Havnt tried these games before. What do you mean by reroll / how do you do it?
Delete and redownload the game to reset and have another chance at free rolls. Don't link your mynintendo account if you plan on doing this first.
Havnt tried these games before. What do you mean by reroll / how do you do it?
Havnt tried these games before. What do you mean by reroll / how do you do it?
Havnt tried these games before. What do you mean by reroll / how do you do it?
Thanks. So does Sol Katti and Defiant Atk mean she get's 3 attacks in 1 action, and 6 with Galeforce?
Man, that's a lot of feathery thingies
Can those things be earned easily or does it mean you'll be grinding for a month+ to get a 4-star to 5-star?
I'm asking because my first 5 summons are all three star chumps and if upgrading to another star level is that much trouble then I'm just gonna reroll ._.
Delete and redownload the game to reset and have another chance at free rolls. Don't link your mynintendo account if you plan on doing this first.
Delete the app, start again, pray for better starting characters
Just a fancy word for uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
of course I forgot to link my account... and of course I got hit by that stupid 803-3001 error again.. dammit reroll mode again (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I'm looking through this right now.Any quick and dirty tips for someone going in blind? I tried looking in OP for a link but was confused. Thanks
Is the game really not out in NA yet?
If you're going for "maximum value" out of the initial rolls, characters that only have 5* versions > characters that can rank up to 5* > characters that can't rank to 5*.
Based on this list, only Robin can go from 3* to 5* right now.
And there's no 5* female Corrin.![]()
...how many orbs to fully upgrade the castle? That seems like either a huge trap or the smart place to spend orbs most of the time.
But is says all can go up to 5*?
"Characters are sorted alphabetically. Please remember that all units can be upgraded to 5-star rarity ; this is simply the rarities they can be rolled as initially."
Ok seems I have English voices on the loading screen too. no idea whats up. I thought I downloaded the jp version.
I meant Defiant Atk increases your attack stat, it doesn't give you an extra attack in combat.
Is the game really not out in NA yet?
Great, another game I can't get to work on my iPhone 5 because I had jailbreak, although I no longer do.
Hmmm, I hate losing progress in RPG games like this, but I guess I'll just reset until I have atleast one 4-star available. Alright, thanks!I'd reroll, best way to get them is using arena. But in order to do good in arena you need good units.
Can anyone explain merge allies I got 2 of the same charecter one 4* the other 3
I had to switch my phones language to Japanese in order to get the app in Japanese on the first start up.
After that the game asked me what language I wanted to use (choose Japanese obviously).
For some reason I don't get the question with other phone language settings (just the country one).
Why do you need to reroll? Isn't your progress saved regardless of linking the account?
The orbs are pretty expensive :-(
Getting the characters you want will take a very long time, or will be very costly.
Still love it though.
Welcome to gacha!
How is everyone playing this already? It's still pre register on the play store
weird. I cant set my main language to Japanese. Only Chinese or Korean (samsung phone)
How is everyone playing this already? It's still pre register on the play store
Open File explorer
Find "com.nintendo.zaba" and open
Find the "shared_prefs" folder
Delete the "deviceAccount.xml"