I feel this has the reverse impact YoshiP thinks it has. For example, I know I'm not great at optimizing my dps because my rotation could be better. But I'm not sure how much I can improve right now because the ingame tools discourage that sort of information. It's actually more frustrating!
Yea I really hate the "no parsing allowed" mentality YoshiP and the devs have with FF XIV. They seem to be so worried about people using those tools to tell players they are bad or kick them or something, but in reality I don't think it would be even 1% of the issue they seem to be convinced it would be. And the good that would come of being able to actually examine your own damage and parses would far outweigh the occasional negativity (which to be fair would certainly happen sometimes, but FAR less frequently than the devs would lead you to believe).
I've played WoW since the day it released and from almost day one they've had damage meters and log parsers and I honestly can't even remember a time where people raged at people in a random queued dungeon or raid for not doing enough DPS on the meters. It just really doesn't happen in queued content. As long as people do mechanics correctly and you are succeeding at the fights, everyone tends to shut up, there's too much variability between gear and stats and whatnot to even know what DPS someone SHOULD be doing.
But conversely, it is super frustrating to try to improve in this game because it is so hard to see what you are doing, and to see how changing things or doing things differently affects your damage because there are no simple and effective parsers. And if you are failing at DPS checks, it is frustrating to have no way to see who might need to look into pushing a little harder or have a way of seeing what you might want to change to eek out more damage. Sure there are ways, but they are needlessly complicated.
A cynical part of me thinks they also don't want parsers to be more "allowed" since it would give PC players an advantage over console players who can't use those tools.
E: Changed some wording, I know there ARE parsers, but they are in a grey area and not technically "allowed" so to casual players they might as well not exist