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Forspoken first hour of gameplay leaked


Gold Member
I dont know the budgets of any of these games, hell i dont even know if Kingdom Hearts 1 was a AAA game.
Disney license, some of the best graphics and CG of its time, Yoko Shimomura on fire…
Maybe KH wasn’t considered AAA at release because it was a new IP and FF was still Square’s best horse, but in retrospect, it absolutely was AAA.


Gold Member
Game feels emptier than Final Fantasy XV, that's a feat by itself.

Also, the acctres looks better in real life by a long shot. Bad job from Square Enix on her!

That's gorgeous! God damn Frey is nothing resemble the charisma of the actress.


Of course ResetEra are currently all crying over how racist this game is because the protagonist who's black begins the game in court...

Snowflake Dont You Say That GIF

The irony is they chose this character solely and explicitly to avoid this kind of criticism and controversy, specifically from westerners/western media. The original concept was Agni's Philisophy, a white Final Fantasy styled woman. Sony and the contracted western writing team are no doubt the parties responsible.

I thought Frey was Latino, but she is actually black?

Racial ambiguity is by design, it focus tests well.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I Wana know how this Frey has constant straight white girl hair if she is black.does she carry a straightener or did her race swap somewhere in devoplment and they forgot
I didn't know each race had their own hair styles lol.

That said, she's a race mix of white and black, so that might be it? Dunno.


Gold Member
The irony is they chose this character solely and explicitly to avoid this kind of criticism and controversy, specifically from westerners/western media. The original concept was Agni's Philisophy, a white Final Fantasy styled woman. Sony and the contracted western writing team are the parties responsible.

Racial ambiguity is by design, it focus tests well.
They contracted western writers for they story? Oh well..


Yeah this is 100% bad design.
The player character is way more faster than the enemies. For this to work the enemies should be as fast as the player or gigantic.

In other games like Souls and Dragon's Dogma your character usually is either the same speed or slower than the enemies, and even if you can run faster you usually have a stamina bar limiting your movement.
You can cheese the shit out of both games, you literally have an horse in elden ring that trivialize most fights where you can use it, and dogma is no different, you can poke with arrows and magic and stay away from the action.

In any open world game you can retreat in a safe zone and no IA is THAT aggressive or smart to follow you for a long time.

P.s. you have a stamina bar for the parkour run btw.

Ulysses 31

Do people really find it endearing to see that kind of sass from any protagonist in their movies/games? Only I can see it work is if it's part of her character arc where she becomes more humble and kind hearted in the end.
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The writing seems to be about as good as Velma 🤣...

But is anyone surprised. I know Amy hennigs name is attached to this but we all know the leading force would be ol Gary Whitta who has about as much personality as a clay pigeon




Do people really find it endearing to see that kind of sass from any protagonist in their movies/games? Only I can see it work is if it's part of her character arc where she becomes more humble and kind hearted in the end.
Thats where i expect her character development to go towards actually:

>Full of sass and kind of a cunt
>Gets full of herself cause she gets awesome powers
>Shit happens that humbles her (maybe she fails a mission and loses the power cuff or something)
>Has to struggle to overcome the problem and matures

Kind of predictable, hero's journey type of arc
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Do people really find it endearing to see that kind of sass from any protagonist in their movies/games?
I don't mind it in movies as much as in games. Games are way longer than movies and if it's the MC who's the sassy one then you'll have to suffer through that shit for way too long.

Guilty_AI Guilty_AI 's post is spot on imo, and I wouldn't be surprised if he just had spoiled Frey's whole character arc. :goog_relieved:
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It's funny how you guys are finally realizing this. I noticed in Resident Evil... at least in the small moments where she wasn't covered in blood or looking panicked.


ummm Resident Evil came out in 2022.
Charlies Angels and pretty much every photo in this thread is from before that.

We been here.
We been here!
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ummm Resident Evil came out in 2022.
Charlies Angels and pretty much every photo in this thread is from before that.

We been here.
We been here!
True. I would have mentioned the Charlie's Angels Reboot but I didn't want to lie about watching that movie. I knew she was in it but I've never seen it.
I don't mind it in movies as much as in games. Games are way longer than movies and if it's the MC who's the sassy one then you'll have to suffer through that shit for way too long...
found this to be equally true of ellie's obsessive anger in tlou2. it can work for a couple hours worth of movie. but for over a dozen in a game? it becomes exhausting, & eventually just plain boring...


Oh according to Era this is some big ploy from Square to show how they hate black people.

No black people invited (to their knowledge) to preview events

White people (ugh the worst) writing the script.

The black character having troubles with the law and swearing a lot

They're claiming all this and the supposed lack of diversity of FF16 shows that Square are nothing but seething racists.
Its almost like Reee is now known for this kind of bollocks that they just do it now to live up to it.
I mean i honestly cant believe people think like this, and are being serious about it.


Yeah this is 100% bad design.
The player character is way more faster than the enemies. For this to work the enemies should be as fast as the player or gigantic.

In other games like Souls and Dragon's Dogma your character usually is either the same speed or slower than the enemies, and even if you can run faster you usually have a stamina bar limiting your movement.
Now let me tell you that there's an option to make you dodge instantly

So you become invencible. Tried on the demo, and it soes just that. Combat becomes spamming magic.

But I admire the accessibility options


aka IMurRIVAL69
Oh according to Era this is some big ploy from Square to show how they hate black people.

No black people invited (to their knowledge) to preview events

White people (ugh the worst) writing the script.

The black character having troubles with the law and swearing a lot

They're claiming all this and the supposed lack of diversity of FF16 shows that Square are nothing but seething racists.

It’s never gonna be enough with that crowd.

“We want black representation from JP game makers… NOW!!”

“Okay, we will spend a fortune to make this happen”

“NOOOO not like that!”

I hope Square and Sony both learn a lesson when this inevitably flops.
  • Praise the Sun
Reactions: Fuz


Gold Member
The only thing I like about this game is the actor who plays the MC, who I would enjoy practicing procreation with. I can't wait for this thing to release so I stop seeing so much shit on it.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Played and enjoyed the demo. My pcs will be more than capable of running this just fine. Looking forward to running around and blasting stuff with cool magic stuff.


The demo completely soured me on this game -- everything from the world design to the combat system to the constant dialog were all major turn offs -- and what little I saw of this leak only shows me that their "the demo is an old build and not indicative of the final product" spin they put out after the demo was poorly received was a lie. Which comes as no shock whatsoever as we've been given that song and dance too many times before.

Like others have said, the only reason I can see this selling is because January is a slow month. I may still play it eventually, when it's inevitably down to $30-ish in a couple months.


ידע זה כוח
I just don't get why you have to find the cat first when the bag of cash is right there?! If they found her, why didn't they kill her? I mean, you are writing and creating this game, why would you make it so silly from the get go?

The whole opening doesn't make any sense. Seems like such a waste of resources, could've been better if you were flung into the fantasy world and had flashbacks into things that happened in the real world.
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Movement in both games is MUCH slower.
In this game the protagonist dashes like Spider-Man.

In Dragon's Dogma you're punished when the stamina depletes, putting you in a vulnerable state that makes the character unable to move and defend themselves for a few seconds.
Also, a lot of areas in Elden Ring prevent you from using the horse.

You're comparing apples to oranges.
This game was just badly designed. Squeenix clearly didn't give a damn when making this game.
Not that Squeenix makes quality games anymore, though.
You don't have to use the sprint that consume stamina to move around and get out of the way, very few enemies are that fast and aggressive to be on your neck all the time, and you have 3 pawns that lure enemies away from you all the time, you can definitely cheese.

And please, souls games are famous for all the cheese you can do in these games, you must have started playing yesterday if you are not aware of that, even way before the horse was a thing, that was just an example of their last game.

I'm glad that some devs still make games where you are nimble and super fast, this is basically fantasy infamous, even in those games enemy can't keep up with you like basically any game with super powers and fast movements, we don't really have many games with super fast traversal, sometimes you have to make compromises.
No offense but if you play like a retard with poking and going away all the time because you don't trust your dodging skill is really your problem, most players play the game normally because you can suck out the fun from most games with cheesing tacticts.

I played the demo for 3 hours and sometimes the game close you in an arena with enemy shooting magic everywhere so you are still fucked if you are not good at dodging if that make you feel better about the challenge.
It is a flaw don't get me wrong, but it is a flaw of basically 95% of games in a way or another.

Black_Stride Black_Stride made a list of games with supposedly great combat mechanics that can be cheesed, maybe you wanna take a look at that before we go even further on what make a combat system shit or not.
I didn't even tried 1\4 of what he say so he may be more expert than me on how to cheese games but i hardly ever had games where cheesing was impossible, even in games with super aggressive enemies, you always find a way if you want.
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Now let me tell you that there's an option to make you dodge instantly

So you become invencible. Tried on the demo, and it soes just that. Combat becomes spamming magic.

But I admire the accessibility options
Any game with decent accessibility options can make the game a complete cakewalk, what is your point?

You can play ragnarock on max difficulty and having one hell of a challenge or turn on all the help and transform the game in barbie operation ragnarock.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Black_Stride Black_Stride made a list of games with supposedly great combat mechanics that can be cheesed, maybe you wanna take a look at that before we go even further on what make a combat system shit or not.
I didn't even tried 1\4 of what he say so he may be more expert than me on how to cheese games but i hardly ever had games where cheesing was impossible, even in games with super aggressive enemies, you always find a way if you want.

In other games like Souls and Dragon's Dogma your character usually is either the same speed or slower than the enemies, and even if you can run faster you usually have a stamina bar limiting your movement.

Dragons Dogma?
One of my favorite games of all time.....when the sequel was announced I lost my shit, the hopeful man in me thought it was going to be a remake/remaster....a full on sequel.....sweet jesus.


I take it you never played the Mystic Knight?
Why run away when I can just get enchanted with whatever the enemy is weak too....if i even care ill be invincible in a second anyway...... stand still drop two orbs and/or two sigil, use my riposte and literally let the game play itself.

The Mystic Knight in Dragons Dogma was so broken and it was obviously broken cuz the game even told you mate if you mix these skills youll be OP.
It just didnt tell me I would literally never take damage for the rest of the game.
I ended up forcing myself not to use the Orbs/Sigil/Riposte unless I was in dire need just cuz it made every encounter too easy.
Bad Game Design™ obviously amarite...........cuz the devs knew this could happen and left it in.
Or were they giving me a choice to use that tactic rather than just close it off outright.
Cuz in Dark Arisen the tactic still works....they had a chance to patch it out but its a legit tactic.......there is no "right" way to play a game.
The devs give you the tools, you go ham.

Frey is faster than that enemy, so she can get in and get out super quick.....is that an interesting or even fun way to play....absolutely not atleast to me.
If the enemy agros and keeps following you the encounter gets broken, if their health regens you get Far Cry 2....and trust me you dont want Far Cry 2.
The devs didnt miss that Frey could hit and run that enemy, they know it can happen, they just dont see a need to force gamers into a fixed play style.

Cheesing is something that even organically shows up in most games, you just discover a way to make the game easy/boring and you yourself decide whether thats how you are gonna play.

A plethora of other great games have enemies like that.
Including Elden Ring, on Torrent you can hit and run so many enemies its a joke....the game actually gets boring and you are doing it just cuz you are grinding or tired of loosing, you arent actually having fun, at least I wasnt.
A bunch of Metroidvania games have it very possible to hit and run enemies who should be a challenge.

If i sit and actually think about all the cheese tactics ive discovered over the years, you guys would say game design is a dead end career cuz all these games are broken as shit.
But thats not the case, if someone wants to cheese their way through a game devs let them.
The Devil May Cry devs know you can replay stages over and over to farm orbs...it would be super easy to block that shit.
Just say after a stage is complete orbs farmed on subsequent playthroughs dont get added to your banked orbs.
But they left it in for every subsequent DMC game, they even commented on it and said, "its a viable strategy.....just a really boring one"....they understand that being too rigid in forcing gamers to play one way, will end up frustrating gamers more than anything.

It feels like you guys want to hate this game so you are being especially harsh to it, if the game aint for you it aint for you.
But hit and run tactics, snipe from afar, turtling all these cheese techniques have been RPG staples for years.

GAF sometimes makes me feel like people here dont actually like games, they just like to bitch about games.......maybe you guys need a new hobby?
Or maybe you are masochists and enjoy letting yourselves get worked up by games you have no intention of actually buying/playing?
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It’s never gonna be enough with that crowd.

“We want black representation from JP game makers… NOW!!”

“Okay, we will spend a fortune to make this happen”

“NOOOO not like that!”

I hope Square and Sony both learn a lesson when this inevitably flops.
Nobody asking for representation but good games.when you first think of tht then your already failing


Gold Member
The actress is hot as fuck IRL. Dear momma.

Shame the writers made her character obnoxious in the game but it's Gary Whitta (lol). This garbage is par for the course in modern entertainment. Everything has to be snarky zoomer cringe. Fuck tone, fuck subtlety, just jabber jabber jabber for hur hurs.

Hopefully that actress can land some quality roles in the future. Her batting average has been atrocious.


This is gonna be one of the biggest flops of the year (and probably a quick Game Pass candidate) - main character feels unlikeable, gameplay isn't anything special and the optimization will most likely be horrible which also means it will look shit on the current consoles.
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Swapping to JP audio will help, but the overworld will be vast empty spaces with some cut & paste generic enemy models way too far apart, just like FFXV.
This is gonna be one of the biggest flops of the year (and probably a quick Game Pass candidate) - main character feels unlikeable, gameplay isn't anything special and the optimization will most likely be horrible which also means it will look shit on the current consoles.

I doubt this even releases on xbox much less gamepass
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You can cheese the shit out of both games, you literally have an horse in elden ring that trivialize most fights where you can use it, and dogma is no different, you can poke with arrows and magic and stay away from the action.

In any open world game you can retreat in a safe zone and no IA is THAT aggressive or smart to follow you for a long time.

P.s. you have a stamina bar for the parkour run btw.
Souls and Dragon Dogma are dumb comparisons anyway, it's like saying spiderman is bad design because enemies aren't as mobile or large.
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