My thoughts on the new monk skills after getting to try out all of them:
Deep Meditation: Pretty awesome, and probably the biggest change to monk of the expansion. Helps set up Brotherhood down the road too. I'm down with FB changing from something you get during downtime to a randomly generated oGCD. Only complaint is that I swear to god my luck on crits proccing a charge is awful compared to when I proc on machinist... but that's probably just me being crazy.
Riddle of Earth: So at first I dismissed this as being totally useless outside of single PVE - it completely goes against DPS's "you should never be taking damage" mantra, and you need to get hit at least twice for the defense buff to even do anything.
However... I came around on it when I realized just how awesome the GL reset effect is for certain mechanics. Stuff like tracking AOE's where you have to run away from the group... just hit that shit and BAM - full charge. The earths reply animation is dope too. And the best part? It doesn't make your fists go on cooldown, so you can hit it, get the GL reset, and change back to FOF in the blink of an eye.
Riddle of Fire: A was also kind of bummed out on this at first. I don't wanna go slow, I wanna go FAST! But then I realized how big the numbers I was pumping out were and forgave it. Anyways, at the end of the day its just a damage buff and should be used like one - on cooldown. Only thing to note is that if you use it during perfect balance (and good god why would you without 3 stacks) you can only get 4 hits in.
Riddle of the Wind/Tackle Mastery: I have no idea what the actual fuck they were thinking when they made this ability. It's essential an ultra glorified way of making our tackle hit a bit harder. Earth tackle has knockback so that's never getting used, (though the knockback stun combo could be useful in cases where the tank is getting overwhelmed, but that's about it) and wind tackle.... Jesus Christ. The idea of double tackle is cool but the price of having to switch to FOW just to tackle twice.... I can't think of any use for it outside of PVP. Totally and utterly garbage.
Brotherhood: Going to have to experiment with it more but I was a tiny bit disappointing. From the description I was expecting UNLIMITED CHAKRA WORKS, but in the last dungeon I was lucky to get maybe a full chakra every time I used it. It will obviously probably be better in 8 mans.