Called the GameStop after lunch to ask if they could hold a set of keychains. Family then got home a lot (as in, eight+ hours) earlier than I expected, and therefore, the vehicle!
I can now stop worrying about anything with this game. Everything is in my hands. You don't know how much stress I was having seeing those eBay prices, knowing I would never have the SE (barring HOPEFULLY PLENTY of reprints) if my order was screwy.
The art book is excellent.
The keychains look cool.
The pouch is thinner than I'd like, but I'll be using it from here on for my system (and keep my old one for game carrying :lol

And finally, the reverse cover boxart is beautiful. Does every copy have that, or just the SE? It seems like it would be the same with Birthright and Conquest just due to how much the art is used.