Was okay to let a
die in chapter 5? I read online all death before chapter 6 didnt matter, so i just let her die.
Was okay to let adie in chapter 5? I read online all death before chapter 6 didnt matter, so i just let her die.zura
Played through conquest first. I just finished Birthright the other day. I wasn't really impressed with either's story. Gameplay is still great, but I feel too much was taken away from what the game could have been if it wasn't split in two.
Considering playing through the DLC (third branch) but not sure if it's worth it. Is the story really that much different? Any shocking revelations that makes playing through all three branches better?
Yes. You'll be able to recruit her.
Don't feel like you need to beat them when they first appear; they will outpace your units and it won't be fun.Awesome. My first castle invasion just popped up, any tips on when to start dealing with these? I'm playing hard conquest.
Don't feel like you need to beat them when they first appear; they will outpace your units and it won't be fun.
The first one might be fine though.
Not only on GAF, but internet reception in general seems a lot more subdued compared to Awakening. Even the number of reviews on metacritic for each game seems extremely low for such an established franchise (31 reviews for Conquest, 28 for Birthright vs 72 for Awakening). User reception in general also looks less enthusiastic (I still see a large number of people recommending Awakening over Fates on "which 3DS games should I play" threads), though that is muddied by the lolcensorship crowd so it's hard to tell precisely. Not sure how it compares using other metrics such as youtube views.
If we didn't have official numbers showing just how successful Fates is I'd have assumed Awakening was a bigger hit.
Maybe it's because the novelty has worn off a little bit so people feel less compelled to discuss. Awakening also had the benefit of coming after a large drought since the west missed FE12.
Sophie and Caeldori's supports are based entirely on make up and haircare products. Selkie's supports with her mother are based around properly applying make up. While this game definitely portrays its women as equals on the battlefield, competent leaders, and strategists, many of them are obsessed with cuteness and beauty. This is... again, not great.
It makes you less interested in their supports, it makes you less interested in the stories, and it makes pairing units less interesting. Xander's optiminal pairing is Charlotte, and he spends C, B, and A supports telling her to stop trying to seduce men and that her behavior in inappropriate. He calls her out on her manufactured personality and questionable motivations. Then, in his S support, he professes his love for her and marries her.
I mean, come on.
A lot of Fates supports are vapid trash as is Awakening. A lot of Awakening's characters had established relationships as well Lissa/Maribelle, Stahl/Sully/Frederick, Cordelia/Sumia, Lon'Qu/Basilio.
Fates is just as gimmicky, Odin is still super gimmicky as his daughter, Setsuna is the gimmickiest character in the series. I really can't differentiate between the two other than I really don't like how awful they made Corrin in revelations.
Just completed Birthright. It was fun and the story is okay if not a little dull. I just picked up Revalations(it seemed more interesting than playing through Nohr side) so hopefully it's more enjoyable.
A lot of Fates supports are vapid trash as is Awakening. A lot of Awakening's characters had established relationships as well Lissa/Maribelle, Stahl/Sully/Frederick, Cordelia/Sumia, Lon'Qu/Basilio.
Fates is just as gimmicky, Odin is still super gimmicky as his daughter, Setsuna is the gimmickiest character in the series. I really can't differentiate between the two other than I really don't like how awful they made Corrin in revelations.
The majority of supports in both games are crap because not every character should interact with each other. I just think the best ones in Fates are way better than the best ones in Awakening. The difference is that Fates has a lot more personal supports which gives it the extra edge in my eyes. Stuff like Takumi/Oboro and Xander/Laslow are some of the best in both games.
Revelations Corrin was by far and away the bet iteration of Corrin
Like, they're actually decent in that
Explain to me how this is remotely possible considering the joke that is Conquest!Corrin is a thing.
I wishInb4 Wazzy wins a Gunblade at the Revalations lottery. I so predict it.
I would say even Lon'Qu had a great support with Cherche due to their connection. I definitely was more attached to Awakening supports but I don't think fates characters are bad, just not as interesting.A lot of Fates supports are vapid trash as is Awakening. A lot of Awakening's characters had established relationships as well Lissa/Maribelle, Stahl/Sully/Frederick, Cordelia/Sumia, Lon'Qu/Basilio.
Fates is just as gimmicky, Odin is still super gimmicky as his daughter, Setsuna is the gimmickiest character in the series. I really can't differentiate between the two other than I really don't like how awful they made Corrin in revelations.
I didn't say Conquest Corrin was better, I said Revelation Corrin isn't the best version.
There is another route.not Smash Kappa
Birthright!Corrin is not better. There's nothing about Birthright!Corrin that particularly makes them stand out as a character. They're not as mindbogglingly obnoxious as Conquest!Corrin, but they're still far too nice. Revelations!Corrin has the niceness aspect, but it's mixed in with the confidence and intensity Conquest!Corrin should have had.
They're significantly more well rounded and likeable as a result.
Revelations Corrin was by far and away the best iteration of Corrin
Like, they're actually decent in that
Birthright boats the best Corrin due to their dialogue not being as repetitiveas Rev!Corrin is during the beginning nor as pretentious and insufferable as Con!Corrin...which isn't to say they're good in any iteration. Corrin isn't as bad as Micaiah or Roy in terms of a lead, mostly since they're a good unit who doesn't have magical "I know everything" powers that can be switched on and off whenever it's convenient for the writers (or in Roy's case, just being rather uninteresting), but they really do take away the focus of the story from the war due to their personal stake in the eventsand often boring.which Revelation mutilates with a "psyche, turns out you're the king/queen of Valla and related to no one but Azura, don't you feel like a special snowflake? Have fun with the incest option!"
What are the best DLC packs available right now on NA? Something with decent writing / story?
Birthright!Corrin has little autonomy and the least prominence out of all 3 games. The game tries to make Corrin out to be the "leader", but it's really Ryoma story, with Corrin basically tagging along for the ride (barring the skirmishes with their siblings of course). YMMV on this, but this is a problem since the game still heavily focuses on them, but their impact outside of beating shit out of people is minimal. This is something that Revelation gets right. It captures the feel of "the lone Lord gathering an army and blaze a path of glory" that the past games had. Everything that happens in that route is from their own choosing, and even if their dialogue is incredibly cliched, they actually feel like the leader. And they don't just outright acquiesce to literally anyone who looks at them funny either, which is extremely refreshing.
What are the best DLC packs available right now on NA? Something with decent writing / story?
The problem is that Revelation still has Corrin fulfilling a role they're not qualified to fill nor becomes believable in it, let alone that the lords in past games were never alone and rarely ever seeking out glory (the only exception I can think of is Ephraim): Every single one of them revolved around some sort of disruption to their and their friends everyday lives, usually an invasion or the threat of invasion by a foreign force, that they wish to restore alongside friends both old and new, including ones who are former enemies. That is literally the point of every Fire Emblem game ever: Friendship rules, evil dragons, dragon-like beings, evil cults, demons, gods and physical manifestations of order that made up one half of a god suck, and together we can accomplish anything.
For that matter, Corrin doesn't do much of the recruiting themselves nor do they do much of the gather themselves, not if we're talking about the "Talk" command: Outside of Revelation Chapter 14, I can't recall a single time Corrin actually recruited an enemy unit (since the other ones were...well...other units who posed no threat and often ran up to you/Azura so they could turn from green to blue so as to make things easy as Revelation so often does, if not, enemies who were defeated in battle who only joined you because of some convenience likelike how all the conflict in the game is because of an evil dragon manipulating things behind the scenes for a while rather than the decades of conflict between these two kingdoms and their various beliefs or cultural differencesor characters dropping in at the most contrived time like Takumi whenthe death sentence of Nohr for failure causing Camilla to join your side)...except even then, it's Elise who does the convincing for them. They aren't a leader in any capacity nor do the events make it seem like Corrin would be able to build up the diplomatic skills to quell the ongoing war only to unite both sides and stop some enemy they literally can't speak about, something which the game reflects due to how it seems everyone else has to fix everything for them. The only reason anyone seems to want to follow Corrin is due to their birth status and connections to people on both sides willing to trust him due to said connections rather than their capabilities, the latter of which extends to repeating "I know who the real enemy is but I can't tell you so let's jump off a cliff" and swinging a sword. Revelation isn't the worst of the three, but it is the least of them in terms of intrigue and depth: It has a lot of good ideas (the commentary on the series tendency to recruit enemy soldiers had a lot of promise) but really poor execution and tons of contrivances). I do agree that there's way too much focus on Corrin rather than the war, but that's applicable for all three paths, as are their various contrived plot devices in each.Izana is dying because Revelation has some sick fetish with having characters die meaninglessly
Hidden Truths by far. The second map pack looks good too going by Japanese impressions but I'm waiting until they're all available here in NA before playing it.
Hidden Truth 1 & 2. It's a little rushed, but it does a better job of giving the villain a motivation and tragic backstory than Revelation does along with explaining how the kids of Awakening can be in this game and the scenario is rather creative in terms of how the maps are structured.
What is the nature of the A+ rank relationship between Xander and Leo? I have the option to advance to that level.
A+ would allow either to gain the opposites classes with a Friendship Seal. Not exactly worth it for Leo since Xander's classes are physically-inclined though it might be worth it for Xander should you be interested in Lifetaker as an ability.
Birthright!Corrin is not better. There's nothing about Birthright!Corrin that particularly makes them stand out as a character. They're not as mindbogglingly obnoxious as Conquest!Corrin, but they're still far too nice. Revelations!Corrin has the niceness aspect, but it's mixed in with the confidence and intensity Conquest!Corrin should have had.
They're significantly more well rounded and likeable as a result.
You guys talking about Corrin's stupidity makes me want to play Birthright/Revelations.
I mean Conquest was bad, but what stupid things could he be doing in choosing the Light Path and Neutral path.
About ready to jump on one of these, is conquest really that much more difficult for more casual observer/players of FE? Just asking since I like the conquest character designs a lot more.
Nah, just go with Fates; there's nothing to gain from Awakening unless you already loved the characters.Should I finish Awakening or start one of these?
(I would need to re-buy Awakening)
You will get as much as from Awakening, but I will bet that you will feel incomplete because you will see the units from the Conquest side and wish you could use them.This finally comes out in Europe tomorrow so I'll be picking up Birthrights. I wanted to ask though, what are the chances that I could play this one version and get as much out of it as I did Awakening?
I'm not planning to get the other versions until I've dealt with my backlog.
You will get as much as from Awakening, but I will bet that you will feel incomplete because you will see the units from the Conquest side and wish you could use them.
You can lower the difficulty and change between casual/classic after starting the game, so I'd say start at Classic/Hard and lower to normal if you feel like things are getting too hard. I'd never go for casual, as it takes a lot of the tension and strategy thinking that I love FE for, but that's just me.Just started up, which difficulty should I go for? Birthright is supposed to be easier so I'm inclined to go classic, but can I change difficulty back to Casual when I start Conquest (the harder game)?
Playing the limited edition where it's all on one card btw
You can lower the difficulty and change between casual/classic after starting the game, so I'd say start at Classic/Hard and lower to normal if you feel like things are getting too hard. I'd never go for casual, as it takes a lot of the tension and strategy thinking that I love FE for, but that's just me.