Why are the doors to Steyliff Grove now shut? I want to get back in for a hunt. This isn't yet another place I have to afk until nightfall is it? :/
I don't mind that we'll likely get the content ofin DLC, what I do mind is that the wayGlad's disappearanceis incredibly jarring. They could have made these things much smoother and more detailed, I mean he doesn't even give an explanation...he leaves and returns
Yeah, there is a lot wrong with the battle. First of all it is simply not fun imo, too much of a hazzle to even find a spot to land a strike. Secondly, it can crash. And lastly, there is a bug where you get knocked out of the battle circle and have to restart the battle from the beginning (happened to me 3 times already - 3 3 times an hour wasted. Am now waiting for a patch).
Yeah that was jarring. I liked Gladio (fav bro with Prompto) but he had some writting problems, another example is Ch.10 spoilershe suddenly turns into a jerk for not much reason, and keeps yelling at Noc to not leave Ignis behind, then he himself wants to leave him behind when you kill the Marlboro because his blindness won't heal.
I personally found the design of the levels amazing, but the controls not suitable for the platforming required. I fell so often because I overshot the movement with just a tiny nudge.
What is the finesse rating? I seem to always get a low score.
That's actually very true, most of the bits I found urgh were mainly due to the controls. The only bit where I wasn't much of a fan of the level design was the bit where it was.pitch black, and I felt like there was a few bits that I had to guess where I had to jump to, there was also a one or two bits of railing where if you stood on it you'd go falling off even though it was clearly straight
I found myself hitting jumps and then accidentally slightly touching the stick and falling off.![]()
I also hate the inconsistency between the forced walking and just default movement. Some bits it forced you to slow down a bit, and I was really grateful for that, it made the entire thing so much easier, and more fun. Where as other bits it defaults to the normal movement of running, and it's just a bit annoying really. My thumb was hurting a bit by the end because I was having to hold my thumb in a weird way so I was only slightly tilting the stick. I wish it had have defaulted to walking all the way through honestly.
That's actually very true, most of the bits I found urgh were mainly due to the controls. The only bit where I wasn't much of a fan of the level design was the bit where it was.pitch black, and I felt like there was a few bits that I had to guess where I had to jump to, there was also a one or two bits of railing where if you stood on it you'd go falling off even though it was clearly straight
I found myself hitting jumps and then accidentally slightly touching the stick and falling off.![]()
I also hate the inconsistency between the forced walking and just default movement. Some bits it forced you to slow down a bit, and I was really grateful for that, it made the entire thing so much easier, and more fun. Where as other bits it defaults to the normal movement of running, and it's just a bit annoying really. My thumb was hurting a bit by the end because I was having to hold my thumb in a weird way so I was only slightly tilting the stick. I wish it had have defaulted to walking all the way through honestly.
wait whatso the save file size for this game is 650mb.
Finesse is doing link strikes and blindsides and stuff. Basically it's always going to be a crap score.
If you hold down L1 while moving it will force Noctis to walk no matter how much you tilt the stick.
At least during normal exploration, you can just hold block to have Noctis walking. Isn't it possible to do the same in the dungeons?
I think his behaviour in c10 makes sense in that he perceives Noct to be moping about and not putting his feelings aside to do what a king needs to do (and also that he seems to be ignoring Iggy's injury.
However, Luna just frickin' died! In the game it was the last thing that happened. Give the guy a break, taking some time to himself to process the events of c9 while on a train ride isn't exactly shirking his kingly responsibilities.
Like much of the game's story beats, this didn't have enough lead in/padding to make it seem genuine. If they'd had a chapter in-between where Noct had put the group at risk because he was unable to deal with his emotions, then perhaps it might have felt justified. As it is, the game shows us he's only had a very brief amount of time to mourn, nowhere near enough for Glad to assert himself the way he does and for the viewer to find it satisfying.
What do you mean by "control your level"?
Anyway, has anybody cleared the 50k exp lv 60 quest you get in? It's the one you get byLestallumI couldn't find info about it online, so I guess few have actually cleared it or found it?overhearing two people talking from outside a window.
To start with,getting to the right area of ravanough is a pain in the ass. That's the first reason I looked for info on the internet.. you can't get there on foot.
You need to have the flying regalia and you need to land perfectly on a really short road you wouldn't think you could land on.. I guess the flying regalia is their way to put a hard level barrier.
So basically you go and explore this area for a "pirate treasure" as the quest marker calls it (don't recall the two men talking about pirates, though, what gives?).
Progression in this "open air" dungeon is quite straightforward and.. you can skip almost every high level monster, except maybe the three lv 65-70 cockatrices (a good fight, I'd suggest beating them).
You can also skip TWO LV 85 BLUE MARLBOROS (thank god) and if you go up the hill on your right you'll find a building. You go up the stairs, jump over the gap and find the treasure () awkwardly placed in a corner.magitek core
And now for the weird stuff.
As soon as you pocket the treasure and get 50.000 exp (crazy, right?), the other guys just leave the party. Wtf? Also, in this very area, there's a small fenced square space you can jump inside thanks to a gap in the bars. Why would you do that you ask? There's a strange symbol on the wall, looks quite interesting and you would expect it to do something but.. it does nothing. If anything, Noctis seems to kinda clip over the wall.
Why would you provide access to an empty area that serves no purpose? Also, all the party members came back as soon as I left the building.
I have to say the quest felt a bit unfinished. It's like they wanted to put more into it, but didn't have the time to do so.
It's almost like that enormous area before you get the. There HAD to be a boss there, you also find a bird's nest with giant eggs along the way!mace of the fierce
Whatever, I now know where to go whenever i feel the need to take on TWO friggin overleveled blue marlboros.
Why did my enhancement skill stop working. It is always greyed out now. The enemies I am scanning have weaknesses so I am not sure what is up.
It's a secret dungeon that only reveals its entrance at nighttime.
What chapter are you on?
so the save file size for this game is 650mb.
I see, square is walk on the default control scheme. Which is fucking useless for the dungeon because you need to jump at the same time.![]()
The power plant thing was the weirdest thing ever and I can't tell if the cup noodles thing is product placement or a joke
Hahahahaha, it is weird, and a shame that some of it couldn't be part of the actual game, but it's very much worth watching, imo.
Especially when you get some Brotherhood references in the game, that would just seem like a regular conversations for people who didn't watch it, but will be more meaningful to you.
To be fair,there wad a time skip of deceral weeks between Noctis wsking up and the train sequence. I can understand Gladio being frustrated by Noctis' moping after so much time and when he is needed as the saviour of the world (something Noctis has always known).
That's why pros use type C![]()
wait what
Fighting the..almost deadadamantoise
He somehow manages to knock me out of the encounter and resets it
What. The. Fuck.
Does anyone know if they have confirmed a PC port yet or is it all still speculation at this point?
How long does it take Gladio to get to level 10 skill?
What bug?Royal sword bugged
Can believe I spent 4 hours moving rocks for nothing.... Is there a way to fix this Shit?
Just got home with the game. How necessary is it to watch Kingsglaive first?
How long does it take Gladio to get to level 10 skill?
I would go as far as saying that watching both Kingsglaive and Brotherhood are mandatory.Just got home with the game. How necessary is it to watch Kingsglaive first?
One of the possible leaks earlier this year saidthat both Gladio and Ignis get injured during the story.
I assume they just traded Gladio's injury for "I'll leave for a while, brb" in order to fit his DLC when they decided to make it and not have to change much when it comes to the portions of the game he's not present. He was most likely just recovering from this injly.
He comes back with a new scar, and comments on it
I liked that dungeon too. I was level 81 but I still had some problem with all thoseI might be one of the rare guys who loved Castlemark Tower Dungeon. But maybe that was because I was like level 70 when I attempted it, lol.
If true, that's plain stupid.I just read it takes 20 hour of sprinting or 30 hours of running to go from 1 to 10.
I only had trouble during the room with the tons of bombs and Samurai. They all went batshit crazy and I used magic but still, it was a bit of chaos. I am surprised that the frame rate was steady considering the particles on screen.I liked that dungeon too. I was level 81 but I still had some problem with all those. The magic really saved me therePiros
Maybe if you rush through the game and just want the platinum. But if you play it as intended and do post-game stuff, you won't have any issue with it.If true, that's plain stupid.
Just got home with the game. How necessary is it to watch Kingsglaive first?
I just lost the entire secret dungeon completion because the game's autosave sucks and the airstrip didn't give me enough room to take off without hitting the mountain. I need to go ly dow