Keepers have always been awful. They just seem to only have 2 states: under the bar, and rushing out. And rushing out only works to bait chip shots.
If the ball is going out the line, for example, and there is no one around, keepers will do jack shit to get to it, even if it's still inside the area. Basically, any other situation that would require keepers to behave like regular players is broken. No matter how hard you sink your finger into the Y button they will be locked to this state of not knowing what to do, so they just dance back and forth on the spot, with some invisible force pulling them back towards the goal while you try for them to go get the ball somewhere else. Positioning could be better, fighting in the air in corners and set pieces is hit and miss, and for shot-stopping they are fine.
FIFA is boring. It's just end to end. No build up or nothing.
Yup. Through lobs is all anyone needs most times. My brother does this thing that when the half starts and he is in possession, he just sends a long pass from the middle of the pitch and it always gets to the forward. Unless I switch to a specific CB in time and track him back, it's a sure goal. It pisses me off to no end. He's such a cheat