He must not be forgotten.Picked Jared as my final photo
So im guessing hunts dont count toward the weaving a tapestry trophy? Oh well, only 13 more side quests to go I guess
Just finished Chapter 13.
...THAT was the infamous Chapter 13? The near-unplayable, 4-hour slog that made some people knock 2-3 full points off their review scores and others consider giving up on the game altogether? The very nadir of gaming, the ordeal that inspired so much wailing and gnashing of teeth? The worst section of a game some people have ever played?
I swear, GAF's hyperbole knows no bounds (yes, I have read THAT thread). Sure, it was overlong. But aside from that, it was...fine. Nowhere near the miserable experience people said it was.
I really liked how completely different it was to what had come before, and it made a nice change of pace from the rollercoaster ride of the previous few Chapters. It had some nicely creepy moments, the slow drip-feed of information about the origins of the daemons and MTs was well implemented, the new mechanics of using the Ring of the Lucii were kinda fun, and the Chapter hit a few very sincere emotional beats (rescuing Prompto, him revealing his insecurity over his origins and the others accepting him without question, Noct leaving his bros behind to enter the Crystal). Shave half an hour off and we're golden.
Like, it's clear that a lot of people utterly despise it and hated every minute of it, and I don't want to dismiss what are clearly genuine and heartfelt opinions, but...I just don't get what was so unfathomably awful about it. Am I taking crazy pills?
Now on to Chapter 14...the game has deep, undeniable flaws, which I'll probably talk about when I'm done, but I'm still absolutely loving my time with it and will be truly sad when it's all over.
I remember Ardyn being involved, is that not right? I can't seem to find the CS in question online.
Hunts count as side quests.
Final Fantasy XV |OT2| Who the hell is Jared?
Link to a cutscene video (SPOILER ALERT, don't click) https://youtu.be/8PMDFu9d83Y?t=3188
You can see the cutscene I'm talking about at 53:08
If I'm not mistaken that's the only cutscene where you see the emperor alive. As you can see, Ardyn is not there.
Im not sure, i feel like if that were the case I would have popped it by now. Maybe its a bug on my end?
Just finished Chapter 13.
...THAT was the infamous Chapter 13? The near-unplayable, 4-hour slog that made some people knock 2-3 full points off their review scores and others consider giving up on the game altogether? The very nadir of gaming, the ordeal that inspired so much wailing and gnashing of teeth? The worst section of a game some people have ever played?
I swear, GAF's hyperbole knows no bounds (yes, I have read THAT thread). Sure, it was overlong. But aside from that, it was...fine. Nowhere near the miserable experience people said it was.
I really liked how completely different it was to what had come before, and it made a nice change of pace from the rollercoaster ride of the previous few Chapters. It had some nicely creepy moments, the slow drip-feed of information about the origins of the daemons and MTs was well implemented, the new mechanics of using the Ring of the Lucii were kinda fun, and the Chapter hit a few very sincere emotional beats (rescuing Prompto, him revealing his insecurity over his origins and the others accepting him without question, Noct leaving his bros behind to enter the Crystal). Shave half an hour off and we're golden.
Like, it's clear that a lot of people utterly despise it and hated every minute of it, and I don't want to dismiss what are clearly genuine and heartfelt opinions, but...I just don't get what was so unfathomably awful about it. Am I taking crazy pills?
Hunts don't count, sides have the blue label.Im not sure, i feel like if that were the case I would have popped it by now. Maybe its a bug on my end?
You're not crazy. Totally agree, I quite liked it.
He shouldn't be, in fact none of them should be dying much more often than the others.
A lot of enemy damage is actually tied to Noctis. If you successfully avoid certain attacks, like larger AOE, it can mitigate team damage entirely.
You can set them up with good accessories to keep them alive, this means unlocking 2x accessories asap. Also make sure to upgrade the Teamwork skills.
I thought it was good too. Not great, dungeon could have had a more interesting design, for sure. But, a nice change of pace.
As I've said, I get people not liking it, but I think the idea that it's the worst thing in gaming history is largely just a pile-on, and lots of self-fulfilling prophecy from folks who had heard how bad it was and were already iffy on the game by the time they got there.
I like it when games try and shake it up this way, and have always appreciated how frequently classic FFs do so. I wouldn't say this is a return to form, but I do think it's a laudable effort (that could have used a little tweaking and polishing).
So do we actually know if this is true? This is something I have been noticing since like 30 hours into the game. But I was never sure.
Also, re Jared and Ch. 14 --In Ch. 14 we finally learn something about who he was and what happened to him. It's like they forgot that we hadn't yet played Ch. 14 when they first tried to use his death for emotional motivation. Weird. Ch. 14 hits a lot of great notes actually, and I have this feeling it was completed later in development when they had a better idea of exactly the tone and arc they wanted, but they had to take a lot of shortcuts to staple older stuff together to finish the game, so couldn't execute fully throughout.
So do we actually know if this is true? This is something I have been noticing since like 30 hours into the game. But I was never sure.
Also, re Jared and Ch. 14 --In Ch. 14 we finally learn something about who he was and what happened to him. It's like they forgot that we hadn't yet played Ch. 14 when they first tried to use his death for emotional motivation. Weird. Ch. 14 hits a lot of great notes actually, and I have this feeling it was completed later in development when they had a better idea of exactly the tone and arc they wanted, but they had to take a lot of shortcuts to staple older stuff together to finish the game, so couldn't execute fully throughout.
He shouldn't be, in fact none of them should be dying much more often than the others.
A lot of enemy damage is actually tied to Noctis. If you successfully avoid certain attacks, like larger AOE, it can mitigate team damage entirely.
You can set them up with good accessories to keep them alive, this means unlocking 2x accessories asap. Also make sure to upgrade the Teamwork skills.
Hmm, I will evaluate my set up. Ignis is always on his arse for some reason. It's good to know this shouldn't be happening and I can fix it. Maybe save myself some items as well.
This has probably been asked before, but how am I supposed to effectively use the Royal Arms? Do they drain HP while they are equipped or just when I land strikes? Should I just hack away at an enemy and every now and then throw in a hit with one of the royal arms?
Also, wait mode or no wait mode? What do people here generally prefer?
This has probably been asked before, but how am I supposed to effectively use the Royal Arms? Do they drain HP while they are equipped or just when I land strikes? Should I just hack away at an enemy and every now and then throw in a hit with one of the royal arms?
Also, wait mode or no wait mode? What do people here generally prefer?
This has probably been asked before, but how am I supposed to effectively use the Royal Arms? Do they drain HP while they are equipped or just when I land strikes? Should I just hack away at an enemy and every now and then throw in a hit with one of the royal arms?
Also, wait mode or no wait mode? What do people here generally prefer?
Castlemark Tower question.
Do I really have to fight those red giants & snake for the fourth time open the way?
I feel like I'm doing something wrong.
It had game design from the 90's. Go to a place and get key, go to next place, get another key, go to third.. Hey, you get poison gassed and must deactivate it to proceed.
Also camera was awful.
It basically felt like bad Resident evil.
since when was game design from the 90's a criticism? the 90's were awesome
it's like people forgot what an actual JPRG dungeon is meant to be like. and it's still lightyears beyond following waypoints.
You are correct, its just a stupid thing they do. Its also easy to miss the correct path to the boss. Read up on this part after you beat them for the fourth time.
Im not sure, i feel like if that were the case I would have popped it by now. Maybe its a bug on my end?
AgreedThe ride with talcott and then being able to ask him about things was actually really nice. I still wish we got to see more in the world of ruin though.
Yeah,Chapter 14 actually somewhat redeems Jared for me. I really liked being able to talk to his kid about everything that has happened and wished there were more dialogue scenes like that in the game.
Wtf I have no idea how I'm missing the Marrowshroom Chowder dish. I bought the recipe in Altissia and I have all the ingredients needed for it. But the dish doesn't appear when camping. Apparently this will help a lot with the Adamantoise fight.
AgreedThe ride with talcott and then being able to ask him about things was actually really nice. I still wish we got to see more in the world of ruin though.
so how does one gear up your party member?
It's not like they really have 'roles' from what I can tell (tank dps healer etc).
Not sure what accessories are worthwhile.
They do.
Gladio is Tank/Warrior
Ignis is Support/Healer
Prompto is ranged dps/cc
You can unlock skills in the Ascension tree such as Glad's Royal Guard which shields Noct from an attack, Iggy's Regroup which repositions and heals the party, and Prompto's Starshell which illuminates the area and attracts enemy attention.