not. Of all the skills they cut, Dissipation should've been one. Then they could have tied the gauge Aetherflow. Do it SE. I could do without Aetherpact just fine.


*people says Susano EX is easy*
*Goes into a PF training group*
*several wipes around 40%*
*Goes into another PF group*
*even worst*


Those people are probably surrounded by friends who are also hardcore raiders and don't have the perspective of what's considered easy for the vast majority of the playerbase.


'Easy' doesn't mean 'kills itself like the Dun Scaith boss after enough time'.

I've done SusanoEX exclusively via learning PF, and after the last time I got informed I was obviously inside a raid bubble with no interaction with 'normal' folks started straight up FFLogs checking dudes between pulls to get a feel for things. Unsurprisingly, most of the raid community isn't hanging out in learning/clear parties at length, and it's largely the more casual player base. It's easy, even with non-raiders. It's not impossible to wipe, widespread failure to execute basic mechanics will probably eventually get you, and if everyone just keeps chain-dying there's a good chance you're going to enrage because Brink is a super hard damage penalty now, but it's nothing to do with raider privilege and doesn't preclude it from being a super straightforward fight.

Like, it can be both things. Susano EX (and doubly for Lakshmi, who doesn't even pretend to have a team component to her jump rope) can be a stand-out easy Primal in context of EX Primals thusfar, and groups can be doomed to wipe forever if everyone in them assumes they can be the one guy who doesn't mechanics that everyone else adjusts to.

Edit: I will admit to constantly bringing 1 other person with me, but 75% of every party is random dudes every time


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud

git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud

git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud lul Lakshmi git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud git gud

Edit: git gud

Those people are probably surrounded by friends who are also hardcore raiders and don't have the perspective of what's considered easy for the vast majority of the playerbase.

I cleared both primals in a single night without knowing nothing. Nobody cleared and full of randoms in learning parties. These primals are the easiest the game ever saw.


I cleared both primals in a single night without knowing nothing. Nobody cleared and full of randoms in learning parties. These primals are the easiest the game ever saw.

Yet most parties I've been in for the past week are complete wipefests. I've spent hours doing Susano and I've only ever been in two successful parties with randoms.


I cleared both primals in a single night without knowing nothing. Nobody cleared and full of randoms in learning parties. These primals are the easiest the game ever saw.

Agreed. These aren't like the last few Primals. I've yet to try Lak though looking over Mr. Happy's guide, doesn't seem too bad.


Not what I'm saying?

Difficulty is a spectrum; it's not "actually faceroll" as the only option aside from "actually hard" which is what every "Susano can't be easy, I'm wiping to it!" post feels like. There's spots in between. Things being easy don't mean they're going to turn around and die every pull, and Susano's having an actual team component makes him a great example of being able to take 8 people who can all be in parties that clear no problem, put them in the same group, and it's a shitshow because you've piled together the 5 dudes that zap the party and the other 3 can't make up the gap.

You can be amazing and in a doomed Susano group, and you can be bad and in a faceroll easy Susano group. It's not a hardcore thing, it seems to mostly boil down to whether or not the people in the group are going to actually try to do the mechanics or if they view the mechanics as things for the rest of the party to deal with. Some groups won't clear. Some groups couldn't clear Steps of Faith, which was never hard and was just gimmicky and required people pushing gimmicky buttons.


I joined a learning party for Susano Ex last night after hitting 70 on drk. I don't think the mechanics are hard, but we just didn't have the dps to clear it (mfw we hit enrage). Really don't get why parsers are in that weird don't ask don't tell state here, and even then, ACT and its overlays are kind of a pain to install.

Still, the party was super chill and salt free. And Shirk is really, really nice.

I'm beginning to wish that I'd leveled a dps class instead, though.
"That's because tanks exist to let the other classes have fun, so shut up and stay in Defiance! /s"

There's a /s at the end of the quote but there are people who genuinely believe that tanks should not have fun.


I just got done with ARR and now working on the patches. What should I buy with these allagan tomestone of poetics?


Has anyone noticed this weird thing where OGCD abilities are being finicky in activating? I've not noticed it at all on Dragoon, but I started noticing it on Carve and Spit on Dark Knight and then I started leveling my Summoner and I'm noticing it on Fester.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I just got done with ARR and now working on the patches. What should I buy with these allagan tomestone of poetics?

At level 50, fully upgraded Ironworks gear from Mor Dhona will last you until 56 or so (you can even take it all the way to 60).

To upgrade a piece, you need Carbontwine for "left side" pieces and Carboncoat for "right side" pieces, left and right being the slot it occupies on your character menu. The upgrading is dong by Drake in Hyrstmill in North Shroud.

At level 60, you can use them on Shire gear which will last you until ~65.
Omg, thank you so much! I'll be in contact with them on monday then!

No problem. I've had to do this twice (stolen phone and broken phone) and it's pretty easy. Just need to provide some info to them to verify the account is yours, and they'll deactivate the token. If you are in Europe, just change the na in the link to eu to make sure you get Europe support.


At level 50, fully upgraded Ironworks gear from Mor Dhona will last you until 56 or so (you can even take it all the way to 70).

At level 60, you can use them on Shire gear which will last you until ~65.

Thank you. When you say I can take the Ironworks gear all the way to 70, do I have to upgrade it again in some way?
Not what I'm saying?

Difficulty is a spectrum; it's not "actually faceroll" as the only option aside from "actually hard" which is what every "Susano can't be easy, I'm wiping to it!" post feels like. There's spots in between. Things being easy don't mean they're going to turn around and die every pull, and Susano's having an actual team component makes him a great example of being able to take 8 people who can all be in parties that clear no problem, put them in the same group, and it's a shitshow because you've piled together the 5 dudes that zap the party and the other 3 can't make up the gap.

You can be amazing and in a doomed Susano group, and you can be bad and in a faceroll easy Susano group. It's not a hardcore thing, it seems to mostly boil down to whether or not the people in the group are going to actually try to do the mechanics or if they view the mechanics as things for the rest of the party to deal with. Some groups won't clear. Some groups couldn't clear Steps of Faith, which was never hard and was just gimmicky and required people pushing gimmicky buttons.
Yeah. When we say its easy, its easy comparatively to other fights on the same level, not that people that can't beat Menagerie can just boot up the EX fights and one shot them.
I'm disappointed with this game.

- People don't talk
- People don't fight together
- People don't interact in any way
- It feels nothing like an MMO
- Combat is boring and lacks strategy
- Lots of stupid quests
- Easy to the levels of boring and tedious

Does it get better? Am I doing something wrong?

The last MMO I played (Tibia, a decade ago) was a lot more fun, and I was hoping to relive some of that in FFXIV. I guess not.
Yeah. When we say its easy, its easy comparatively to other fights on the same level, not that people that can't beat Menagerie can just boot up the EX fights and one shot them.

Menagerie is probably the most difficult story mode fight and is still more difficult than these extreme primals for sure. Lakshmi is a boring boring fight that requires a simple press of vril to bypass almost all her mechanics. Vril lasts forever which is dumb because it creates no challenge. I kind of wish they made this fight harder with vril timing at only 5-10 seconds. Susano EX is easier than Menagerie because all you do is cross a road like if you were driving a car. Red light= lightning marker stops on the right side and green light= party moves to the left. After that he just stuns one player and you move to the side opposite of the stunned player. None of these mechanics are remotely difficult to perform. The cloud mechanic is also pretty straightforward stuff. If anything, it is the tanks getting one shot by stormsplitter or the orbs killing me that frustrates me in farm parties. These fights have almost no heal check and it is ridiculously easy to recover from multiple deaths which shouldn't be happening in the first place.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I'm disappointed with this game.

- People don't talk
- People don't fight together
- People don't interact in any way
- It feels nothing like an MMO
Have you tried playing a female miqote and sitting on people's laps in Limsa? That seems to be the popular form of interaction.
These fights have almost no heal check and it is ridiculously easy to recover from multiple deaths which shouldn't be happening in the first place.
I still maintain that Yoshi wants the majority of players to be able to clear everything on expansion launch. I don't see much issue with these primals being easier.

If everything else for the next few major patches of the expansion is of similar difficulty then you guys can start saying the sky is falling.


Menagerie is probably the most difficult story mode fight and is still more difficult than these extreme primals for sure. Lakshmi is a boring boring fight that requires a simple press of vril to bypass almost all her mechanics. Vril lasts forever which is dumb because it creates no challenge. I kind of wish they made this fight harder with vril timing at only 5-10 seconds. Susano EX is easier than Menagerie because all you do is cross a road like if you were driving a car. Red light= lightning marker stops on the right side and green light= party moves to the left. After that he just stuns one player and you move to the side opposite of the stunned player. None of these mechanics are remotely difficult to perform. The cloud mechanic is also pretty straightforward stuff. If anything, it is the tanks getting one shot by stormsplitter or the orbs killing me that frustrates me in farm parties. These fights have almost no heal check and it is ridiculously easy to recover from multiple deaths which shouldn't be happening in the first place.
Menagerie is absolutely "easier" than Lakshmi and Susano, the problem is it's exposing people to something more challenging than they usually expose themselves to. That's literally the only difference between it and the EX primals.

They aren't comparable in difficulty at all, you're just more likely to encounter people who don't understand fundamentals about their class in the former than the latter. Or do things like come in without completing their level 70 job quest and equipping the gear from it as well as potentially missing abilities if they're one of the classes that get one from completing the level 70 job quest. The only difference between the two is it has more mechanics, but the mechanics are laughably simple and only a few actually require you to do anything other than just stand there.


The Griffin boss fight was a treat, it actually required me to pay attention to mechanics the whole way through. 3.x has been amazing.


*people says Susano EX is easy*
*Goes into a PF training group*
*several wipes around 40%*
*Goes into another PF group*
*even worst*


I did Zurvan today and people are really bitter today. We had some new people and cleared at 30% echo and this guy lost it saying "None of you earned this kill" it was pretty hilarious. He also fell off at the beginning part but everyone else sucked so yeah everyone is an elitist today for some reason yet can't handle the content. At least I got the mount before they all started fighting and quit, win for me lol.

Susan EX has been rough lately but as usual people don't have the patience to let the new players actually see the fight, it's one shot or nothing at this point.


I still maintain that Yoshi wants the majority of players to be able to clear everything on expansion launch. I don't see much issue with these primals being easier.

If everything else for the next few major patches of the expansion is of similar difficulty then you guys can start saying the sky is falling.

This is kind of moving target; the primal discussion started a few weeks back as "wow these are really easy I don't really know if they're going to work as midcore content for three months", which prompted an immediate reaction of people still leveling insisting raider privilege meant the fights only seemed easy because 2hardcore/the HW EX primals were faceroll anyway!/etc, turned into a lot of people, capping, clearing and going "Wow, these are really easy." and then the rebuttal "They're not easy, PFs fail all the time." etc etc.

Like, it's at least three separate lines of discussion. Are they easy and does easy require every group that queues in clearing, are they too easy to the point of pointing to a future content gap pre-4.1, and then should too easy be the accepted state of .0 content/should all EX primals be easy if tied to the story/etc, etc. And on the middle one, most of the concern is that it didn't start here, this is the continuation of the Sophia - > Creator - > Zurvan trend we saw at the end of HW. We also know there's rumored Super Savage in 4.1 that may be used to justify continuing down the path the non-story content has been on since 3.4.

TBH with a couple weeks on them now I think the worst thing they did was put the mounts in from day 1. It's a cheap trick to wait for people to farm out their weapons/accessories and then motivate them to go back and mount farm by patching in later, but it would have worked.


I still maintain that Yoshi wants the majority of players to be able to clear everything on expansion launch. I don't see much issue with these primals being easier.

If everything else for the next few major patches of the expansion is of similar difficulty then you guys can start saying the sky is falling.

Yeah, Blizzard does the same thing. They've said that launch raids are designed to be simpler and more forgiving because there are tons of people coming back and they want to give existing players time to adjust to new abilities/talents.


*people says Susano EX is easy*
*Goes into a PF training group*
*several wipes around 40%*
*Goes into another PF group*
*even worst*


I definitely think Susan isn't the hardest primal they've done, but he's much harder than Lakshmi (cleared first lockout with a few genuine scrubs) and took a few full lockouts before my group got it down. And we had 2-3 people who cleared it prior and I knew everyone who was new was also good.

I can definitely imagine PF Susan being "fun". I still don't understand what I am supposed to do if I get the the thunder icon (purple marker) while I have the don't move icon (angry rubix cube) during the second half. That just seemed unfair since I don't have a dash or something on AST.


Unconfirmed Member
Susan feels harder than Shiva and Sophia when they launched but that's about it; I think it's fair to say Lakshmi is the easiest fight they've done?

We were relatively undergeared for Ravana/Bismarck though to be fair- people were doing those fights in basically levelling gear for the first week.


I can definitely imagine PF Susan being "fun". I still don't understand what I am supposed to do if I get the the thunder icon (purple marker) while I have the don't move icon (angry rubix cube) during the second half. That just seemed unfair since I don't have a dash or something on AST.

I can't remember that combination ever happening. There's Prey + Cloud and there's Prey + Churn, but shouldn't be Prey + Churn + Cloud?

For the knockback/don't move thing, run to the side so you get knocked into the wall a short distance away (assuming tanked NW in final phase); you then only have to take a couple of steps to get to the party for the stack which you can do before the dice thing explodes. Prey + Cloud I pre pop sprint for and can usually make it back.

Alternately both healers drop Esuna and cross in Rescue and you just yank each other around. Which is ALSO super fun when I mash it on accident and yank the tank literally across the arena.

Susan feels harder than Shiva and Sophia when they launched but that's about it; I think it's fair to say Lakshmi is the easiest fight they've done?

We were relatively undergeared for Ravana/Bismarck though to be fair- people were doing those fights in basically levelling gear for the first week.

Shiva's a fair comparison, but I think Susano benefits a lot from the stupid amount of MP healers have access to at this point. Most of my early Shiva memories are healer MP attrition being a thing, and at this point with Refresh and the caster mp handoff and whatnot I can usually get away with AOE heal spamming when everyone is too busy being dumb to heal individually. Sophia I largely felt was harder due to the circle stack thing requiring coordination between players. Susano is mostly reacting to markers and AOEs, Sophia required you to actually work with your circle buddy and failing hit the party harder than I think any single Susano fail.
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