Jesus I don't see what's the big deal. It's just a long ass dungeon.It is the worst piece of game design of 2016 easily. Whoever/whatever subteam developed chapter 13 deserves to be named and fired. It's a disgrace to the game.
Mere seconds from Kingsglaive are patched in. It's like a tiny flashback.I thought the scenes were patched in?
Chapter 13 and struggling against.Ravus
Any suggestions on how to beat him? I'm only level 37 so perhaps going back to the open world and leveling is wise..... Any places where I can farm quick exp or any particular quests I should pursue?
Why can't I customize the way noctis looks at all? Like, no clothes or anything, really? Is that coming in a later update?
Is there any reason why after several days and completing a quest cid still won't give me my weapon? You know what, fuck it. I am so done with this game.
Is there any reason why after several days and completing a quest cid still won't give me my weapon? You know what, fuck it. I am so done with this game.
That this was the last straw for you for the game is cracking me the fuck up lol
Got the Plat. Guess I'll wait and see if the DLC is any good.
For Gladdys survival skill does only he have to run to level up or does it from Noctis moving around?
Is there any reason why after several days and completing a quest cid still won't give me my weapon? You know what, fuck it. I am so done with this game.
I meant beyond the very limited selection offered to us already. Why can't I buy different clothes with boosts and stuff? Just seems like an oversight.You can change his outfit from the equipment menu. I have him wearing a white tee and baseball cap
Does Chocobo riding count?
Isn't the DLC just side stories focused on the other party members? Really not that interested in it if so.
I'm interested, tbh. But I'll wait and see based on feedback.
If so,you'll find one of the different looking squares on the ground is usable. Once completing that path and going back into that room, another one will unlock. Someone was saying it was randomised, but for me the first one which was activated was one with 4 stones next to it. second one which activated had three stones, third had two, and the last one had the one stone. On the last lift, after a while on the path you'll have a choice of which ones to press, make sure you press the East one and not the South one, other wise you'll have to fight the Naga, 3x Red Giants and Flan Horde again(I made that mistake, and boy was I sad).
You also need to camp/hotel for it to happen.
The shortest for me was 2 hunts and a camp.
Wow thispretty damn awesome. There are actual treasure chests here haha.secret dungeon
Shame we didn't get a dungeon like this in the main story.
So, which is better, do all of the sidequests beforeor after I finish the main quests?chapter 9
The sewers. Man fuuuuuuucccckkk that thing. Cool to seebut he was a bitch. Instakills all day. And then the two bosses. FightingYojimboin a small room while you can be done stoned or made into a toad, i was on the ropes but then luckily i could summon and Ramuh killed the boss instantly lol. But thenNaga, holy crap. Raining hot magma is no joke. Can't even dodge it with square. No summon help this time but luckily i had mega Phoenix to save my ass. Surprised there was no treasure after beating it thoughJorgunand
I've saved and reloaded before the sturdy helixhorn hunt 5 times now, broken 10 of the big guys horns with no drop. Starting to think that loot is decided when you take the hunt and reloading is futile.
Edit: read online that sword of the wise works well... Got it on the first try with that.
I think I asked this before and didn't get a response:
Do I just ignore the Wait talent tree? I don't see why I would ever switch off active.
Most or all the optional dungeons are pretty good. Not sure why they took them off the main story. Great content that is easily missed unless you're hunting them down. Could've made the main campaign better overall.
Dow Iggy ever learn to cock something that boosts defense? if yes then where?
I taught him like 30 recipes and non of them has def boost.
Safety belt helps against insta kills.
that boss was so cool
I don't think this is that type of game.Dow Iggy ever learn to cock something that boosts defense?
People in general would go absolutely insane if the secret dungeon was a part of the main story.
Where can you get them? I'm only on chapter 5 and I havent seen a store sell them.
And would they work on Coeurls? Because fuck them right off. Top 3 most annoying enemies - Coeurls, Solider Bees/Wasp things, High level soldiers with guns
I don't think this is that type of game.
maybe in the DLC episode tho
it's okMy typos are getting worse and worse -__-
the fan art will be so goodFinal Fantasy XV |OT2| Cocking Simulator 2016
Is there anyways to get Ignis to reliably use Libra? I just fought a Red Giant and literally waited 5 minutes and he didn't use it.
Final Fantasy XV |OT2| Cocking Simulator 2016
At what point does Gil become abundant? I'm on chapter 3, put in 16 hours so far and only have 24k.
Is there any reason why after several days and completing a quest cid still won't give me my weapon? You know what, fuck it. I am so done with this game.