What's his credentials? I don't spend a lot of time gaming-side, but a lot of people seem to take his word as truth, has he been right loads in the past?
CBOAT insinuated 1 year exclusivity as I recall.
Differdange 03 - FC Utrecht 1-1
26th minute...
Differdange 03 - FC Utrecht 1-1
26th minute...
There's been things wrote about Milan being interested in him today.
That's what I'm laughing at.
Not his skills.
He's good.
Differdange 03 - FC Utrecht 1-1
26th minute...
An entire year? For a multiplayer-only shooter, that may as well be full exclusive
He's the real deal. He knows stuff.
Money. We don't have any of those, Ajax would like some of those.He's not the star player people make him. But why would it be weird if Milan is interested? Would be a step up from Ajax I'd say.
Why? Two different platforms. It's not like they're playing against each other. The PS4 version could also launch with every map pack.
What's his credentials? I don't spend a lot of time gaming-side, but a lot of people seem to take his word as truth, has he been right loads in the past?
An entire year? For a multiplayer-only shooter, that may as well be full exclusive
Money. We don't have any of those, Ajax would like some of those.
If its sufficiently tackling the CoD crowd, they'll buy an Xbox for it/buy it on 360, and the target market will have mainly moved onto the next big thing by the time it comes out on PS4 imo
An entire year? For a multiplayer-only shooter, that may as well be full exclusive
Is it worth Respawn releasing Titanfall on the PS4 a year later? Doesn't it make more sense that they march straight onto Titanfall 2, with that being XB1/PS4/PC simultaneously. The time taken to make a PS4 port of Titanfall can be better spent on the sequel across all platforms.
is there a 2nd leg?
HBO stuff will never be on Netflix, but you should get Deadwood anyway!An entire year? For a multiplayer-only shooter, that may as well be full exclusive
Gonna start Deadwood on Saturday I think, if its on Netflix. If not, Breaking Bad.
HBO stuff will never be on Netflix, but you should get Deadwood anyway!
HBO stuff will never be on Netflix, but you should get Deadwood anyway!
Nope, don't trust Liverpool fansI don't wanna buy it though, I'll only end up watching it once. Tell your brother to post it to me, I'll pay for postage both ways and £5 on top![]()
Breaking Bad is more relevant now anyways. Though I don't think he can catch up before the last bit starts![]()
I wanna do it soon because I know it's only a month or two until the ending enters 'acceptable spoiler' territory like The Sixth Sense and Final Fantasy VII
Where's Ronaldo?![]()
Can't believe the Super Cup is next week.
Excited to see how Pep's team will look.
The last eight episodes start airing august 12.
But I don't reckon people will spoil that in the open soon. It's just like other quality series from the past like The Sopranos or The Wire, you don't spoil that shit.
Yeah, I could see that be bump in the road
It's weird man, all those big clubs in the CL who have debts like crazy but keep spending. There's so much wrong in football. I find it quite surprising that Milan don't have money somewhere to spend big. Are things finally turning around?![]()
So I have 12 weeks to watch 5 seasons. How many episodes is that?
So I have 12 weeks to watch 5 seasons. How many episodes is that?
So I have 12 weeks to watch 5 seasons. How many episodes is that?
Well, theoretically we have a lot of money or, at least, our owner and honorary president has a lot of money. But as a club? We barely had some millions left after last fiscal year, and the Berlusconi family as a whole doesn't want to spend like they did in the old days (early 90s mostly).
Easily doable.
I'm planning on doing the same.
Yeah, the spending gotta stop at some point. Football is business and it should be like any other business. You can't spend money you don't have.
You're not planning on watching the last eight episodes?![]()
Ah shit. Hart haters will be out in force.
Looooool hart