Personally I think 7R is one of the best if not the best FF to date. It mixes all the stuff I like. The characters (imho better then the original, finally a FF that felt like being on a trip with your friends), the setting, the music, the atmosphere and the yes the battle system. It has the tactical turn based elements but with the real time component. I think many people forgot how they played 95% of battles in the old FF's. Trust me, I've played some of the older ones recently, its just smashing that x button to attack until the enemy dies. Its not more fun, engaging, or tactical. With more materia the FF7R system can get the same depth as the original, in addition to the real time component.
I do think the average music has become a bit worse, but there are still great tracks in all of the games, especially XV.
The character writing has become either very weak (XII, XIII) or was outsourced to animes and paid DLC (XV) which made the whole story much less enjoyable and stiched together. Ardyn good be one of the best villians in the series, but they hardly explain what he is all about in the actual friggin game.
Honestly, most FF dont have a good overall plot, its just that the characters from VI onwards are being challenged by the story in interesting ways and its fun sticking around with the group and see how they cope and eventually overcome.
Overworld is something very interesting and I actually want to make a thread about that topic. Because so many people say that, but what is the overworld in a FF game? Its basically a mostly empty map that connects all the towns and dungeons and makes the world more "real" and less like one big corridor after the next.
Honestly I think FFXV had the right idea. Make it big, make it look good, but dont actually put that much content in it. FF is not Skyrim. Overworlds were never about the content in it. Sure some hidden dungeons, some super bosses, but thats about it. Its mostly about making the world feel big and putting the towns into context. Put some interesting monster hunts in it, some hidden stuff but dont give me an Assasins creed style funpark. I kinda like how desolate the world was

However they need to make traversal more fun. Yes start of slow by walking so you realize how big it is, but dont wait tens of hours before the player gets a decent way of transportation.
For reference:
I dont think FF I-IV hold up by todays standards. V is still great because of its job system, though its too grindy because of it. The first good story came with VI. VII, IX and X are great imho for a variety of reasons and even though they all have problems, I hold them very dear in my heart. XII I didnt like because of its lack of good characters and the world was mostly sand desserts which felt boring after a while. XIII is just one eye roll after the other and XV has so much potential in terms of story, design, music and maybe even characters to be a good, if not great, that it boggles my mind how it turned out so bad.