No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I guess you and I are going to copy each other again just like in Awakening lol
Map designs are generally a step up over FE:A, they are either expansive or very detailed.
Sounds good. Is that for Hoshido as well, then? And are its mission objectives rout or defeat commander only like in Awakening, or are there other objectives too?
Is that really all of them?
Is it going to be another case of generic fill in the blanks dialogue?Why do none of the sisters have children there but all the brothers do?
I am pretty certain that the Hoshido/Nohr story will have nice closures, it's just that the 3rd chapter is the cliched
Gather all your friends and fight evil so everyone live happily together.
I do not like the idea of that, locking the"true" ending behind a paywall
Sounds good. Is that for Hoshido as well, then? And are its mission objectives rout or defeat commander only like in Awakening, or are there other objectives too?
Yes, it was the opposite in Awakening.Is that really all of them?
Is it going to be another case of generic fill in the blanks dialogue?Why do none of the sisters have children there but all the brothers do?
Is that really all of them?
Is it going to be another case of generic fill in the blanks dialogue?Why do none of the sisters have children there but all the brothers do?
Is that really all of them?
Is it going to be another case of generic fill in the blanks dialogue?Why do none of the sisters have children there but all the brothers do?
Sounds good. Is that for Hoshido as well, then? And are its mission objectives rout or defeat commander only like in Awakening, or are there other objectives too?
so is the difficulty in each route a set thing? or can they still be adjusted?
It's not reallyeveryone though. We know that at least one playable character is just killed off in that route.
It sounds like a route where you get all main cast members (siblings) and some route exclusives, but then some shared route and secondary characters end up dying without joining you.
Hoshido follows Awakening type objectives, Nohr has more varied ones. Hoshido also has free skirmishes like Awakening, while Nohr doesn't (and you can't gain experience from the arena or streetpass battles in Nohr).
Children are tied to fathers instead of mothers in this game.
so is the difficulty in each route a set thing? or can they still be adjusted?
Just someone beat it and tell me if the story's really back to being more engaging.
So basically whoever the (male) protagonist marries, the child will be the same, which means any dialogue between his wife and kid are probably going to be super generic...
Lol. Can't be helped I guess. Great minds think alike after all
Now I guess the real question is will NoA keep that in the US release or will they censor those pairings out of the game
Well, I mean you had that let's ask, where they talk about how bad awakening's story was so ... I don't see how it can be worse.
That I cannot be certain, at least that's what's Nintendo's been telling us.
Hoshido follows Awakening type objectives, Nohr has more varied ones. Hoshido also has free skirmishes like Awakening, while Nohr doesn't (and you can't gain experience from the arena or streetpass battles in Nohr).
Nohr has the other objectives.
What can I say? I guess I always "kinda" believed lol
Don't worry, japanese made a clever move about this.
Thanks. I was kind of hoping for to see some Defend chapter footage at the very least, but I guess not. Really disappointing that they link mission objective variety to difficulty when this isn't necessarily the case. I feel like they're doing fans a huge disservice by not including more variety in the game. Kind of unfair that this stuff is Nohr-only, since I happen to really like the Hoshido designs.
general difficulty is chooseable in the beginning, but route difficulty is fixed. So, Nohr Lunatic is harder than Hoshido Lunatic for example
There is an overall difficulty that you can switch between but there is a locked, route specific difficulty depending on the version.
Nohr > Neutral > Hoshido in terms of difficulty but you can alter how difficult the game is before you start.
So if you played all 3 on hard, Nohr would always be the hardest.
This batch is like 100000 times better than Awakenings. Lots of great designs.
So does not-Owain's girl kind of look like a lewd Lissa to anyone else.
This is terrible.Most of those designs look fantastic
Except Captain America. That design is the worst. Also not too keen on the Tharja copy, but I'm sure look more different in alternate portraits.
It's actually dumb (based on just the general understanding, don't know all the intricacies).
You'll have 2.OMG Kanna is adorable in both male and female form. My Kamui and his husband will protect their child till the END
This was shared to me. Camilla's my room sound clips? Won't last given it's hosted on 4chan:
Goddamn, this game is really going for it.
Anyone who thinks this isn't getting cut is out of their minds.This was shared to me. Camilla's my room sound clips? Won't last given it's hosted on 4chan:
Goddamn, this game is really going for it.
Anyone who thinks this isn't getting cut is out of their minds.
Darn it NoA.