Not an april's fools joke: The recent FIA meeting about the future of power units ended with the explicit goals of using simpler/cheaper engines with better noise and less "going easy on the engine" (last point is my translation of "allowing drivers to drive harder at all times")
Now they have to figure out HOW, and it won't happen until 2021. Stay tuned.
A return to the V8s would be nice for a start off

. But seriously, the main reason behind these engines being so quiet for the last 3/4(?) years is because they got
more efficient in how the IC within the engine is being harnessed and transferred into the wheels. I think it was a jump of high 20% to mid 50% or some crazy figure like that, hence why the engines were so loud as the heat energy was mostly turning into noise energy prior to these new hybrid engines.
I'd like the noise to return thank you very much, but they'll have to either ditch the hybrid engines or increase the revs for the engine and increase the no. of engines they can have for a season, as those engines will be lowing up like fireworks otherwise.