How does the callback campaign work, anyone can send you an invite or you actually have to have someone in your friend list send you the invite? I want to start up FFXIV again and this seems like a pretty good way to get back in with a bunch of bonuses.
Ah, thanks for the link! I wonder if this stacks with the stormblood welcome back campaign. They don't exactly make it clear in either page.
Players who have subscribed to FINAL FANTASY XIV prior to January 15, 2017 and have not logged into the game between Monday January 16, 2017 and Sunday, June 11, 2017.
Only requirement for the "Welcome Back to Eorzea" campaign I could find.
Did they fix the Susano bug yet or have they just stated what the cause is?
Got Ninki gauge with my NIN. Man, what a stupid mechanic (the huton wheel is cute and hlepful for people with poor eyesight I guess). They really dumbed down NIN too much. The first dungeon was zzz playing. Reading some of the reactions to other class changes, idk, feels like they went way too far in simplifying instead of just making jobs more balanced & fun and removing some useless skills.
Guess gotta wait to 5.0 to get back to the 3.x fun of playing NIN again :|
Got Ninki gauge with my NIN. Man, what a stupid mechanic (the huton wheel is cute and hlepful for people with poor eyesight I guess). They really dumbed down NIN too much. The first dungeon was zzz playing. Reading some of the reactions to other class changes, idk, feels like they went way too far in simplifying instead of just making jobs more balanced & fun and removing some useless skills.
Guess gotta wait to 5.0 to get back to the 3.x fun of playing NIN again :|
I'm gated by the 65 story quest now. It was a perfect time to go to work. Spoilers for 4.0!Man that fight with Zenos in Yanxia was so amazing... I thought I could beat him but nope he goes super saiyan and destroys the warrior of light. It was really cool how that battle ended but jesus christ Yotsuyu's hair getting pulled tightly by Zenos after that was crazy... then she says she wants the heads of Yugiri and her friends on the walls of the castle. Yikes, she better obey Zenos after that....
Looks like i'm going to the Azim Steppe next!
Dark Knight is quite fun to play, pld I find to be pretty boring. Haven't played war yet.I haven't played since HW, but I plan on getting back in once the servers aren't constantly on fire (and I finished Zelda).
My question is: What healer or tank class would you guys recommend trying out? I mainly played Ninja, but DPS queues seem like they're gonna be even longer than usual with 2 new DPS classes out there. Seems like a good time to learn tank/healer.
I hope with the launch I don't get a 2 hour queue. Is already really bad on Ragnarok, with one hour or more...
I want to get to 60 today.
3 Expert Dungeons and they're all kind of fun, that's much better than Heavensward already.
RIP, I only did it once and got the other dungeons when I did my roulettes.Yes I too enjoy therouletteAla Mhigo
In commemoration of the launch of Stormblood, we're excited to welcome adventures back with the "Welcome Back to Eorzea" campaign! Pick up your adventures where you left off with special items that can be exchanged for item level 260 equipment during the campaign period!
Welcome Back to Eorzea Campaign (STORMBLOOD)
No valid service account is available to play FINAL FANTASY XIV.
Please proceed to the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Mog Station ( to confirm the status of your service account.
Isn't CNJ/WHM basically that?So 3 of these characters in the Astrologian Job Quests look like they are wearing some unique looking gear. I definitely thinkis happeningGeomancer
Not about dumbing ninja down, its about people who play with the controller. I had to give up a lot of utility from lack of easy button access.
Double check the code. Call Sony support.
I just bought Stormblood PS4 (physical) and went on to enter the registration code that came in the box - and it proceeded to tell me the code is either invalid or used. The code is very simple and there was no room for error (as in: no 0 or O that I could have mistaken). What do I do now?
So for those who already did them, how are the extreme versions of the new primals?
No mechanics spoilers please just give me a " harder than.... /Easier then.... Comparison.
1) Some items and incentives from the mogstation (like veteran rewards) are account-wide.I'm looking into the possibility of creating another character on the server I'm currently on but I'm wondering about a couple of things.
1) What account bound incentives are there to do this? (shared things, qol stuff)
2) What is item / gold sharing between two characters on the same server like?
3) Entry vs Standard sub. Do characters on the same server share retainers, or are they separate?
I currently have entry sub with 2 extra retainers (4 in total).
It was fixed atleast on EU on Sunday mid-day by a zone-wide maintenance if I understood correctly but how to avoid is not to use emote when queuing to Pool of Tribute.
It was because the game didnt understand what to do when you enter into water while emoting I guess.
What's wrong with white mages? Haven't kept up to date and I main them.So a mate of mine noticed that the start of the Red Mages "battle stance" emote looks a bit like you're whipping somebody with the rapier.
And with that discovery, i give you actual footage of the Dev teams treatment of White mages!
Oh the humanity!!
AST's 60 and 63 Job quests:
Why is this more about Geomancers than us ASTs? Nice to know they are practically screaming at us they will be the newest healer though.
All you people who are already 70 and doing EX content better not be complaining that there's no content in the game next week.
I raided on DRG all the way through Final Coil on controller. Two regular hotbars and then using the RT/LT for LB, pots, and Sprint got me through it with no issues.I've never found this to be the case, and prior to Stormblood, I had all jobs except DRK at 60.
A large part of it is that there are quite a few options for controller usage that are, for whatever reason, disabled by default, that make playing with a controller far, far better.
When you have access to an entire secondary palette via LT>RT and RT>LT, as well as a tertiary one by double-tapping either trigger for the Double Cross Hotbar, you have far more than enough buttons to spare, even for SMN/SCH. It doesn't even really require any substantial finger gymnastics to pull off. Most jobs' designs allow them to fit into a rather convenient common organizational structure with regards to which buttons go where, as well.
It bothers me to no end that these aren't enabled by default.