Takka = Forrest Whitaker, aka the restaurant guy in Hammerhead
AKA the guy who's always shocked to see you.
Takka = Forrest Whitaker, aka the restaurant guy in Hammerhead
AKA the guy who's always shocked to see you.
I never got the Adamantoise quest. I've never seen a Cactuar either. 35 hours in.
I've seen a Cactuar pop up with some Coeurls at a camp near Chocobo Wiz. I heard Cactuars pop up a lot around morning time northwest of Hammerhead.
Can I start the Adamantoise quest at any point? I'm currently on chapter 10.
I think the poster you quoted is alluding to the fact that the plot has no emotional oomph from its opening to hook the player. We're told about events rather than shown them, and we have no sense of context, of how the characters fit into the game's events and what it means to them. It's a terrible fumble from a storytelling perspective.
The drama does come eventually, but very late, and by that time it's hard to care about what is happening or why. Putting key plot points into a companion CG movie is so profoundly dumb it defies logic itself.
I genuinely hope Square doesn't try doing this type of thing again.
Where can I find my bonus items that came with the deluxe edition? I put in the code, but they are not in my inventory.
Anyone have a good guide for the dungeons that shows their location and level requirements? Can't seem to find a good comprehensive guide online.
About Kingsglaive being a "bad" decision: I think it was originally supposed to be the first game in a trilogy, but instead it was turned into a pretty lengthy cinematic. Instead of forcing players to sit through an hour+ long cutscenes before getting to play ala Metal Gear they chose to put some effort into turning it into a movie.
I thought it was a great way to give fans the back story/set up for the game that isn't necessary for the average casual player. I would recommend anyone who hasn't seen it yet to watch it though since it does give you a good idea of what happens right before the game starts and why these characters motivations are.
I've seen a Cactuar pop up with some Coeurls at a camp near Chocobo Wiz. I heard Cactuars pop up a lot around morning time northwest of Hammerhead.
Does the game ever intersect with the Kingsglaive stuff that happens offscreen and outside of Insomnia? Like the Crow stuff?But most of Kingsglaive is filler. The actual Kingsglaive unit is completely irrelevant. It wouldn't be nearly as long if they were just cutscenes in the game.
And that would free some budget for more CG cutscenes later on.
So just saw a photo that Promto took and it hadand it freaked me out lol.Gentiana standing next to Noctis
Got one of those as well, in the Chapter 7 dungeon last night.
I assumed it was a bug, but maybe it's just a rare occurrence.
Not a bug, it happens randomly in pictures even Ignis, Prompto and Gladio will comment on it too.Got one of those as well, in the Chapter 7 dungeon last night.
I assumed it was a bug, but maybe it's just a rare occurrence.
I actually didn't mind chapter 13 as much as others did. In some ways, I actually really liked it. I do admit that it was a bit long but still.I just wish you could have ran faster...
Does the game ever intersect with the Kingsglaive stuff that happens offscreen and outside of Insomnia? Like the Crow stuff?
I'm assuming it doesn't.
Does the game ever intersect with the Kingsglaive stuff that happens offscreen and outside of Insomnia? Like the Crow stuff?
I'm assuming it doesn't.
I assumed it was a bug, but maybe it's just a rare occurrence.
So just saw a photo that Promto took and it hadand it freaked me out lol.Gentiana standing next to Noctis
Would be the first bug that you are awarded an achievement for.
or something like that."Immortal Photobomb"
It doesn't really ever intersect with kingsglaive. There are like 2 references to kingsglaive and they can be missed
Would be the first bug that you are awarded an achievement for.
or something like that."Immortal Photobomb"
I think I've settled for this one yet, it's cute, lol. It's from this scene:I feel like every time I see you your Prompto avatar has a different expression. lol
But most of Kingsglaive is filler. The actual Kingsglaive unit is completely irrelevant. It wouldn't be nearly as long if they were just cutscenes in the game.
And that would free some budget for more CG cutscenes later on.
So, did a quick search and couldn't find an answer so I figured I'd ask in here, when I'm attacking enemies regardless of whether they are hitting me or not, it drains my health bar? Like, even if the enemy is in a vulnerable state and unable to attack I still lose HP while hammering into them. Is this supposed to happen?
I have no status effects like poison, this has been going on since I started and I'm 8 chapters in.
speaking of which
where isNyx?
Ohhhhh, damn that's dark. Who else was there?ending spoilerhe is hanging from a chain in the throne room. You can also get his daggers in chapter 15.
Ohhhhh, damn that's dark. Who else was there?
Regis, the emperor, and Luna.
I'm pretty sure those were illusions, though. Given that A. Their corpses would have rotted away in 10 years and B. They disappeared after Ardyn left the throne room.
Use ur rare/debased coins and banknotes to make Expericast lv96-99 (use only 1 fire or ice or lightning)What's the quickest way to level up post game? I'm 80 so I don't need a lot really. Any certain enemies to farm? Or some trick?
Use up all ur rare/debased coins and banknote to make Expericast lv96-99 (use only 1 fire or ice or lightning)
Eat 2x exp food
Save in hammerhead
Equip the worst weapon in everyone
Head north to fight bandersnatch
Cast as many expericast as you can
Hi back to hammerhead save and load
You can get close to 200k exp per kill if you can manage to keep it alive long enough to cast expericast 6 or 7 times